Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities at Maldon Museum in the Park


As Maldon Museum in the Park is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. As such, any qualifications and/or previous experience gained from working in a museum environment is welcomed but is not essential when applying for a role. The only qualification we want to see is enthusiasm! All enquiries to be emailed to enquiries@maldonmuseum.org.uk


Front of House Stewards - These volunteers are the bedrock of the Museum. Working in a pair, they open and close the museum on the days we're open, meet and greet our visitors on the door, handle monetry exchanges through our shop sales and are the public face of the Museum. A minimum of one three hour shift a month is all that is expected, however offers of more are always welcomed and appreciated. Front of House Stewards may also be asked if they can cover out-of-hours group visits however there is no obligation to accept. No previous experience in museums needed but enthusiasm is always welcomed.


Curator - The Museum is in need of a new Curator. Responsibilities include overseeing the Collections Team, liasing with the Accessions and Archives Officer and the Collections Care Officer regarding the Museum's collection of artefacts and materials from rationalising to accepting new donations from the public or other institutions as well as what goes on display and exhibition themes. Knowledge of local history and/or previous experience in a Museum environment is preferred but not essential.


Digital Media - Currently the Museum relies on one volunteer to oversee its social media platforms (currently only Facebook and X (formally Twitter). They also monitor and reply to emails, updating the Museum's Google listing as well as updating this very website and any other online publicity such as contacting local press or signing up Museum participation with local or national events. If more than one volunteer applies for this role then it can easily be broken down to allow for less responsability on a single person. Knowledge of social media platforms, an energy for creating content, and basic skills in IT, are all desirable but not essential.


Health and Safety Officer - The Museum needs a dedicated H&S Officer. This role is currently being covered on an interim basis. They would be responsible for writing up generic Risk Assessments for activities in the Museum but would need to liaise with other Officers in order to risk assess specific activities related to their individual duties. They would also be responsible for issuing any PPE on behalf of the Museum to any volunteer that requires it for a task inline with their duties as well as maintaining that any COSHH materials, ladders and other equipment are safely stored. Any experience working as a H&S Officer in any industry would be desirable or at least experience with writing Risk Assessments preferred.


Volunteer Co-ordinator - Organises the Volunteer Rota on a monthly basis by communicating with the volunteers to draw up the rota for front of house stewarding on opening days and schedule lone working times at the Museum. They will also be in charge of recruitment and in-house training for new volunteers as well as being the first point of contact for volunteer queries and questions.
Fundraiser/Grants Officer - Responsibilties include writing up formal grant applications to funding bodies and writing reports as well as coming up with new ideas to fundraise locally. They will liasie closely with the Treasurer who is on the Board of Trustees. Suitable if you enjoy fact finding and writing and if you would prefer to work from home.
Secretary - Takes and distributes minutes of meetings. Suitable if you have basic computer skills and limited time.
Gardener - We have a large courtyard as well as various potted plants and shrubs around the exterior grounds of the Museum. Suitable if you enjoy gardening and you prefer flexible hours.