Sunday Morning worship led by our Interim Moderator Rev Michael Allardice.

Sunday 01 May 2022
09:45 to 10:45

Kilrenny Parish Church

Sunday 8th May 2022

4th Sunday after Easter

You Tube link:



Welcome and Church News


Call to Worship


Hymn CH 198                                  Let us build a house where love can dwell


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Readings:     Isaiah 53: 1 – 6


Acts 9: 36 – 43


Hymn CH 211                                  Today I awake and God is before me


Reading:       St John 10: 22 – 30


Hymn CH 14                                                The Lord’s my shepherd


Prayers for Peace


Hymn CH 738                                  Glorious things of thee are spoken


Reflection: “Suffering, rejection, death and new life”


Hymn CH 251                                  I, the Lord of sea and sky


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 124                      Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation




Sung Amen.


Kilrenny Parish Church, Kirk Wynd,
KY10 3JJ
(view map)