Morning Worship at Kilrenny Parish Church led by the Worship Team.

Sunday 14 August 2022
09:45 to 10:40

You Tube link:


Welcome and call to worship.

Reading:  1 John 4: 7 - 12

Opening hymn 336 Christ is our light

Opening Prayer & Lord's Prayer                                              

Reading: Psalm 23

Hymn 462:   The King of Love my Shepherd is

 Reading: Solomon 8: 6-7                                                            

Hymn 519 Love divine all loves excelling

Reading: 1 John 4: 13 - 21


Song: Hymn 115 Love is the touch of intangible joy      

            (Tune CH4 Hymn No. 465)

Reading: Psalm 103 ( selected verses )

Hymn 160 Praise my soul                                                            

Reading:  Romans 12: 9 - 13

Hymn 622 We sing a love that sets all people free                          

Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18                                         

Closing Prayers: Dedication and Thanksgiving                     

Hymn 182 Now Thank we all our God                                    

Blessing:   Sing hymn 620 Spirit of the living God.


Kilrenny Parish Church Hall, Kirk Wynd,
KY10 3JJ
(view map)