Morning Service at Kilrenny Parish Church led by Rev Michael Allardice.

Sunday 18 February 2024
09:45 to 10:45


1st Sunday in Lent

Sunday 18th February 2024






Call to Worship


Hymn CH 120                                  God, we praise you, God we bless you


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Reading:       Genesis 9: 8 – 17


Hymn CH 354                                  O love, how deep, how broad, how high!


Reading:      Mark 1: 9 – 20


Hymn CH 340                                  When Jesus saw the Fishermen


Prayers for Peace


Hymn CH 501                                  Take this moment, sign and space


Reflection: “Promises Fulfilled”


Hymn CH 363                                  We have a Gospel to proclaim


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 512                                  To God be the Glory




Sung Amen.



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KY10 3AU
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