Morning Worship at Kilrenny Parish Church.

Sunday 09 October 2022
09:45 to 10:45

Kilrenny Parish Church

Sunday 9th Oct 2022

You Tube link:


Welcome and Church News


Call to Worship


Hymn CH 465                                  Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Hymn CH 252                                  As a fire is meant for burning


Reading:       Jeremiah 29: 1, 4 – 7        


Hymn CH 158                                  God moves in a mysterious way


Reading:       St Luke 17: 11 – 19


Prayers for Peace


Hymn CH 544                                  When I needed a neighbour




Hymn CH 122                                  Let all the world in every corner sing


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 180                                  Give thanks with a grateful heart




Sung Amen.


Kilrenny Parish Church, Kirk Wynd,
KY10 3JJ
(view map)