We seek to be a welcoming church which shows and shares God's love with all.


Previous Events


Ceilidh band at Haynes  The Ceilidh on the 9th March 2024 was a great success, good music, good food and good fun had by all.  We made over £600.00 for church funds, thanks to Nick and Connie for organising.
 We would like to thank everyone who supported our Afternoon Teas at St Mary's in July, we raised £1,306.14 for church funds.         Tea Pot
Jumble Sale Our Jumble Sale on the 27th April 2023 was also well supported.   A big thank you to all who gave us jumble and those who came to buy, we made over £700 for church funds.
 A big thank you to everyone who was involved in the Ukulele Night on the 28th October, whether that was organising, playing or coming to listen and to enjoy the fish ‘n chip supper. We raised a grand total of £785. Well done everybody, but especially Nick and Connie for all their hard work. BURP