Morning Worship at Kilrenny Parish Church led by Rev Michael Allardice.
Sunday 26 March 2023
09:45 to 10:45
Kilrenny Parish Church
Sunday 26th March 2023
5th Sunday in Lent
You Tube link:
Call to Worship
Hymn CH 198 Let us build a house where love can dwell
Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”
Hymn CH 139 Praise the Lord, you heavens adore him
Readings: Ezekiel 37: 1 – 14
Hymn CH 482 Come, let us to the Lord our God
Reading: St John 11: 1 – 45
Prayers for Peace
Hymn CH 470 Jesus shall reign where’re the sun
Reflection: “Creating new life”
Hymn CH 461 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Prayers of Dedication and Intercession
Hymn CH 739 The Church’s one foundation
Sung Amen.
Location |
Kirk Wynd Kilrenny Fife KY10 3JJ (view map) |