Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 at 7.45pm in the Stable
Present: Revd Dean Henley (Chair), Ann Adams, Jennifer Hayward (Churchwardens), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Jan Diffey, Warren Foot, Amy Johnston, Valerie Oertel, Carol Watts, Elizabeth White, Michael White
DH opened the meeting with prayers for the world, its peoples, our country and for guidance for the PCC meeting this evening.
Apologies: Julie Longbottom, Elisabeth Le Mesurier
The Minutes of Tuesday 16th July were signed as a correct record.
Matters arising:
Hole from Boiler House to church: MW said this was in hand and the plan is to stop up the hole with fire pillows.
Nellie Rault’s Grave: This has been beautifully restored. Thanks are due to the anonymous benefactor
Safeguarding policy in Mission Hall: DH has not put poster in Mission Hall, but, as Dean is retiring and Claire Dan is taking over from Kathy Taylor as our new Safeguarding Officer, EW to ask Maggie for 4 up to date posters for display. Action: EW/AA
Mission Action Plan: ongoing by AA. Action: AA
Historic Tiles missing from floor in Lady Chapel: AA said that the missing tile was in a drawer in the vestry. Will need specialist repair. DH suggested we seek advice on this from the DAC. AA to contact. Action: AA
Chairman’s Report: DH said this was his last meeting of Haynes PCC after 13 years and it was a great privilege to have served the church, the people of Haynes, the PCC and the congregation of St. Mary’s. The PCC thanked Dean for his service and said how much he would be missed (more below in the Churchwarden’s Report)
Churchwardens’ Report: AA gave the following report:
As you may know we had our annual inspection in August and have now received a report from the Rural Dean, Lynda Klimas, and for the first time have also received a letter regarding the report from the Archdeacon. Action is needed on following:
Churchyard Burial Plan: plot numbers need to be recorded in the burial register. Jenny and I plan to go through the register and bring this up to date. I have also spoken to the Archdeacon’s PA who has given me details of some software that I think will help us produce a plan on line.
DH commented that it was important that paper copies were kept even if plan produced on line. Action AA/JH
Contract for Parish Administrator: The benefice needs to have a contract for the Parish Administrator. The Archdeacon’s PA has sent us a copy that we can amend for our needs. This can be done at the next Churchwardens meeting in October. Action; AA/JH
Downpipe overflowing: There is a downpipe that needs attention as water comes over the sides.
Mr Kinns has been this month and cleaned the gutters – there were no other problems.
Church Roof Lights : We can no longer get bulbs to replace the bulbs out in the roof of the church, so we will need new fittings. Each time this happens Peter Morgan needs to hire a tower so it can be costly. We asked Peter to give us an estimate to replace all the nave ceiling lights with LEDs – he thought this was the best option. The estimate is £1,499.10 including VAT. With LEDs we would never need to change the lights again. They would not be the yellow light we have now but it would be a warm white light. Replacing these lights should be a decision for the PCC
Discussion ensued and the decision was taken that warm white LEDS should be installed. EW was concerned that the tone of the lights should not be too harsh. DH said a Faculty would need to be obtained for this work and this could probably now be completed on line
The following resolution was proposed by DH and seconded by VO and passed unanimously
‘The PCC of St. Mary’s, Haynes, resolves to apply for a Faculty, if necessary, to replace light fittings and mode of lighting in the nave of the church, and recommends that the usual electrician does the work at a cost of £1499.10p’
AA to talk to Archdeacon and apply for a Faculty if necessary and contact Peter Morgan Action: AA
The immersion heater in the Stable is not working and I have asked Paul Allen to look at it. It is the original heater and it may need a new tank.
MW said that hot water works when central heating is on and VO said there was no real problem washing up using kettles at a recent event. No further action required at present.
Tribute to Dean
As this will be the last PCC meeting with Dean I would like to thank him for all he has done for us during his 12 years with us. Dean, your love of God and of others shines through in all you do and we have been privileged to have you as our Rector. As Lou said on Sunday, your sermons are inspirational and thought provoking and you have a very special gift of communicating with people of all ages. It’s going to be difficult to find someone to follow you. As Chair of the PCC you have kept us focused and on track but have also provided light moments with your humour. I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say we have enjoyed working with you and are so sad to see you go. We know you will have some hard times ahead of you when looking after your parents but we hope you will also find some time for yourself.
Don’t forget whenever you are anywhere near Haynes there will always be many homes to welcome you in for a cup of tea and chocolate biscuits. God bless you Dean.
All PCC members wholeheartedly agreed with Ann and applauded Dean for his love and service.
Treasurer’s Report: JL had given her apologies but had circulated interim accounts to all the PCC.
JL was thanked in her absence for her very clear accounts. DH said that JL should be made aware that a large bill of £1500 was likely because of the lighting works. Action: EW
Deanery Synod: DH said that E Le M had agreed to resign from the Deanery Synod to allow the PCC to appoint a second Deanery Synod member. E Le M was thanked in her absence for her long and faithful service to the Deanery Synod over many years. It was agreed that E Le M be co-opted on the PCC so that she was kept fully informed. VO expressed a willingness to serve as a Deanery Synod representative.
SC proposed and EW seconded the appointment of Valerie Oertel as our second Deanery Synod member (Carol Watts already appointed to the Deanery Synod)
Consultation re Ampthill and Shefford Deanery Changes
PCC members content that the document be sent to Rural Dean and thanked EW. SC suggested that we add Praise and Thanksgiving Services and the Music Group to the document together with emphasising the services and events we undertake together as a Benefice - 5th Sunday service, Ash Wednesday, Easter Eve, services in Holy Week etc
EW to make these changes and send document to Lynda Klimas. DH suggested it should also be sent to the Archdeacon and Bishop. Action: EW
Church Lighting works; under Churchwardens’ Report above
Reserved Grave Space – Alan and Gill Morgan
Alan and Gill Morgan had written to say they wished to reserve a double depth plot in the original churchyard and requested that the PCC pass a resolution to this effect. The PCC were content to grant permission and the following resolution was proposed by Valerie Oertel, seconded by Warren Foot and passed unanimously
‘The PCC notes the request of Alan and Gill Morgan to reserve a double depth plot in the original churchyard and resolves to support their application to the chancellor of the Diocese’
The PCC discussed the issues around the reservation of grave spaces and agreed that they may need to provide guidelines for future use.
Church Teas 2019 and 2020
The Church Teas had been extremely successful, both in attendance and monetary terms this year, over £3000 having been raised. Huge thanks were given to Gill and Alan Morgan for all their hard work and organisation. The PCC agreed that Church Teas should be organised again in 2020 if Gill and Alan were prepared to continue organising.
Teas for Tractor Rally 21st 22nd September St Mary’s is no longer doing these this year, as other outlets at the Rally serve teas, it is an unknown, and many church members on holiday. JD and AA will visit this year to assess the viability of serving teas in the future.
Services during the interregnum:
AA gave the following report in the Churchwardens’ Report:
We in Haynes have all our Communion services covered to the end of March 2020 with the exception of one in November. We are still trying to find someone to take this service. Non communion services will be covered by Sally or the Churchwardens to save money. We will send you all a copy of these services and who will be leading them in due course. Bishop Richard will be taking the service in the Mission Hall on January 26th and the Archdeacon will be taking the service on 2nd February. Paul Langham is also happy to return to Haynes to take some services as he did in the last interregnum.
AA was thanked for all her efforts and achievement in providing cover for all these services.
Fundraising and Future events: Ukulele Evening October 26th. Ceilidh 7th March 2020
Correspondence: EW read out a letter from Tim Wilson (Big Conversation Enabler) about the new initiative ‘Growing Younger’ to encourage those in the ‘lost middle years’ to attend church
EW to forward this to all PCC members.
AOB: VO asked if it was the PCC’s wish that she should chair PCC meetings in the interregnum.
The PCC were most happy that she should do so.
DH was thanked again for all his work and service by the PCC – we will miss him!
DH closed the meeting with The Grace
The meeting ended at 9.00pm
Next PCC Meeting: Tuesday 12th November at 7.45pm in the Stable