Sunday Morning Worship led by Rev Michael Allardice.

Sunday 10 September 2023
09:45 to 10:45

Kilrenny Parish Church

Sunday 10th Sept 2023

You Tube link: 




Call to Worship


Hymn CH 63                         All people that on earth do dwell


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Reading: Psalm 149


Hymn CH 462                      The King of love my shepherd is


Readings: St Matthew 18: 10 – 14


Hymn CH 357                      This is my will, my new command


Prayers for Peace


Hymn CH 724                      Christ’s is the world in which we move


Reflection: “Lost and found”


Hymn CH 553                      Just as I am, without one plea


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 110                      Glory be to God the Father




Sung Amen.

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