St. Mary’s Church, Haynes – PCC Meeting


Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 7.45pm in The Stable

Present: Mrs Valerie Oertel (Chair), Mrs Ann Adams, Mrs Jennifer Hayward (Churchwardens), Mr Nick Cullum, Mrs Jan Diffey, Mrs Julie Longbottom, Mrs Carol Watts, Mrs Elizabeth White, Mr Mike White


VO opened the meeting with prayer


Apologies: Revd Dean Henley, Mrs Sally Cripsey, Mr Warren Foot, Mrs Elisabeth Le Mesurier


The Minutes of Tuesday 15th January were signed as a correct record


Matters arising:

Rose Bush in memory of Jean Limbrey NC said that he and Connie and MW had met the family and it was agreed that the rose bush should be planted in the new rockery Connie has created by the bottom gate of the churchyard.

Smartwater Renewal NC had investigated and AA knew Clophill had ordered recently. NC has now ordered it at a cost of £50 and Mr Kinns will apply. Church Insurance number needed as this is the way the Smartwater will be registered as unique to St. Mary’s.

Electricity Smart Meter JL to investigate in the coming week.                      Action: JL

Car Park Security EW had spoken to Bridget Cuffolo of Science of the Soul. She said that they could not extend their system or offer us specific advice, but they had no objection to us installing lighting or cameras in the car park (their property). NC said he had spoken to Steve (Silver End Rd) and had e-mailed Steve Collin and Kevin Gourlay but had not heard back.

VO said people need to look at the car park and advise as to what might work. EW commented that the fly tipping problem seemed to be much better in recent weeks.                                                                                                                               Action: ongoing

Lectern Step: NC took advice from Dave Rostrum re the step and it was easier to lower the lectern. This has been done and all agreed it was much better in every way and no longer a safety hazard. NC to pass on thanks to Dave Rostrum and EW to write letter of thanks on behalf of the PCC.                  Action: EW

PA System NC had taken advice about a new PA system but the main problem with ‘feedback’ was the Intercessions microphone. Since this is no longer in use the situation is much better. MW said the Vicar’s lapel mike should be replaced and all taking services should wear a lapel mike. NC to continue to look at options for a new PA system including hearing loop in due course.

Signpost to church JD had photo taken of sign to ‘Parish Church’ at Southill and she suggested that we could put one up ourselves as the Council had closed the case. Members view was that this could not be done without official authority. JD thanked for all her work on this and AA will ensure that the Parish Council take this up                        Action: AA


Chairman’s Report: No report in absence of DH


Churchwardens’ Report: Quinquennial Report: JH had been in touch with David Llewelyn several times about the issue of the Quinquennial Report. He had hoped to complete it by the end of February, then by the PCC meeting but we are still awaiting it. He gave JH the main points being:

Externally a number of minor maintenance repairs, a bit of high level stonework and low level dampness leading to decoration problems in the chancel. This is most significant in the Tower.

AA said that a pool of water had been discovered recently near to the north window by the Music Group – Mr Kinns will investigate when he clears the gutters and applies the Smartwater.

AA also said that at a recent funeral the West Door could not be opened. MW will investigate.

MW also said that the north door should always be open before funerals etc for wheelchair access.                    Action: MW


AA also said that she and JH had attended a Safeguarding course at Bedford. She has written details of this (to be kept with the PCC formal Minutes) but one of the main points was that servers, vergers, refreshment helpers, flower arrangers, sides persons and anyone on the church rota need a DBS check. She then said that it was at the discretion of each PCC to decide whether this was necessary. The PCC of St. Mary’s Haynes unanimously agreed that the checks for this group were not necessary.

A poster about Safeguarding (sent to all PCC members) must be displayed in church. This must have contact details of local, known people who can be contacted. It was agreed that the contact details should be of DH and AA as well as our Safeguarding Officer Action: AA


Treasurer’s Report: JL spoke to the accounts to 11.3.19 already circulated. She has had difficulty in getting in all the advert money from the Magazine despite chasing it up.

NC agreed to chase                                                                                         Action: NC

JL said that the accounts are quite healthy and no specific concerns. She was thanked for her hard work

JL has not been able to get the 2018 accounts for auditing yet but will do so soon.

EW said we would need to have an Extraordinary PCC Meeting before the APCM to formally approve the accounts. This was agreed for after the service on Sunday 14th April and JL will circulate the accounts to PCC members before this date              Action: JL


Arrangements for APCM – Tuesday 23rd April- time, venue, reports etc

EW asked for the time and venue to be agreed so that a notice could be put in the Parish Magazine. The PCC agreed this should be 7.30 pm at the Stable and EW to put in magazine.

EW asked if possible if she could receive written reports beforehand – Chairman’s, Churchwardens’ (including building and fabric) Treasurer’s, Electoral Roll Officer.

Nomination forms for Churchwardens, PCC, and Deanery Synod Rep will be available in church from the beginning of April.             Action: EW


Serious Incident Reporting: Deferred as DH not present but all had received information. Safeguarding discussed as above.


Fundraising and Future Events:

Ceilidh – 2nd March – This raised £878 and was very successful, 111 tickets having been sold. Nick and Connie thanked for a very good evening. 2020 Ceilidh to be 7th March

Ukulele evening in 2019 to be October 26th

Jumble Sale – April 13th – AA asked for helpers but same day as first Churchyard Working Party

Church Teas – AM and GM have leaders for each of the 8 Sundays in July and August and these people will organise their own teams. GM to hold a meeting of team leaders in May

Wildlife Talk – AA said Dave Parsons will give this talk in September. He has asked if he can hold the raffle in aid of his grandson who is going to Peru.


AOB: AA said that she had been contacted by Richard Boucher from Ampthill from the Historic Churches and Monuments Society and he would like to bring a group of around 15 to visit the church on Thursday 21st March and wondered if anyone would be able to give a talk on the church. MW agreed to meet them and give a talk and EW will provide coffee.                                                                                      Action: MW


MW said that the potholes on the road to the church had been filled this week following a written request to the Council from EW.


The meeting closed at 8.55pm with The Grace.


VO was thanked for chairing the meeting.


APCM Tuesday 23rd April at 7.30pm in The Stable.