Frequently Asked Questions

How many people can attend a course?
This will depend on the room size and facilities of the organisation and what type of training is required. All rooms must meet relevant health and safety standards. Each course has a minimum of one person and a maximum of 20 (schools are different). If you require training for larger groups then this can be accommodated with more trainers. 

Can the training be mixed gender?
Yes. Training can take part in mixed groups or as separate genders. Cultural and gender base issues are always treated in a sensitive and professional manner.

What is the age range?
The age range can start as young as 8. We split our groups into 8-12, 12 and over.

Do we have to come to you?
No. All training takes place on-site at a venue of your choice.  This ensures that anyone that wishes to take part can feel safe and familiar with the environment.

What do we need to provide?
Other then the training venue, nothing! We provide all equipment, trainer and training materials (if applicable).

Are trainers qualified to work with children and vulnerable adults?
All trainers will have enhanced Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks to work with these groups including the relevant training and experience.

And finally, what about cost?
This will depend on the location and number of participants.  Costs are given on application by sending an email to

You can book your Training Courses online using Paypal.

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