Present: Ann Adams, Jenny Hayward (Churchwardens), Sally Cripsey, Nick Cullum, Jan Diffey, Warren Foot, Julie Longbottom, Carol Watts, Liz White

AA opened the meeting with prayers for guidance in our discussions

There were no apologies


Election of Officers

Chair:   EW nominated Warren Foot for this position, seconded by Sally Cripsey.  WF was elected unanimously.

SC wished to thank Valerie for her service as Chair both during the interregnum and on the occasions when Dean was unable to be present. Huge thanks from all the PCC members to VO

Secretary: SC nominated Liz White, seconded by AA. Elected unanimously.  EW happy to serve until next APCM but will not stand for PCC again

Treasurer: WF proposed Julie Longbottom, seconded by JH. Elected unanimously.  JL stated she was willing to stand for this year but family commitments mean she will not seek further re election.

Warren Foot took over as Chair at this point


Minutes of Zoom PCC Meeting of Tuesday 15th September

These were agreed to be a true record and were signed by the Secretary in light of current restrictions.


Matters arising:

Parish Share payments – moved to Treasurer’s report


Magazine Subscriptions: AA said a note had been put in the Parish magazine regarding new subscriptions due from Feb 2021. EW and JL asked if an addition could be made so that anyone paying by bank transfer puts their name and abbreviated address as reference on payment.

NC said that by moving the magazine subs to Feb it would keep it all within the financial year for the church but the subs could be collected in March if more convenient for deliverer.

Suggested collectors put envelope through each door requesting money to be paid to collector or collector to be notified if person paying by bank transfer. JL happy to notify all collectors of money paid through bank but she will need list of collectors and their e-mail addresses.

Church Website Giving Page: AA to ask other churches what sites they use before a decision made

Seat in memory of Toby Parsons:

AA said this is now placed in the churchyard and is already being well used. Andy Davies has also purchased and planted a Holm Oak in the churchyard.

EW had passed on to the PCC a lovely touching note and photographs from Lynda thanking the church family for all their love and support after the death of Toby.

Co-option of PCC Member

Amy Johnston co-opted with unanimous support as a PCC member. Amy only able to attend if PCC meetings not always held on a Tuesday.


Date and times of PCC meetings

Wednesday 13th January 2021 at 7.30pm

Monday 8th March 2021 at 7.30pm

Not sure at this stage whether APCM will be in April or later

Brief discussion about whether these could be earlier in the day but this not feasible with people working


Deanery Synod update – CW said that the DS planned for Wednesday 4th November had been cancelled as more time was needed for discussion on the Deanery Review.  Next meeting will be towards the end of January 2021.  David Payne has been appointed to the Silsoe Benefice


Churchwardens Report: AA said there was nothing to report re update on the Benefice

Last Communion Service taken by Bishop went very well. WF commented how good it was to take Communion and to leave by the North door and see the glorious view.

AA said the Zoom services were going very well – 9 new people had come to the All Soul’s Service and 5 of these also came to the Remembrance Zoom last Sunday.

AA and SC said they are planning Christmas Zoom services (Christingle, Crib, Carol Service) and Bishop has given ideas for Stir Up Sunday – but if restrictions ease it may be possible to hold services in church

AA and SC thanked for all their efforts in providing varied Zoom services each week.

AA said that Lynda Parsons is drawing up a detailed graveyard plan with photographs – thanks to Lynda

PAT testing and fire hydrant checking due for both Church and Stable. AA will make sure this happens well before the church is used if restrictions ease.


Treasurer’s Report: JL spoke to her accounts to end of October which had already been circulated. She said income was down approx. £1500 on this time last year because no fundraising income, income from magazines down and no money from fees.

Expenditure also down and there had been no major repairs.

JL said situation not too bad but she would like to keep some money back in case of unexpected bills. WF proposed that we keep paying Parish Share at reduced rate at present and review this at every PCC. All in agreement.

JL asked re payments to Benefice Office – still paying telephone and Broadband.

AA to look into this and let JL know                                                 Action: AA

JL said she had received a bill for the alarm at Rectory -AA advised her to send it to the Diocese (Ian)

JL was thanked for all her hard work in producing such clear accounts


AOB: EW said that Brian Oertel had said that there will be a short socially distanced commemoration for Remembrance Day at 11am tomorrow


The meeting ended with The Grace at 8.25pm

Next PCC meeting on Wednesday 13th January 2021 at 7.30pm