Morning Service at Kilrenny Parish Church led by Rev Michael Allardice.

Sunday 10 March 2024
09:45 to 10:45

4th Sunday in Lent

Sunday 10th March 2024

Rev Michael Allardice






Call to Worship


Leader: Give thanks to God, for God is good;


All: God's love endures forever.


Leader: Let all who know God tell of their story,


All: from east and west, from north and south,

we will tell our story.


Leader: When we cried to God in our trouble,

God saved us from our distress;


All: God sent out the Word and healed us.


Leader: Let us give thanks for God's unfailing love,

and tell of God's works

with songs of joy in worship.





Hymn CH 484                                  Great God, your love has called us here


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Reading: Ephesians 2: 1 – 10    


Hymn CH 486                                  Forgive our sins as we forgive


Reading: St John 3: 14 – 21


Hymn CH 513                                  Courage brother! Do not stumble


Prayers for Peace


Hymn CH 141                                  Oh, the life of the world is a joy and a treasure


Reflection: “Grace, Faith and Salvation”


Hymn CH 502                                  Take my life, Lord, let it be


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 110                                  Glory be to God the Father




Sung Amen.




Sunday 10th March. The Kirk Session will meet following morning worship for the purpose of considering the annual Financial Statements for year ending December 2023 and the Budget for 2024.   The Treasurer will present the approved and audited Financial Statements, together with the Trustees' Report, to the Congregation at the Annual Stated Meeting which will follow morning worship on Sunday 7th April.

Sunday 17th March Holy Communion will be celebrated at morning worship.

Sunday 24th March. Rev Grant MacLaughlan has been appointed by Fife Presbytery as the new Facilitator of the East Neuk Cluster Group of Churches. Representatives from each Kirk Session of Kilrenny, Kingsbarns, Largoward and Carnbee Parish Churches have been invited to meet with him on Sunday 24th March.

Sunday 31st March - Easter Sunday. Following morning worship the congregation are invited to enjoy a breakfast roll together with the usual tea/coffee fellowship to celebrate Easter Sunday.

Sunday 7th April. The Annual Stated (Congregational) Meeting will be held in Church following morning worship.

Holy Week Services: All at 7 pm.

The Rural Alliance Churches will join together for worship each evening as follows:


Monday           25th March     Kilrenny Church          Rev Michael Allardice

Tuesday           26th March     Kingsbarns Church      Rev Ian Wotherspoon

Wednesday     27th March     Carnbee Church

                                                at Arncroach Hall       Rev Gilbert Nisbet

Thursday         28th March     Largoward Church       Rev Danny Connolly. Holy Communion.


Good Friday.   29th March. Rev Danny Connolly will lead a Lent study group at Largoward                                              Parish Church at 2.30 pm.

All welcome.



Kirk Wynd
KY10 3AU
(view map)