1988: Kilrenny Parish Church linked with Cellardyke Church following the retirement of Rev Hamish McNab, who served as minister 1948 - 1987
2008: The linked charge of Kilrenny and Cellardyke, linked with Anstruther Parish Church to form a triple linkage.
2009: Rev Arthur Christie was inducted as minister of the triple linkage of Kilrenny, Anstruther, and Cellardyke.
2016: Following a vote in all three churches, Anstruther and Cellardyke voted to unite as St Ayle@Anstruther/Cellardyke. Kilrenny voted for the status quo, and remained a linked charge, linked to St Ayle.
2018: After deliberation, the Strategy and Resourcing committee of St Andrews Presbytery decided that the best way to meet the target of 1.5 ministers for the charges of Kingsbarns linked with Crail, and Kilrenny linked with St Ayle, was to break the linkages between Kilrenny and St Ayle; Crail and Kingsbarns, and create a linkage between Crail and St Ayle, leaving Kingsbarns and Kilrenny to go into Guardianship under St Andrews Presbytery.
On 31st December, 2018 the linkage with St Ayle was severed.
2018: Rev Arthur Christie retired at the end of January 2018.
On 1st January 2019 Kilrenny Church constituted on the basis of Guardianship, for a period of five years, as part of the East Neuk East Cluster of the Presbytery of St Andrews.
Basis of Guardianship:
The basis of Guardianship provided for an interim review to take place during the three months before the second anniversary with a further review six months prior to the fifth anniversary. (Interim review currently due Autumn 2020)
The readjustment of Churches that took place within the East Neuk East Cluster group in 2018, taking Kilrenny out of linkage with St Ayle, was not desired by Kilrenny Church and this was made clear to St Andrews Presbytery and St Ayle.
The Kirk Session was informed by the Presbytery Clerk, who was acting as Interim Moderator, that entering into Guardianship was the only option available, as St Ayle were desirous of breaking the linkage and in favour of linking with Crail Church. Kilrenny Church was not in a position financially to call a minister, and without Guardianship we could not appoint a Locum.
Rev Dr Amos Chewachong (Minister at Newport Parish Church) was appointed Interim Moderator from January 2019 and Rev Michael Allardice was appointed Interim Moderator from 1st September 2020, and has continued to faithfully serve Kilrenny Kirk since then.