Morning Service led by our Interim Moderator Rev Michael Allardice.

Sunday 31 October 2021
09:45 to 10:30

Kilrenny Parish Church

Sunday 31st October 2021

Rev Michael Allardice

You Tube link:


Welcome and Church News


Call to Worship


Hymn CH 478              Behold the amazing gift of love         


Opening Prayer and “The Lord’s Prayer”


Hymn CH 354              O love, how deep, how broad, how high!


Reading:   Ruth 1: 1 - 18    St Mark 12: 28 – 34


Hymn CH 357              This is my will, my new command


Reflection: “Love and Loyalty”


Hymn CH 519              Love divine, all love’s excelling


Prayers of Dedication and Intercession


Hymn CH 364              All glory, laud and honour




Sung Amen.

Kilreny Parish Church, Kirk Wynd,
KY10 3JJ
(view map)