Present: Ann Adams (Chair and Churchwarden), Jenny Hayward (Churchwarden), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Jan Diffey, Valerie Oertel, Carol Watts, Liz White


AA opened the meeting with prayers for the soul of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen and the Royal Family, and for guidance for the meeting


Apologies: Julie Longbottom, Amy Johnston


The Minutes of the meeting of Monday 8th March were accepted as a true record after the amendment of ‘Caren Topley is hoping to offer 2 services a month (not week) to Haynes in the new benefice. Signed by EW as secretary owing to the circumstances of the pandemic.


Matters arising:

Magazine delivery and Subscriptions – NC, AA and EW all commented this is going smoothly. Collectors will be able to check online payments when JL next sends an update from the bank statement


Church Lighting: AA said this is on hold at present as many staff are not working in the Diocesan Office


Churchyard Extension and Burial Ground: AA said it was not clear whether ‘conditions had been met’ for planning permission and further advice to be sought. There was some confusion over these conditions and NC, VO and CW asked for clarification. EW said if there was any problem at all about cutting into the bank we should use the new extension as it stands. AA said it was not clear whether any planning conditions had been met for the new land. May leave any decisions until a new Vicar appointed.


Church Zoom Account: AA confirmed that this is now a paid and unlimited account (time -wise) Can be used for any church meetings.


Churchwardens’ Report: Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report: JL had sent the slightly revised and audited 2020 accounts to all members. EW proposed and JH seconded the following resolution and all were in agreement

‘The PCC formally agrees and adopts the audited 2020 accounts’

JL was thanked in her absence for preparing the very clear accounts and thanks passed to Evlyn Forgie for auditing the accounts.

JL had also passed on to members the current state of accounts (March 2021) and in line with the PCC’s decision to review the payment of the Parish Share at each meeting, it was agreed to continue paying a half share.


Deanery Synod Report: CW had circulated the Minutes of the last meeting (received with thanks) so no report necessary.


Arrangements for APCM: To be held via Zoom on Tuesday 18th May at 7.30pm

Has already been advertised on pew notices, magazine and website. EW will write notices for the village notice boards.

Those who cannot access Zoom may ask for paper copies of reports.

EW asked that all reports to be sent to her by 11th May for circulation.

Nomination forms for CW and PCC can either be completed as a paper copy or names and proposer and seconder to be given to EW for transfer to a form for later signature.

Electoral Roll now stands at 49 (Mo Smith has died) so 6 vacancies on PCC in addition to the 2 Churchwardens and Deanery Synod representative. Several members indicated that they were not standing this year – VO, AJ, JD, EW – members urged to ask new people to join the PCC. VO asked if there were regular attendees of the Zoom services who would be prepared to stand for election to the PCC. EW said that all PCC members must be on the Electoral Roll. Electoral Roll names and notice of APCM are on the church notice board and any changes need to be made by April 20th.

EW and JH had attended an online course about APCM meetings. At this meeting it was stated that a Churchwarden’s term of office is 6 years and if the PCC wished it to be longer a resolution should be passed to this effect.

The following resolution was proposed by SC and seconded by VO-all in agreement -

‘The PCC resolves that in the event of the same Churchwardens being re-elected, the PCC is content that the 6 year rule of tenure need not apply’.

There was discussion about resuming meetings in person – CW commented that these were to be encouraged after May 2021.


Mission Hall – request for tree pruning AA explained she had been given a bill by the Friends of the Mission Hall for the cost of pruning Mission Hall trees overhanging a neighbours’ property. The lease had been copied and sent to all PCC members and E LeM had been consulted and she said the cost is the responsibility of the lessee (Friends of the Mission Hall) VO agreed with this. AA said that some of these members (FMH) thought the Church was responsible and they were seeking legal advice. AA to follow up.


Church Services and Zoom Services – AA had circulated a list of all the planned churches services until July and Patsy was thanked for agreeing to conduct so many of these. It is hoped to have a Communion service on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. A baptism has been booked for 4th July – Andrew and Charlotte Phillips’ granddaughter.

Zoom services to continue – they attract large congregations and AA and SC thanked for all their hard work


Fundraising – possibility of producing a calendar JD asked if the PCC would be in agreement with the idea of producing a Haynes calendar for 2022 with local and church scenes. All in agreement and it was suggested that Dave Parsons might have wildlife photos, there are excellent photos of the Crib under the altar and Betty Roberts son has taken excellent aerial shots of the churchyard. JD said that the project would need sponsorship and if it was to be ready for 2022, it would all need to be in place soon. JD to progress this.


Safeguarding SC asked that this item be on every agenda. No issues were highlighted. There was a discussion about which members had completed the compulsory Basic Training Module


Correspondence EW had received and read out a very kind letter to the PCC from Roger French, Chair of the Trustees of Science of the Soul thanking them for their written support for their new proposed Meeting Room which was granted planning permission on Wednesday 7th April


Fundraising: NC said that he has rebooked the cancelled Ceilidh from 2020 to early March 2022, and the cancelled Ukulele evening rebooked in October 2022 – this may be in the Village Hall.


AOB: none


The meeting finished with The Grace at 8.30pm


Next Meeting: Zoom APCM on Tuesday 18th May at 7.30pm – note church log in details as for services