Kilrenny Church Chronicle for Sunday 16th August

Date Sunday 16 August 2020




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ISSUE 22 Sunday 16th August 2020

Kilrenny Church website


Kilrenny Church Reopening for Worship

9.45 am Sunday                  23rd August, 2020

The Kirk Session is pleased to finally announce that Kilrenny Parish Church will open for Sunday worship next Sunday, 23rd August, 2020. Worship will be led by Mrs Elspeth Smith at 0945.

Details of the health and safety measures put in place were given in issue 19 of the Chronicle. There is a one way system clearly marked with yellow distancing tape for entering and exiting the Church building and once inside you will notice that some pews have allocated seating for two persons together. This is strictly for seating of two members of the same household only, otherwise the spaces will be allocated to only one individual.   Elders on duty will assist if you are unsure of where to sit.

Following the First Ministers announcement, the wearing of face coverings is now mandatory in Churches (unless exempt on health grounds). Those leading worship are exempt during the service but will be observing the safe distance requirement and Elders on duty will wear visors.

We are not currently permitted to use hymn books, bibles or service sheets. I will email weekly a copy of the Order of service, with any words required for your participation in the service. You are permitted to print your own copy and bring it with you.

The Kirk Session looks forward to welcoming you back to worship in the Church and if anyone wishes to ask any questions about the measures for your health and safety please contact me.  





Worship and personal reflection

''Our homes are in a Real and Important way the places of worship''


Scripture Reading      Mathew 15: (10 -20) 21-28

10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”

12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”

13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not plantedwill be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

15 Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”

16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil

thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”



The Faith of a Canaanite Woman


21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.


Praise: CH4 180 Give thanks with a grateful heart





Reflection  (Ann Thomson)                      

We often seek comfort when we open our Bibles, but today’s study shows that that is not always the case. The two parts of our passage today make uneasy reading as they deal with the subject of inclusion and exclusion and ask the question, should anyone be excluded from God’s love because they do not conform?


We will all have memories when we have felt part of a group and we all know what it feels like to be excluded- “you are not one of us”. It was not that long ago that Cellardyke and Anstruther considered themselves different and separate from each other, the “Caddies Burn” (now Burnside Road) being the boundary line and Kilrenny as part of the farming community was considered very different again!


Even today in Lockdown we cannot all be together and choices have had to be made as to who will be part of your ‘bubble’, including some but excluding others, which causes a great deal of discomfort.


The first part of the passage, Mathew 15: 10-20, picks up in the middle of an uncomfortable encounter between Jesus and the Pharisees. They are debating, what is it that makes a person righteous? The Pharisees claimed that Jesus and his followers were behaving in a way that was not acceptable to God, and outside the traditions of the Jewish faith. Jesus responds by re-forming the boundaries of clean and unclean. He argued that it was not what went into a person that defiled them but rather the evil and malice that came out of the human heart. This was not a friendly encounter and Jesus’ words deeply offended the Pharisees, whose focus was on the rules and regulations of the faith. They were even more insulted when Jesus referred to them as blind guides, leading others astray, saying that the Pharisees may give the illusion of being able to see clearly what God requires of them and others, but in reality they are unaware that they are leading themselves and others into dangerous territory.


The second part of the reading is when Jesus had left Jewish lands to go into a Gentile area, to be alone. He needed to get away from the crowds, for time alone, to rest, to pray, to gain strength. So he went into Gentile lands north of Galilee, because the Jewish people would not follow him there. But whilst he was there a Gentile woman, a Canaanite, came to him begging him to heal her daughter. Jesus’ fame must have spread into lands that he had not even visited.


This is another uneasy encounter for Jesus, only this time he is faced with the question, should this ‘outsider’ be included within the circle of his ‘work’? This passage could also make us feel disquieted, as initially, Jesus appears to ignore this woman. To us it seems uncharacteristic of Jesus, as does his reply when he finally answers her – “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel” (15:24). Jesus knew that his primary mission was to convince the Jewish nation that he was the Saviour of the world. This is followed by the perplexing statement that Jesus makes when he says – “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs”.


Now words on a page can seem very harsh when that is all we have. We do not know in what tone these words were spoken. We do not know the facial expression or body language that accompanied them and embodies words differently. We do know however that Jesus ignored the pleas of his disciples who wanted him to send this foreign woman away.


There were many reasons Jesus could have listened to his disciples and turned away from this woman: - Firstly she was not Jewish, but worse than that she was a Canaanite. These people were known to be pagans and worshippers of many idols and opponents of the one true God. They were scorned like dogs that were considered to be unclean creatures relegated to the outskirts of life. The Canaanites had also been in conflict with the Israelites for centuries.


Secondly, she presumed to speak to a man without a male intermediary. She came alone without husband, brother, father or son. Something that was totally unacceptable in those times.


And lastly she was a pest, whose screaming and shouting behaviour was embarrassing and would not have endeared her to Jesus and his followers.


The circle is clearly drawn with Jesus, his disciples and Jewish men on the inside and the Canaanite woman on the outside.


However, one could imagine that Jesus tone was soft and the conversation was more probing, to see how far this woman would reveal her feelings and true beliefs. Many were trying to trap him into committing acts which could subsequently be used as evidence against him. We notice that the woman is emboldened to respond to Jesus saying that even the lowest of the low (dogs) were entitled to and indeed could survive on the crumbs from the masters table. Her final act of humility came as she knelt before Jesus accepting that she had no entitlement from the Jewish perspective. However, she believed that a crumb of grace could save her daughter from her infirmities. She was rewarded by one of the best accolades from Jesus, one that he rarely used –“Woman you have great faith” (Mathew 15: 28). We know that from that moment her request was granted and that her daughter was healed.


It is always easy to draw a circle so that some are inside and some are out. It may be people of a different race or ethnic origin, different gender, age educational background or ability. It is easy to say these people are not like us


Others may be different from us and often what makes us different also makes us uncomfortable and we do not like it. The church has been guilty of keeping people out rather than inviting them in. We have a tendency to add in rules and create expected standards of behaviour and attempt to enforce these on others, often unwittingly, and this can create tension. The church should not put boundaries around itself. Instead it should be prepared to dismantle boundaries, to get rid of the idea of ‘Us and Them’, and proactively choose to learn from others with different ideas so that we can grow together as the people of God.


The words of the Canaanite woman demonstrate that the boundary separating her from the House of Israel had to be reconsidered. With a faith so pure, how can she be deemed unclean? This encounter prepares us for Jesus’ great commission, to go and make disciples of all nations (Mathew 28: 20).


The stories in the text today make us uncomfortable because we are confronted with the reality that we have a great deal to learn from ’outsiders’ and if we want to be truly Christ-like, we have to embrace ‘outsiders’ not so they can be like us, but so we can learn about God from them.


PRAISE CH4 522 “The Church is wherever God’s people are praising”

(With thanks to Ann for leading our worship)


Let us Pray. (Allan)


A prayer for Beirut.


Heavenly Father,

in their distress and grief

help the people of Beirut to remember that you love them. 

None of us understand why this and other disasters happen,

just help us to trust you. 

For those who have died, give them eternal rest,

for those who are bereaved, comfort and console them,

for those who are hurt, heal and strengthen them,

and show us, here in relative safety, how we can help our suffering brothers and sisters in any way we can.


A prayer for the reopening of our churches.


Heavenly Father,

We pray for those in presbyteries and churches all over Scotland who are working towards reopening our churches once again. 

Help them make the right decisions so that we can again worship you in your house but remain safe from Covid. 

We are so grateful to those at Kilrenny who have worked so hard to prepare our church for the safe return of your congregation. 

Give them your blessing and reward them with a positive outcome so that once more we can all rejoice in the worship of you.


A prayer for our children returning to school.


Heavenly Father,

After so many months at home be with our children as they return to school. Keep them safe and well in mind and body. 

They are our future, they are the worlds future, guide their teachers to show them the right paths to take to repair the damage done by so many previous generations. 

We see wonderful examples of what these children can achieve, show yourself to them and let them see how much more can be done with you showing them the way.

And let it begin with every child learning the prayer you gave to us so long ago but is still so right for today,


Let us Pray together, Our Lord's prayer,


Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.



 A Reflection

Rev Ian W. F. Hamilton


On a recent London visit we took a morning sail down Old FatherThames to Greenwich.   It’s there that the last of the clipper ships, the illustrious “Cutty Sark” is permanently moored. “Cutty Sark” was a tea clipper, one of the last to be built…and one of the fastest.

She was constructed on the River Clyde in 1869 and named after “Cutty Sark” the nickname of Nannie Dee in Burns’ classic poem “Tam o Shanter”.

Unfortunately the famous vessel has been damaged twice by fire in recent years, however now fully restored she is a London top visitor attraction down river at Greenwich.

Greenwich was the home of the former Royal Naval College but when it was decided to close the Royal Naval College Greenwich in 1998 due to a shrinking Royal Navy, the buildings were opened to the public as the “Old Royal Naval College” - well worth a visit.

The Old Royal Observatory in Greenwich Royal Park is the spot where you will find the famous Greenwich Meridian Line, together with a variety of historic astronomical instruments.

In 1852 a master clock known as the Shepherd Gate Clock was built and installed by Charles Shepherd and can still be seen at Greenwich Observatory. This timepiece was constructed to control our main railway station clocks, and so, Greenwich Mean Time, or Railway Time as it was sometimes called, has prevailed ever since.

Greenwich is also the home of the National Maritime Museum, and there, in its grounds one can walk freely among a vast selection of anchors which are on display in “Anchor Walk”.   These range from anchors dropped from old sailing ships, like the “Cutty Sark”, to the anchor from “H.M.S. Dreadnought” which was decommissioned in relatively recent times.

These old anchors indicate a lifetime of service in the fathoms of the deep holding fast and safe the various ships to which they were once attached.

The bible has quite a lot to say about anchors, particularly the writer of Hebrews.   He likens Christian hope to an anchor.   “The hope we hold” he explains, “is like and anchor for our lives, an anchor sure and steadfast.”   It’s from this verse that the motto of The Boys’ Brigade is taken, which I’m proud to say, as one who has been nurtured in the faith through the B.B.

We all need an anchor to hold on to as we are buffeted about by the storms of life which beset us and which can blow up so suddenly leaving us seemingly hopelessly adrift.

The anchor of Christian hope can be a wonderful strength to those who, for whatever reason, are tempest-tossed. It gives them something solid to cling on to and holds them sure and steadfast until the immediate storm blows over and until a sense of calm begins to return to their lives.

Our sail down the Thames to Greenwich gave us so many things to see, and so many things to think about. (Ian)


Praise: CH 4: 737 Will your anchor hold



Postcard from Kingskettle                   (Rev Michael Allardice)

It’s good to see the Sun out once again. The last few days have been either heavy rain or persistent rain – what the locals in Kettle call “soft rain” – the kind of rain that gets you soaking wet without realising it until it’s too late! It makes a difference when you walk regularly, not just because of the overhead conditions but also those underfoot. The other evening, I waited until later than I normally go out because of the heavy rain during the day, and as I trudged around the village I was puzzled by the number of raised voices I could hear. Instinctively, I tried to work out where they were coming from and soon found the answer: the football pitches at the local park. At least I wasn’t the only lunatic willing to get wet in the name of recreation!


The sight of grown men running around a muddy field getting soaked to the skin reminds me of a time when I would happily have joined them: but those days are long gone! Despite that, I admired their desire to get out and practice, even if in the few minutes I watched, at least one player had a bit of a meltdown because of a poor tackle. That sense of freedom they were feeling would no doubt mean that frustrations might be reduced, pleasure returning to their lives and a sense of achievement at taking another small step to normality.


Each sign of improvement comes with a considerable health warning (pun intended). As I write this, Aberdeen has returned to lockdown due to an outbreak linked to a number of pubs in the City. Large parts of North West England have also stepped back into Covid restrictions, and there are threats hanging over a number of other areas of the country. All of this reminds us, if ever we needed reminding, that this virus is still very present within our communities and carries a very real danger to the health of many people, young and old alike.


Virus’s such as Covid-19 are not new to humanity, throughout history we as a species have faced threats from countless diseases: Bubonic Plague devastated Europe from the 14th to 17th centuries, with other outbreaks before and after those dates. Estimates vary widely, but probably 50% of the total population of the continent died as a result of the Plague and its aftermath. While Covid-19 won’t have such a devastating impact as that, it definitely is causing other problems such as the economic consequences of quarantine, limited travel options and reducing individual’s ability to work. All these mean that, even if a vaccine is developed in the near future, we will be living with the impact of the virus for many years to come.


As Christians, we need to begin to examine what we can do to support and improve the lives of everyone within our communities and beyond. The Church itself is feeling the impact of this situation through lost members, reduced income, and the need to re-appraise how we re-introduce worship into our buildings. However, we must not allow ourselves to become so focused on our own problems that we lose sight of the needs of the wider society. We must continue to look outwards, ensuring that we are a support for our communities, not naval-gaze and complain about how tough things are for the Church. What we as a Church do next will help define how we are perceived for decades to come.  


Our buildings are important, our finances matter, BUT Jesus himself focused not on institutional needs rather His focus was on the needs of the people He encountered. Those around us face many challenges, let’s ensure that we keep our focus on them while we also face our own challenges. The future is very uncertain for everyone but, just as it has done through worse crises than this, the Church will survive and thrive where it maintains its focus firmly on Jesus and His call to us that we serve His people wherever they are.  


We are more fortunate that many in being surrounded by countryside and able to get out of our houses and see a little of the world beyond our doors. Sunshine or rain, we can walk, cycle, run or play football. For those unable to do these things, we need to bring a little of that sunshine into their lives – where we can. We need to ask important questions, such as: what can we do for the hungry and the unemployed? Who is isolated and lonely within our communities? Can we offer support to those in need around us? It is easy to keep your head down in the dark, dismal days and not see beyond our own footsteps or the needs of our families, but when we lift our heads up, we will see our neighbours and their needs, and just as importantly, we will see God’s glory streaming down on all of us. (Michael)


National Church News



Tonight (Sunday 16th August) at 7pm

From: Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

"Today, Christians across Scotland will once again join together in prayer at 7pm in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I commend it to you and look forward to being with you, in Spirit, on Sunday evening.

Occasionally, when we purchase something, we change our mind and we return our purchase. However, over these last months that regular feature of the shopping experience has become somewhat more challenging. If this is so, the result might be that we stay with the decision we have made and choose not to change our mind.

The apostle Paul writes that ‘the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable’. (Romans 11: 29) God has made a choice and that choice is to call the people of God into being and to make a covenant with them. Having made that choice, the mind of God does not change. God remains faithful to the covenant and to the covenant promise renewed through Jesus Christ. Knowing this to be so, we turn with confidence to the faithful God. We pray:"


Faithful God,

You have called us to be the people of God.

We thank you that your calling remains and abides.

Make us faithful to your calling at this present time.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Faithful God,

You are the God who makes a covenant with your people.

We thank you that you remember us even when we forget you.

Remember us today and all who journey in hard places.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Faithful God,

Your gifts to us are many and without number.

We thank you for the gift of life

And the gift renewed through Jesus Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Faithful God,

You are merciful and gracious and you abound in steadfast love.

When all around us seems to shift and uncertainty prevails,

We search for you and discover again that you are ever present.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


Faithful God,

You are the God who breaks down the dividing wall

And makes us one in Christ Jesus.

Grant to us the strength to overcome division and renew our common life.

Lord, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


A week of Prayer

Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair is inviting everyone to join him also for a week of prayer starting on Monday 17 - Saturday 22 August.


"The week of prayer will be a chance to sense where God is leading us

We've come through the most challenging of times and though there are glimmers of hope and possibilities, at least now the chance to open our buildings again, none of us can be entirely confident that we are out of the woods and that there are still many challenges ahead of us.

And when I say that I mean for the church and for the country as a whole.

It seems to me right therefore that at such a moment as this it would be good for us as a church across the whole nation and beyond to come together to pray.

We believe in a God who has both map and compass, a God who knows the way, and a God who will lead us in the right way."


Each day of the week of prayer will feature a short morning reflection and an online evening event. The five-minute morning prayers will be led by Dr Fair or by one of his chaplains, Rev Gregor McIntyre, minister at Faifley Parish Church in Clydebank and Rev Catherine Beattie of Giffnock South Parish Church.

The morning prayers will be available on the Church of Scotland website and Facebook page. You will also receive a challenge that you can choose to complete that day, such as praying from the highest place in your local area.

Each evening you are also invited to take part in a 30-minute videoconferencing event, which will include contributions from ministers, youth workers and ecumenical partners including Archbishop Leo Cushley of the Catholic Church and Bishop Mark Strange of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

These online events will include a break-out section where people can reflect together in smaller groups. The events will also be recorded and will be available to watch again— or to catch up if you missed them –on the Church of Scotland’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.




Appointment of new Interim Moderator

St Andrews Presbytery at its meeting on 12th August thanked Rev Dr Amos Chewachong for his diligent service as Interim Moderator at Kilrenny, and 

Approved the appointment of Revd Michael Allardice to Kilrenny Church as Interim Moderator from the 1st of September 2020 until February 2021 (when appointment may be revised by the (new) Presbytery of Fife).

On behalf of the Kirk Session and members of the congregation I have written to Amos to thank him for his service as Interim Moderator.


I am certain you will join with me in welcoming Michael most sincerely to this important position and we look forward to seeing him very soon.


Message from Treasurer

Church Offerings after the end of lockdown (David Thomson)


You will be aware that Corinne and the Kirk Session have been actively working towards the re-opening of the Church for Sunday worship, and we are to do so on Sunday 23rd August, 2020. There will of course be some new procedures when we open to ensure that we are suitably protected from Covid 19.


Whilst many in the congregation donate by Standing Order, some will wish to continue making donations to the Church through the Weekly Envelope scheme, and by placing cash in the Offering Plate at the rear of the Church.

In order to ensure that this is done safely, those not using the Weekly Envelopes should use the small cash-envelopes that will be available by the Offering Plate for donors to place loose notes and coin. This will enable the money to be handled in accordance with paras 6.7 and 7.6.7 of the Church of Scotland “Re-opening of Church Buildings” regulations.


We take this opportunity to thank all those members who have continued to donate regularly, by both Standing Order and other means, which has enabled Kilrenny to continue to meet those financial obligations which have still remained, despite the Church closure.

David Thomson                                         


Poet's Corner


Author: Helen Steiner Rice                             (Jane MacDonald)


We cannot all be famous

or be listed in “WHO's WHO,”

but every person great or small

has important work to do.

For seldom do we realize

the importance of small deeds

or to what degree of greatness

unnoticed kindness leads -

For it's not the big celebrity

in a world of fame and praise,

But it's doing unpretentiously

in undistinguished ways

the work that God assigned to us,

unimportant as it seems,

that makes our task outstanding

and brings reality to dreams -

So do not sit and idly wish

for wider, new dimensions

where you can put in practice


But at the spot God placed you

begin at once to do

little things to brighten up

the lives surrounding you,

for if everybody brightened up

the spot on which they're standing

by being more considerate

and a little less demanding,

this dark old world would very soon

eclipse the “Evening Star”

If everybody BRIGHTENED UP



Matthew 5:16

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.



 Author: Lady Nairne                                           (Jessie Lyon)


O rowan tree, O rowan tree! thou'lt aye be dear to me;

Entwin'd thou art wi' mony ties o' hame and infancy.

Thy leaves were aye the first o' spring,

Thy flow'rs the simmer's pride,

There was nae sie a bonny tree in a' the courtrie side.


How fair wert thou in simmer time, wi' a' thy clusters white,

How rich and gay thy autumn dress, wi' berries red and bright.


If you would care to take a stroll through the Woodland Walk you will find a perfect illustration of this beautiful poem and you might even want to sing it (as I do, when on-one is around!)


The berries I wrote about earlier are beautiful and the richest, deepest red one could imagine. This summer the harvest is so good that many of the more slender branches are almost at breaking point with the heavy clusters of berries that they have to support.


As I walk alongside the field of ripening wheat on my route to the Woodland Walk, I am reminded of the favourite hymn of the harvest season in the country school surrounded by fields of corn, with the sheep fields further up the hill.



The fields and vales are thick with corn

the reapers now are there;

They gather in the sheaves where once

The earth was brown and bare.


The empty barns will soon be filled

With rich and golden grain;

for God has given the harvest fruit

Who sent the sun and rain".

Sung to the tune St Magnus



News of those wearing a Dog collar!

Doddie has really been enjoying his freedom and more so because some fields have been harvested allowing him to roam and give futile chase after the birds. One of his greatest joys is to leap onto walls and stand there like ‘king of the castle’ looking out for what mischief he can get up to next. He even jumped onto the Skeith stone to get the panoramic view I have. He does so hate to miss anything!


Along with this exuberant behaviour comes his delight in saying hello to all dogs and people that he meets. This is not always a good idea because he is usually wet and dirty and as yet, I still have not managed to stop him jumping up as a greeting. I yell and whistle but often with little effect. However, one lady was impressed by his recall, but said, “What an unusual name for a dog – cheese!” I had to explain that shouting cheese was the only enticement so far that would usually stop him in his tracks and bring him back to me with a morsel of cheese as a reward. I use whatever works! Next week he could be called sausage!




Sheena and Hamish

What has happened to my little, gentle ball of fluff?  Hamish is no longer the sweet, wee chap he used to be - he has turned into a feisty, bossy Gremlin!  To look at him you would think butter wouldn't melt.    He expends so much energy; it's unbelievable.  He loves playing fetch;  I seem to spend my entire day throwing his toys or plastic bottles back and forth, back and forth.  He brings them back to me like a good wee boy but then refuses to let them go and a game of tug of war ensues.   After about 10, 15 minutes he'll thankfully get bored and will go for a wee power nap and I'm left feeling totally shattered.  After his little rest, the game begins again - Oh boy!  His latest fun activity is following me in the garden while I water the plants and flowers.  He darts in and out of the plants and bushes - nothing like an afternoon shower.  On Tuesday it was time for his weekly bath - a challenge to say the least.  Finally, he's all clean, fluffy and beautiful so what does he do?  He runs up to the top garden to have a pleasurable roll about in the sticky willies aka Goosegrass.  It seemed to take hours to remove all the tiny, sticky round burrs from his coat.  The sooner I take him for a haircut the better.

Wishing you all well. Sheena. xx



Allan & Sybil's Quiz answers

(Bible Crossword by

(please see the attachment for solution to the word search)


Allan & Sybil's Quiz

See the two attached documents

A Bible Crossword puzzle and the solution.




The Naughty Choirboy


I stand chastised by a daughter who wanted to know why I omitted to mention her favourite church when I wrote about family visits to various churches.


I suppressed my mild annoyance at her interrogation by feeling quite pleased that she'd been reading the chronicle, then asked her which church she was referring to.


She was alluding to the Basillica Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, which was only one of several famous Churches I had left out.


She remembered this (unfinished) Cathedral for a number of reasons. It has been under construction for over 130 years, and even now, is not expected to be complete before 2026. She recalls so many people, hard working and determined to continue with their building work in the midst of an army of spectating tourists.


This Cathedral also remained in her memory for another reason, and another "religion" in a way. She remembered that this church was "only just down the road" from what we know as the "New Camp Football Stadium (Camp Nou in Catalonia) which we also visited the same day.


This magnificent stadium, the third largest in the world is open for tours, whether you wish to climb to the top of the seating accommodation where you can feel you may fall off if you overbalance, or whether you wish to peruse their enormous shopping area, their museum, glass cases full of trophies, medals and all the paraphernalia associated with such venues. We had our photograph taken with the European Cup. Well four of us did!

Guides were available to latch on to small groups, give advice, directions and information and it was at this point some segregation of our family enthusiasm became obvious.


Having noticed the raising of an eyebrow, and a quizzical look from the Session Clerk, the guide said "Si La dama, you have a questions?"

"Yes, Is there somewhere quiet where I could sit down with a coffee.............?"



Members Stories

The Lord's Prayer

(Jessie Lyon)


Three mornings each week, school began with a service in the hall, attended by the big class and the wee class. There was a hymn, a short Bible reading, then the Lord's Prayer, sung to the beautiful tune "Langdon". On the other two mornings each class sang the Lord's Prayer in its own room.


It was the 30th August. The register was attended to and now the wee class would sing the Lord's Prayer, all 18 of them aged 43/4 to 8 years. With patience the teacher achieved an atmosphere of quiet - 18 little people standing still, hands together, eyes closed. The teacher and the class began to sing.


"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be...."

   "My Daddy's got a new tractor! gasped little David, from a farm up the hill.

   "That's exciting" said the teacher "will we hear about it when we have finished our prayer?"


Quiet restored, the Prayer was begun

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowe'd be Thy ...

"An' my Daddy's taking me on the tractor. Me an'..."

Big sister Elizabeth aged 7 was aghast at brother David's behaviour. "David Low, do-you-nut-ken-that-you-are-s'posed to say the prayer..."

   "So he is!"insisted David.


   The teacher was about to begin the Prayer a third time when Linda, also aged 43/4, desperate to share news, announced, "We're gettin' a new bairn the morn." And so the teacher discussed tractors and lorries and more tractors, etc, then she suggested that we might sing the prayer again. They were on the point of singing "Our Fa.." when Thomas, from a farm a mile or so away, spoke out with pride, "My Grandad's got three tractors."


This shocking interruption was much too much for veteran Iain, aged 53/4 years. Hands firmly in pockets he shouted out "Will ye'all do what your're told. D'ye no' ken that God's in a hurry! He's got nearly ten thousand fifteen million seventeen thirty-nine five hundred different schools to go to ! Isn't that right, Miss?" Iain's wisdom did the trick. The prayer was duly sung right to the end. (Iain had obviously been listening in to the top, more advanced group in the wee class, learning to write large numbers.)


   That was part of the magic of a small school. You could always pick up something from the other classes' lessons!


Mary's Story

Malcolm MacDonald

Part 3 (Final)

Ma brither Tam an anither bothy laud emigrated tae Australia about 1909. I wis greetin when Tam says “Ta ta Mary”. They wrocht hard an wrote hame an ma fether sent the People’s Journal every week. We got stamps at Mrs Fullar’s in Kilrenny. Thae twa didnae bid long in Australia for whin the First War stertit they cam hame an jyned the Scots Greys. Tam wis awfie fond o horses an he wis in France, an efter the war he went back tae the pleu an mairret Jenny.   Mae brither Jim wis a sailor an aa time he cam hame on leave he got the train tae Leuchars station. He wid hire a bike ther nit took the wrang road tae St Aundrews an went doon Gas Brae that fast that he went ower the tap o twa fishin boats an laundit in the herbour. It wis the saubbath an he wid hae tae walk the ither ten or eleiven mile hame. The bike hung on the hotel waa for a lang time sae I wis telt. Jim wis a boxer as weel an wid get sittin in ma mothers basket chair. When we wid hae visitors we wid hae tae sit ben the room, bit I didnae like thae room chairs – they hid horse hair seats an that horse hair wid jag ma legs. I nearly forgot tae tell ye ma fether made graund fizzy drinks in the warm days. Ma mither wid stew some rhubarb an fether wid hae tae pit watter in a big tumbler, syne he wid pit in the rhubard an cream o tarter an bakin soda. We fairly loket that. The best drink o them aa wis the milk pitcher filled wi cauld watter an twa or three haunfaes o meal steered in. That wis the drink the workers took tae the fields heytime an hervist. Ma sisters Mag an Ann were in service but aye cam hame tae help tae paper the hoose. In thae days we wid hae tae trim the edges wi the shears thn the ceiling wis ahitened an Ann wid pit on the paper, she wis awfie pernickety an wid match the pauttern sae weel. Every Friday or Setterday the hoose wis aa cleaned oot. The fireside wis aa black-leaded, the steel bits aa shinin wi emery paper, an the herth whitened wi caum. The table an chairs aa scrubbit white, an the flair scrubbit an curly-wurlied wi caum. The doorstep wis whitened as weel an we daurnae step on it or we got a skelp on the lug. We got lots o skelps. I couldnae wustle, but if the lauddies whustled on the Sabbeth Day they got a skelp on the lug. In thae days us wee lassies hair wis long an tied back wi ribbon, an if ma mither saw me scartin ma heid she wid say “ Yeve got beastie” an I wid nearly get ma hair torn oot wi the bain kaiman syne she wid rub in the paraffin ile tae kill thae nits. I wid get ma heid rowed up in a clout till next day. Then ma mither wid mak a graith wi warm rain watter an saft soap an wash ma hair aa bonny an clean. Wi aa that steepin in ile an washin wi saft soap, ma mither wid sae “weel its clean”, bit dweeble an I’ll pit in the rags tae mak it brae an curly. Next morning I widnae be that dirty an wid only need tae gie ma face a dicht an the rags out afore I wid get awa tae the scule. If onie o’s hid tuithache an wis girnin wi the stounds ma mither wid heat some saut on the shovel on the fire an pit that in a sock an a gravit tied round the heid ytae hud the het saut on the sair bit. The same cure did for a sair throat or if ma mither hed a wee bit wersh pig skin, that wis tied roon the neck an ye wid be daured tae tak it aff till it wis better. As weel as our lessons at nicht we had oor jobs. Turn about we wid help mither wi the dishwashin, help ma fether bring in the kinnlin an coal, an us bairns wid clean the buits. The polish wis Rising Sun buit polish, same name as for the fireside., Ye had tae mix it wi watter an it took an awfie lang time tae get a polish on the buits. I springtime an summer ma fether wid work hours an hours in the gairden. He hid the front bit awfie bonny wi hollyhocks, sweet peas, mappymous, casselairies. He wid send us tae the sea for graivil an it wis gey heavy tae haul up the brae an mabbe some sticks on the tap oh it an it wid be aa lapsided, but we aye cam hame an fether wid say “that’ll dae brawly” an he wid spread it on the path. I think that wis the year o the Coronation. I hadnae been saw glaiket efter aa. I see in a prize I hae for readin, written an repetition Session 1911. Mr Forsyth, Heidmaster gave me a book. I wis seiven’ ear auld an he wis the same man as gied me six o the tawse on baith hauns for playin truant. It must hae been the Coronation, thae widnae turn out in hunners wi flags tae see us bairns getting prizes. We got sculebags asweel. We wid get oor schule holidays that day. Long summer days we played about the door an doon at the sea. Happy days, a while later, mabbe twa’ear, we flitted tae Kinross. A new scule an I wid hae tae dae mair lessons an learnin. I liket Friday efternune; we got tae draw an I often got a penny. Auld Baulbyheid wid gie a penny fur the best drawin o a flouer or a map. Mr Martin wis his proper name. Then the heidmaster’s class 6. We got cookin lessons an laundry wark. A liket ironin, bit than the teacher telt us tae bring a table napkin tae learn tae wash an iron. I wis in a fix, did she think we wir gentry?. The very idea. Telt tae tak a table napkin when we didnae ken whit it wis. A took ma fethers big white Sunday hankie an she wis fine pleased. Notice the pan loaf talk now!. In class 6 we had a lot more lessons and the chance to try for a bursary for Further Education which I got. By that time the war was on and Further Education cost money so that Bursary was handed back and I was granted an exemption to work on the land. It was 1917 and I was 13 that April. That summer I learned to build a hay rick and a cart of corn and drive it to the stackyard and fork the sheaves on to the stack. The pan loaf talk got the go-by. The out-by workers widnae staund fur that. I’ve been vexed I didnae get Further Education. I wrocht as hard as I wis able bit no bein very big I wid gan hame gey weirless an tired at nicht. Kinross got its first picter hoose. Oniewey on Setterday I got threepence – twa pennies for the picture an a penny for chips. Pearl White in “ The Red Circle” an Charlie Chaplin.



Ma fether hid been a navvy at Glenfarg layin the railway. They workers wis aa in hospital efter drinkin watter oot o the burn. Ma mither walked frae Lochee tae Perth tae see ma fether an walked back again on the Sabbeth day. Efter that we gaed tae Craigie Ferm. I wis born there in 1904. I mind mare aboot Raunderson Farm. We wid hae tae walk tae Kingsbaurns schule, Wull wis at Raunderson an wantit tae play the melodeon in the stable. The maister widnae hae that an Wull went awa tae the sea, I think. I ken he gathered saft backs doun at the sea for bait for his lines bit aa nicht he left the pail wi the saft backs ben the scullery an gin morning they wis aa ower the flair. Fether an mither wid be gey angry an I cannae mind o seein Wull again till he cam tae Cornceres Ferm tae ask ma mither for a len o seeven an saxpence tae get mairriet. Anne his sweetheart wis there tae. She wis a braw lass for Wull. They got mairriet an went tae bide in Huntly. Twa wee lauddies Annie hed but Wull wis lost at sea in the War I think, I’m no shair o that. Efter a lang time ma fether wrote the meenister in Huntly. A guid letter he got tae say Annie hid mairriet again an that they were happy an weel daein family. Cellardyke bairns cam tae Kilrennie schule an a gey wheen o folk cam fae Cellardyke tae Kilrennie Kirk. We didnae hae sae fauur tae walk tae Kilrennie schule as tae Kingsbaurns. Mrs Jeanne antrin times wid walk frae Cellardyke tae see ma mither an ma mither wid say “Cwa in, yer asicht fur sair een”. Ma brither Jock mairriet Barbara Montador – French names frae Cellardyke? Bab an Jock whiles cam on Sunday. Ma mither wid hae made a cloutie dumpling. Bab wis a braw singer – she wid sing –

“Tis but a little golden ring, I give it to you with pride,

Think of your mother, Jock, when you are on the tide,

Or, when you are in trouble, dear, comfort it will be,

To think o me and gaze upon that little golden ring.”

Ma sister Mag wid sing “ The Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill”. Ann wid sing “Shamrock of Ireland”, “The Yellow Rose of Texas”. We aye hed graund fiddlers an singers an melodeon players at oor waddins an hervest homes an Hansel Monday Balls. Mag wis in service in St Minins. She wis a wee sowl an a graund worker. Her mistress gied her an auld frock an ma mither made it doun fur me. By, I wis swell that day we got oor photie taen at the schule. Ma mither niver hid a kirn. The cream wis pit in the milk pitcher wi a teaspuin syne a bit muslin syne the lid. We aa took turns at shakin it up an doun. It wis graund butter. There wisnae margarine that I kin mind o. Janet, Tam’s wife telt me that the road we barried up the shingle fae the sea wis kent as the smugglers road – (brandy aff a boat). Alang at Cailpie anither road went doun tae the sea. The only field I ever saw spinks growe. Along the burn doun that road we got watter hens eggs. Geordie wis guid at kenning which wis deep sittin bit he wid gether the guid anes in his bunnet an ma mither wid fry them fur wir tea. It wisnae doun that road we stole the locust beans. We niver gaed that road again.

Mary Kermack (Malcolm MacDonald)


(Thank you Malcolm for the time and patience taken to 'type' Mary's story for us.)

Editors Note


First of all I want to thank you all for taking time each Sunday to Read the Kilrenny Church Chronicle and for all your positive comments on its content.


The aim was to keep us all together as a Church family, in touch with one another during the lock down and I'm sure that the contributors have gained as much, as I hope all who have read it have, during the last 22 weeks.


I most sincerly thank those who have led our worship and prayers. George, Ann, Archie and Allan. It is not an easy task and one which I know was undertaken with some trepidation. But I know you will all join with me in thanking them for their wonderful and inspiring thoughts on the scriptures each week and prayers. I thank Jim who kept me informed of what was happening on the National Church front, particularly the 'community' prayers.


I know you will also wish to thank both Ian and Michael for their weekly contribution. The support we have received as a congregation from both Ministers, neither in a full time role and acting purely on a voluntary basis says all that needs to be said about their commitment to their Ministry. I think we would need to look far and wide to find their equal.


During lockdown the Kirk Session members have not been able to meet, but have kept in touch via phone and email, and as always worked with one voice for the Church here in Kilrenny. Jim in particular asked for thanks to be expressed to the team preparing for reopening the Church, comprising Ann and Dave Thomson, George Walker and myself.


Finally thank you to all who made a contribution to the Chronicle, which gave it interest and variety and perhaps often an insight into the lives of those we worship with. We have had favourite hymns, poetry, stories, history lessons, a naughty choirboy, puzzles and quizzes and doggy tails!!


The Kirk Session looks forward to seeing you all over the next few weeks at worship, and for those of you who are still needing to shield I will keep you informed of our worship and church news.




The Kirk Session wish you a very safe, healthy and happy week ahead.


To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

the God whom we adore,

be glory, as it was, and is,

and shall be evermore.
