Morning Worship at Kilrenny Parish Church this morning led by the Worship Team
Sunday 12 March 2023
09:45 to 10:45
You Tube link:
Opening praise 122 Let all the world in every corner sing
Opening Prayer & Lord's Prayer
Scripture reading: Exodus 17 : 1-7
Romans 5 1-11
Opening reflection with parish update
Praise 561 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Prayer for peace
Praise: CH4 710 I have a dream
Scripture Readings Psalm 95
song CH4 185 Come, children join and sing
Praise 60 Come, let us praise the Lord
Prayers of dedication & Intercession
Closing Praise153 Great is thy faithfulness,
sung amen.
Location |
Kirk Wynd Kilrenny Fife KY10 3JJ (view map) |