Braintree Local Plan

What is a Local Plan?

A Local Plan is the basis for the future development of homes, employment, business and much more. Planning applications, whatever their size and proposed use, are assessed against the policies contained in the Local Plan.

Having a Local Plan is really important because it sets the direction for future development but it also gives Braintree District Council more power to stop inappropriate development.

Local Plans are not just about new homes but must ensure that housing growth is supported by infrastructure, jobs and community facilities.

What is the status of the Braintree Local Plan?

Braintree District Council has begun work on the Local Plan Review and their call for sites process to establish what additional land is potentially available across the district has now closed with over 300 sites proposed for a range of uses. In line with their timetable the Council will be considering the sites submitted at additional Local Plan Sub-Committee meetings arranged for September.

In our Parishes the proposed sites that have been submitted are:


Proposed use



Housing/Self and custom build

South of Ashen Road, Ovington



North of Ashen Road, Ovington



Land North of Little Yeldham Road, Great Yeldham

It is likely that the Ovington (OVIN) sites will be considered at the Local Plan Sub Committee meeting to be held on 2nd September 2024 with the Little Yeldham/Great Yeldham (GREYE) site being considered on 16th September 2024. Parish Council comments regarding these sites have been requested and comments received before by 16th August 2024 will be included in BDC Officer reports to the Local Plan Sub Committee.

Your Parish Council will be meeting on Tuesday 30th July 2024 and the BDC Local Plan Review and the proposed sites above will be on the agenda. The Parish Council requests your comments to convey to BDC and invites a spokesperson for Little Yeldham and a spokesperson for Ovington to attend the meeting and relate the comments they have collated from the residents. There will be 3 minutes for each spokesperson to speak in the Public Comment and Questions item at the start of the meeting. All residents are of course welcome to attend the meeting but only the nominated spokesperson for Little Yeldham and for Ovington will be invited to speak.

A spokesperson for Little Yeldham has been nominated. Please send your comments to and these will be passed onto the nominated spokesperson

If you wish to be the spokesperson for Ovington, please contact Adrian Corder-Birch at