Present:       Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Warren Foot, Jenny Hayward, Denise Johnston, Carol Watts, John Hayward

Absent: Lynda Parsons

Minute Taker: Charlotte Foot

APOLOGIES: Ann Adams, Caren Topley, Julie Longbottom


MINUTES OF LAST MEETING AGREED: Minutes have been circulated by email. Approved by all.


MATTERS ARISING: WF asked if Caren had circulated the Covid guidance which was an action from last meeting. JH and CW confirmed she had and was on the website.

Referring to item 2 of AOB from last meeting WF indicated that Caren requested for Clergy well-being, Living in Love and Faith and Church Eco Climate to be added as regular agenda items. These items have not been included in the agenda but will be covered under AOB but going forwarded will form part of the regular agenda. Action: Ann to include: Clergy and Well Being, Living in love and faith and Eco Climate Church to be included as regular agenda items.


CHURCHWARDENS REPORT: JH reported on the Bike and Hike event on 11th September which raised £125. JH on behalf of herself and Ann wanted to thank Patsy for her contribution doing services during the period of interregnum and a gift has been sent to her. WF asked if stable bookings are chargeable and JH confirmed they were. Justgiving card reader – Kevin Gray from Clifton has installed this. All that is needed is to get a sim card. It has been placed in the church and once up and running people will be able to make contactless payment donations. SC commented that we should check the gift aid situation with using the card reader donations. Gift aid is easier to do when donating online. Are gift aid options possible with the card reader? Action: To check the gift aid situation when donations are made using the card readers.

Question raised as to whether Justgiving will be taking an admin fee from any online donations. It was agreed that checks should be made of the terms and conditions of using Justgiving to avoid incurring unwanted admin fees. Action: To check whether Justgiving will be taking any admin fee from donations that people make.

There is a meeting with the archdeacon and treasurer where report on parish share will be discussed. Thereafter the PCC will be able to discuss and clarify what we will be asked to pay in terms of our parish share contribution.  Pattern of services covered in JH report. All services at St. Mary’s will start at 9:30 am. For services in mission hall on third Sunday of the month - Val Oertel and JH will go and set up on Saturday before Sunday’s service. The Praise Service needs some revision in order to modernise.


TREASURERS REPORT: JL had circulated report prior to meeting along with current breakdown of parish share. In the context of the parish share, Warren noted that Balance sheet is nearly £8,500 better than last year. Although income has dropped, outgoings have dropped too which has resulted in a stronger cash position reflected on the balance sheet.


DEANERY SYNOD REPORT: Carol reported that elections are taking place for the General Synod – voting takes place from Friday. If anyone is interested in more details about the candidates, contact Carol. Thanks were extended to Carol for her work.


MAGAZINE SUBS: Update in Churchwarden’s report circulated prior to meeting.


MAGAZINE ADVERTISERS: Nick reported on advertising. Fees are being collected in now for advertising revenue. Some money has come in but he is still contacting people to chase for the advertising fees. Hopefully this will be finalised soon.


PARISH SHARE: See Church Warden’s report.


PATTERN OF SERVICES FOR OCTOBER 2021: See Church Warden’s report.


SAFEGUARDING: No issues. JH reported that the Safeguarding Officer at Clifton was introduced to her and they will have discussions about what is the simplest way forward with appointing a new Safeguarding Officer for the benefice.


FUTURE EVENTS: Nick reported on the Ukulele Evening which is planned for the 23rd October in the village hall. Nick will monitor Covid guidelines nearer the time and take any action that is required. The Ceilidh is still planned for the 1st week in March 2022.





1. Clergy wellbeing – Nothing to discuss

2. Living in love and faith - Reminder from JH to visit the website and learn a little bit more about this.

3. Eco Climate Church - St. Marys had their Climate Sunday Service a couple of weeks ago.

4. Communion: DJ suggested that the church look into alternative ways of administering the wine at services. There are obviously hygiene issues in the way wine used to be given out during communion as a result of Covid so DJ suggested that the parish look at other ways in which parishioners could take sacramental wine for example in individual cups that people could provide themselves. SC advised that the current diocese guidelines does not permit receiving wine at all at current services and that the celebrant takes the wine on behalf of all the congregation. However, it was agreed that this item should be added to the next agenda. If guidelines change in the future, we need to think about how we can move forward with this important part of communion.  Action: Communion wine to be included as an item on next agenda.

5. Holly tree: DJ reported that there is a holly tree in the churchyard that she feels needs removal. The holly tree near the wall has been the subject of disagreement whereby it was agreed by the Working Party that it should be removed in order to repair the wall. However, this became contentious and others felt that the holly tree should remain. As a result, repair of the wall was abandoned. Could this be revisited as this area is very messy and the holly tree roots are causing damage. Removing the holly tree will mean Graham can rebuild wall. Action: This item will be added to the next agenda for discussion.


DATE OF NEXT MEETING:   Tuesday 9th November 2021 

Warren closed the meeting with prayers