Present: Warren Foot (Chair), Ann Adams Jenny Hayward (Churchwardens), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Jan Diffey, Amy Johnston, Julie Longbottom, Valerie Oertel, Carol Watts, Liz White
WF opened the meeting with prayer
There were no apologies
The Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday 10th November 2020 were accepted as a correct record and signed by EW owing to the circumstances of the pandemic.
Churchwardens’ Report: AA spoke to her report which had been circulated to all.
There will be no further update on our parish position and potential reorganisation until after 19th January (date of Deanery Synod).
SC added to AA’s report to say that a form of Messy Church, now called Youth Stars had been started on Zoom each month.
Treasurer’s Report: JL spoke to the draft accounts up to Dec 31st which had been previously circulated. She emphasised that these were draft accounts and there would be some minor amendments to them e.g. adjustments to Investment Shares. Our income for 2020 was down between 25-30% as expected, but our expenditure was also down still leaving a surplus of approximately £4,500 providing an adequate buffer in case of any large unforeseen expenses. JL commented that we had not made any charitable donations from the accounts in 2020 – SC said that the church had given approx. £500 to Food Banks and money to Keech Hospice but these had not gone through the accounts.
WF raised the review of the Parish Share. EW proposed that we continue to pay at the reduced rate of half with this being reviewed at each meeting. All in agreement.
NC raised with JL whether the latest oil bill had been paid and JL confirmed this had been done.
JL was thanked for her very clear accounts and all the hard work behind them.
Deanery Synod Report: CW said there was no report as the next Deanery Synod Meeting is on 19th January when a decision will be taken on the Deanery proposals. She had circulated many documents to PCC members. WF urged members to read all the reports and let CW have any feedback by Sunday 17th .
Zoom Services – AA had covered the details of these in her written Churchwardens’ Report above but said that on average 36 people ‘attended’ with many from Clophill attending. AA sends out written sheets to all those unable to access the services which have been greatly appreciated. SC said that Robin from Clifton will preach on Sunday and Martin Randall from Clophill has already given one message and will preach again – SC said that this ensures that other ‘qualified’ people give the message. JD said that AA and SC should not worry at all about that as they both ensured that a full message and proper fellowship were given each week and she expressed appreciation from everyone. WF said how heartening the increase in numbers was each week. SC said that it was a team effort and thanks should also go to the musicians, Denise and Nick and to Warren and Charlotte for all their technological expertise.
Church services – review and consideration of Bishop’s Letter
AA had also covered these in her written report but the last Church service was on Christmas Day, taken by Caren Topley, with 21 attendees. The service to be held on Sunday 3rd January had been cancelled due to the worsening pandemic situation.
AA said she had received a letter from the Bishop asking us to consider whether or not to suspend public worship which had been circulated to all members. After discussion, WF proposed and JH seconded (all were in agreement) the following resolution:
‘The PCC resolves that in the light of the present pandemic and the safety issues involved in public worship, that worship in person in St. Mary’s be suspended until reviewed at the next PCC meeting on 8th March’
WF raised the issue of Holy Week and Easter services. AA said still too early to see whether these could take place but AA and SC will liaise with WF re possible Zoom alternatives.
Magazine Delivery and Collection of Subscriptions:
Alan Morgan had sent a list of questions on this topic to AA for the PCC’s consideration – this note had been circulated to all. Alan Morgan had indicated to AA shortly before the meeting that he was not prepared to distribute the magazines to deliverers as in his view this contravened the government’s guidelines.
EW said that she would be prepared to deliver the magazine as it contained useful information for villagers and was of great community value. Collection of subscriptions could be delayed.
NC thought we should deliver and believed that the benefits of receiving it outweighed any of the anxieties of doing so
VO commented that she believed that delivering the magazines would count as the daily exercise that we were all encouraged to do.
WF said that he appreciated all the above but that deliveries were for key workers only and that delivering magazines could not be seen as daily exercise. He said that we must consider our legal position and it is our duty as a committee to uphold the law and that neither distributing the magazines to deliverers, or delivering the magazine are acceptable within the present government instructions. He gave the example that if one of the deliverers unknowingly had Covid, the outcome could be very bad.
In the light of the above, the decision was taken (although no vote was held) not to print the February issue and AA to inform Alan Morgan and Sarah Lomax of this decision.
Arrangements for APCM 2021. EW said that she had heard from the Diocesan Secretary that this year’s APCM must be held by May 31st. A provisional date for this was arranged for Tuesday 18th May
Correspondence: None
AOB: EW said that the Parish Council had kindly agreed a request for £800 towards the upkeep of the Churchyard and they were thanked for this grant
At this point the Zoom call ended. A few members regrouped to say The Grace and the meeting ended at 8.15pm.
Next Meeting on Monday 8th March at 7.30pm. APCM on Tuesday 18th May.