
45th Annual Show
The schedule for the 45th Annual Show is now available - please see the Annual Show page for further details including a link to the schedule with a full list of classes.
44th Annual Show
We had a successful 44th annual show, with a wonderful selection of entries - photos of some of the entries can seen in the "September 2023 Annual Show Album". Please see the "annual show cup winners" for a list of the cup winners and winners of the longest runner bean and heaviest marrow.
Kent Trip 2023
Photo's from the Society trip to Kent can be found on the "Kent Trip 2023" photo album. The gardens were beautiful and the weather good enough to enjoy an ice cream!
43rd Annual Show
Or 43rd Annual Show took place on Saturday 3rd September 2022 in the Prestwood Village Hall. Please see the Annual Show page for a list of winners and the local businesses that supported the show. A selection of photos are available on the September 2022 Annual Show Album.
Norfolk Trip 2022
The Norfolk trip was a huge success, we were lucky with the weather and visited 7 gardens in 4 days including Sandringham. The gardens were in full bloom and looked wonderful, a few photos from the trip can be found on the "Norfolk Trip 2022" photo album.
Return to the Village Hall

From Thursday 10th February 2022 we plan to hold our monthly meetings in the Village Hall at 8 p.m.

We politely request that everyone wears a mask on entering or moving around the hall but can remove their mask once seated. In addition we will require all attendees to provide their name and telephone number as they arrive. Chairs will be well spaced for safety. 


Facebook page

Prestwood Gardening has a Facebook page if you would like to share your gardening tips, photos and chat with fellow green-fingered peoplePrestwood Gardening "