Morning Worship led this morning by The Worship Team.

Sunday 20 August 2023
09:45 to 10:45

Kilrenny Parish Church

20th August, 2023

Kilrenny Worship Team.

You Tube link:


Welcome &                                                                 

Call to worship:   Reading Psalm 67              

Opening Praise: Hymn 45 Lord bless and pity us

Opening Prayer and Lord's Prayer                                     

Hymn: 458 At the name of Jesus

Scripture Readings:              Isaiah Ch 56 v 1 & 6-8                                                                              Matthew 15: 21-28

Song: Bind us together Lord                

Prayer for Peace                                                

Hymn 710 I have a dream a man once said

Reflection: The Genuine Article            

Hymn: 153 Great is Thy Faithfulness

Prayers of dedication and Intercession                                       

Closing hymn:    512 To God be the glory

Blessing: Sung 796 The Lord bless you and keep you


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KY10 3JJ
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