Blue Christmas Service Adapted from Ana Gobledale* A one-hour reflective service on a December afternoon led by Rev Michael Allardice and Assisted by The Worship Team

Sunday 01 December 2024
14:30 to 15:30

Welcome: Worship Leader


Welcome to Kilrenny Church on this winter afternoon for this Blue

Christmas service.


It is important to acknowledge why we are here:


Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas

without loved family members who have recently died.  It may be a time

that has always been difficult for you.  The constant refrain on radio and

television, in stores and churches, about the happiness of the season,

about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of

what they have lost or have never had. The anguish of broken  

relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health,

the pain of isolation ~ all these can make us feel very alone in the midst

of the celebrating and spending.

We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness and concern.

We need to know that we are not alone.

Our spirits sink, as days grow shorter.

We feel the darkness growing deeper around us.

We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us.

This “Blue” Christmas Service is a way to acknowledge the pain that the

Advent and Christmas seasons sometimes ignore and sometimes

cause. The emphasis on family, joy, giving, and “good cheer” can be

difficult for those of us who have experienced loss of another through

death, relocation, or broken relationships. It can unpleasant for those

who live with depression or other illnesses; those who have no jobs or

little money for giving; and those whose addictions make the emphasis

on parties very stressful.

As we worship, there will be times of silence for reflection, as well as

opportunities to come forward, if you wish, to light a candle or two, but

don’t feel obliged if you’d prefer to stay seated. 

All are welcome at this service.

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KY10 3AU
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