Kilrenny Church Chronicle for Sunday 2nd August.

Monday 03 August 2020


Contact: Corinne - email:                          

or telephone (01333) 311408



ISSUE 20 Sunday 2nd August, 2020.


Kilrenny Church website



East Neuk Covid19 Emergency help numbers:

0800 999 6543 - 07818 414178.


Worship and personal reflection:

''Our homes are in a Real and Important way the places of worship''


Scripture Reading

John 1:1-18

The Moderator of the General Assembly produced two worship services for congregations to use over the summer months.

Our worship today (and next Sunday) is led by The Right Reverend Dr Martin Fair

"Let us worship God for this is the day that the Lord has made"

HYMN Praise my soul the King of heaven

Praise my soul the King of heaven, to His feet thy tribute bring                                            

Ransomed healed restored forgiven, who like me His praise should sing

Praise him praise Him, Praise Him praise Him Praise the everlasting King


Praise Him for His grace and favour, to our fathers in distress                                                          

Praise him still the same for ever, slow to chide and swift to bless

Praise Him praise Him, Praise Him praise Him, glorious in His faithfulness


Father like He tends and spares us, well our feeble frame He knows                                                          

In his hands He gently bears us, rescues us from all our foes

Praise Him praise Him, Praise Him praise Him, widely as His mercy flows


Frail as summer’s flower we flourish, blows the wind and it is gone                                                  

But while mortals rise and perish, God endures unchanging on

Praise Him praise Him, Praise Him praise Him, Praise the high eternal One


Angels help us to adore Him, ye behold Him face to face                                                                          

Sun and moon bow down before Him, dwellers all in time and space

Praise Him praise Him, Praise Him praise Him, Praise with us the God of grace


READING   John 1:1-18 from The Message

1-2 The Word was first,
the Word present to God,
    God present to the Word.
The Word was God,
    in readiness for God from day one.

3-5 Everything was created through him;
    nothing—not one thing!—
    came into being without him.
What came into existence was Life,
    and the Life was Light to live by.
The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness;
    the darkness couldn’t put it out.

6-8 There once was a man, his name John, sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light.

He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light.

9-13 The Life-Light was the real thing:
    Every person entering Life
    he brings into Light.
He was in the world,
    the world was there through him,
    and yet the world didn’t even notice.
He came to his own people,
    but they didn’t want him.
But whoever did want him,
    who believed he was who he claimed
    and would do what he said,
He made to be their true selves,
    their child-of-God selves.
These are the God-begotten,
    not blood-begotten,
    not flesh-begotten,
    not sex-begotten.

14 The Word became flesh and blood,
    and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
    the one-of-a-kind glory,
    like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
    true from start to finish.

15 John pointed him out and called, “This is the One! The One I told you was coming after me but in fact was ahead of me.

He has always been ahead of me, has always had the first word.”

16-18 We all live off his generous bounty,
        gift after gift after gift.
    We got the basics from Moses,
        and then this exuberant giving and receiving,
    This endless knowing and understanding—
        all this came through Jesus, the Messiah.
    No one has ever seen God,
        not so much as a glimpse.
    This one-of-a-kind God-Expression,
        who exists at the very heart of the Father,
        has made him plain as day.



This book Sophie’s World was in its day an international best seller. It’s really an introduction to philosophy which may not make it sound like a page turner but its set up as a novel and is a great read. Let me read a small section for you. What is the most important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer is food. If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is warmth. If we put the same question to someone who feels lonely and isolated, the answer will probably be the company of other people. But when those basic needs have been satisfied, will there be something that everybody needs. Philosophers thinks so. The believe that man cannot live by bread alone. Of course everyone needs food and everyone needs love and care. But there is something else apart from that which everyone needs and that is, to figure out who we care and why we are here.


So there we have 2 big questions. Who am I and why am I here? Philosophical questions yes, but deep theological questions for sure. Who am I and why am I here? The first of these questions is one of identity and the second is one of purpose. Today we are going to think on the first question who am I? This question of our identity and next week we'll consider the second, why am I here? What’s the point of me being on earth? What is my purpose? The author of Sophie’s world offers us two thoughts as we begin this quest, of discovering our identity who I am. He begins by saying that we begin to discover who we are when we discover that we are not just ourselves. In other words that there are others around us and that it is in connecting with them, that we begin to discover who we are in terms of our connectedness to others. Maybe we can think of it this way. That it is impossible to understand ourselves without thinking about all those around us. Look for a moment at the pebbles on this stony beach. You can hardly think of one without the others. They somehow belong together. The second thing he suggests and this is a new addition to the original writing of the book. He says that we begin to understand who we are, when we realise that we are connected with the world in which we live. And he goes as far as to say, that we can’t understand who we are, we’ll never ever have a true sense of our identity, unless we understand that it somehow wrapped up in our connectedness with where we are. So two things as we begin to answer. First of all our identity is in our connectedness with other people and our connectedness with the environment.


As for our connectedness to the creation, right at the beginning the book of Genesis makes it abundantly clear that we are part of what God has made. We have a pleasant special place within that. We are set as stewards over creation. But none the less we are part of it and our connectedness to it, is vital to who we are. I wonder who you see when you look up close at yourself. Who are you? What is your identity? In recent years of course we have seen the rise in so called identity politics. We hear people saying all the time: 'I identify as this or that or the next thing'. I guess as I think about myself, my Scottishness is important to me, but I also understand myself to be British. I identify I think about myself as a male, as a husband, as a father, as a son. There are so many aspects as how I might define myself. As I look to answer the question who am I? Everything that I have described so far is important to me. My connectedness to others, my connectedness to the creation and those other things that I have mentioned. My sense of who I am in relation to the place I come from, the people I’m part of and my understanding of myself in relation to family. Those who are immediately around me. All that is important as I think about my identity of who I am. But as a Christian there is something more. Of course there is something much more. Right there at the very start of John’s gospel in the first chapter we hear the phrase: ‘Children of God, children of God’. My friends, here is the key ultimately to who I am. Ultimately my identity is as a child of God. 


Yes all those other things matter in terms of how I piece together my understanding of who I am. But they are all arranged underneath this key and crucial and most important conviction that first and foremost I am a child of God. This underpins everything else and without that, there is something essential missing. I am a child of God. That's who I am. That’s who I identify as. My relating to other people, my relating to this planet all flow out of the fact that first and foremost, I am related to a loving God who in His grace and through his son has declared me to be his child. It’s on this solid rock that I build this firm foundation of being a child of God and this is my identity. This is who I am. 


But even then there is something else that must be said and it’s this. I am only a child of God because of what Jesus has done for me. Because Jesus came into the world for me, because Jesus has lived His life for me and in the end because Jesus gave His life for me. That’s why I can say with confidence in response to the question who am I? I am a child of God because of Jesus. Friends, let us never ever take that for granted. Let us never ever become blasé about this truth, that Jesus gave Himself for us that we might be children of God. Let us then keep His cross ever before us as a reminder of this truth. Let us hold fast to His cross. By the cross we are children of God.


HYMN When I survey the wondrous cross


When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.


Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast save in the death of Christ, my God;

All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His blood.


See! from His head, His hands, His feet sorrow and love flow mingled down;

Did e’er such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose so rich a crown?


Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were an offering far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.


PRAYER OF INTERCESSION                        (The Reverend Rosie Frew Convenor of Faith Nurture Forum)


Lord God,

We give thanks for all those who nurture faith – through work with children, in discipleship, in the leading of worship, in outreach to the world around.

We give thanks and pray for those who engage with children and young people in Sunday schools and Messy Church, mid-week activities and holiday clubs, youth groups and school chaplaincies. Inspire them as they keep our young people involved in different ways. Encourage them as, in faith, they plant seeds in hearts and minds.

We give thanks and pray for those who lead Bible studies and discussion groups, wrestling with the issues of the day, seeking to open minds and mature faith.

We give thanks and pray for those who are leading worship at this time, challenged to adapt to new ways of engaging. We give thanks for new opportunities to touch hearts and minds. We pray for discernment as we move forward – what to take with us, what to leave behind.

We give thanks and pray for those in the ministries of the church – parish ministers, Ordained Local Ministers, Chaplains and specialist ministries, Deacons, Readers and Locums. Grant them strength and wisdom in these difficult days; imagination and openness as they seek your guiding.

We pray for those discerning a call to ministry, those in training, those seeking their first charge. Be their light, their support, their assurance in their questioning, in their formation.

We give thanks and pray for the members of the new Faith Nurture Forum and for the staff working from their homes – for their commitment to the life and work of the church in these uncertain times - supporting, resourcing, enabling, encouraging, responding to change, working alongside congregations, concerned for the poorest and most marginalised.

We give thanks and pray for each other. For the assurance of you love and care; for your peace in our lives; for hearts on fire with the good news of Jesus; for imagination and courage in mission and fresh expressions of faith; for willingness to embrace the challenges of the changing days ahead.

In Jesus name we pray



HYMN I stand amazed in the Presence

I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene
And wonder how He could love me a sinner, condemned, unclean
How marvellous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvellous! how wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me!

For me it was in the garden He prayed not my will but Thine

He had no tears for His own griefs but sweat drops of blood for mine

How marvellous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvellous! how wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me!


He took my sins and my sorrows, and made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary and suffered and died alone
How marvellous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvellous! how wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me!

When with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see
It will be my joy through the ages to sing of His love for me

How marvellous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be:
How marvellous! how wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me!

BENEDICTION May the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you all today and forever more. Amen

Let us Pray (Allan)


Our Lord's prayer,

Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.



Postcard from Kingskettle

(Rev Michael Allardice)


By the time you read this Postcard, Liz & I will have had the delight of meeting up with most of our family in person: both our Sons and our Daughter, our two Grandchildren Liz’s Mother and Brother and his Wife. Phew, all this socialisation is pretty tough after all the time in lock-down! Thankfully, we’ve managed to spread these contacts out over the week and within all the appropriate rules. The occasion for all these meetings is my Mother-in-Law’s 87th Birthday which has given everyone the excuse to at least drop-off presents with us even if they can’t visit her directly. Naturally, given her age, everyone wants to ensure she’s not exposed to too many people or risks, but we will be able to take her out for High Tea: the first time she’ll have left the house in many months.


Some of you will be relating very closely to her situation: being stuck at home over these past few months. Hopefully, you too are now getting the opportunity to step over the threshold and explore the world beyond your immediate environs. So many of our older relatives and neighbours have had to look after themselves by staying away from the rest of their families and friends and we must not underestimate the impact that will have had on both their physical and mental health. Anyone denied the chance to see their closest family and friends for a prolonged period will struggle to return to something resembling ‘normal life’, but it must be even more difficult for our older citizens.


As things begin to open up, we all need to be conscious, not just of our own situation but also that of everyone around us, especially those who are older or more vulnerable. It is important that we do begin to go out once again and offer our support to local shops and businesses, but we mustn’t forget our responsibilities to do so within the guidance we are given. Wearing facemasks might not be very comfortable at times but think of the discomfort of all the Healthcare Staff who have to wear full PPE hour after hour on wards, in clinics or in care homes. Steamed up glasses and irritated noses are minor irritants compared to full PPE and serious illness.


For some people, masks are difficult to wear – especially if you have a health condition or suffer from Autism, Claustrophobia or similar conditions – and we should be understanding of those who genuinely struggle with them. However, if the vast majority of us put ourselves out just a little, the impact could be massive in reducing the number of cases of Covid-19 and allowing more vulnerable people to live as close to ‘normal’ as possible. This type of behaviour has been referred to a lot recently as the “Social Contract” we have with each other, and that is a very good term for it. However, that’s not a new concept, philosophers have debated the value and meaning of Social Contracts for centuries – Thomas Hobbes was one of the earliest to expound this theory in the 17th century.


For us as Christians, the roots of Social Contract go much deeper though. When Jesus was being questioned by some Teachers of the Law about the importance of the Commandments, He responded:

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’” (Matt 22: 37 – 39)

Social Contract theory, our understanding of how we relate to each other and the wider world, and so much more is bound up in these two simply maxims. There power is in their simplicity, and they give each one of us a guiding light for how we treat each other and especially those less able than ourselves. People often claim that there are too many rules involved in religious practice – how far from the truth they are! If all we do is hold these two verses in our minds and hearts, all the other “stuff” will fall into place. Jesus didn’t set out to make life difficult for those who followed Him, in clearly stating these simple words He set out exactly how we could all live our lives in peace and harmony.


Now, more than ever, these verses apply to each and every one of us, and in living them out in practice we will make a real difference to those who find life really hard. None of this is unique to Christianity and we can see many others whither they have faith or not living out these words, but for us as Christians Jesus’ words ought to lay at the very heart of our motivations in all aspects of our lives, as a guide for life and relationships.


I hope you feel the love of God and your neighbours surrounding you, whatever your circumstances, and as you give of your best for others, you will receive far more in return.


Additional worship & Personal Prayers


Sunday Worship on Radio 4 at 08:10 Songs of Praise on BBC1 Sunday 1.15 pm.

Church of Scotland - Kirk Services online  

Rev Dr Amos Chewachong:




by Edgar A Guest

(Thanks to Jane MacDonald )

I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;

I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.

The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear;

Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear;

And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,

For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.


I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done;

I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.

And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,

But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do;

For I might understand you and the high advice you give,

But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.


One good man teaches man, men believe what they behold;

One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told.

Who stands with men of honour learns to hold his honour dear,

For right living speaks a language which to everyone is clear.

Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence, I say.

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.





As we await approval of St Andrews Presbytery for the re-opening of Kilrenny Church for worship, the Kirk Session is following ALL the guidance1 given by the Church of Scotland to ensure Kilrenny Church is as safe an environment as possible for us to re-commence worship.


The Coronavirus clearly presents a challenge to us all, and we all are making decisions daily on where we feel confident in going, outside our own homes, as we move through stage 3 of easing lockdown.


The Church of Scotland has provided what it has called an 'Assessment Tool' for individuals, to help you personally assess your position. This is based on a number of risk factors: age, sex, ethnicity, and underlying health issues.


I attach as an appendix to the Chronicle the Assessment Tool Form for your personal use2, which aims to help you decide whether you wish to attend Kilrenny Church for worship once we are permitted to open.


The Church of Scotland have produced this for guidance only. It is not mandatory. In other words if you happen to have a higher score it is only a suggestion that you might want to consider not attending Church. It does not prohibit you from coming to church if you are well and observe the hygiene guidance and social distancing.


The Kirk Session, of course, look forward to welcoming to worship ALL of our congregation, and assure you that your safety is its priority. Naturally the Kirk Session will understand if you do not wish to attend worship in the church and will endeavour to continue to assist you with personal worship at home and keep you informed of Church matters.


The Kirk Session has a continuing responsibility to 'Risk Assess' to ensure the Church is a safe environment, and If you wish to discuss anything with regard to the preparations undertaken for re-opening the Church for worship, please don't hesitate to contact me.   (My details are on the front page of this Chronicle).



1. Guidance document "Covid-19 - Reopening of Church Buildings". This is a 56 page document now on its third version - it is regularly updated as we move through the stages of easing of lockdown. If anyone wants a copy I can email it to you.

2. This Form is for your own personal use, it is not to be shared with or disclosed to anyone.




News of those wearing a Dog collar!

Doddie's diary and the trials of Ann    

I recall the 1960’s topical satirical programme “That Was the Week that Was,” which poked fun at the previous week’s events. Well this has been my “That was the Week that Was”!! Doddie had his “little operation” this week (one that is generally accepted as advisable for health reasons unless you are intending to breed from them). He went through the operation no bother but the period of recovery has been somewhat frenetic!

Obviously the suture lines have to be kept as clean and dry as possible. I am sure we are all wincing on his behalf. So Doddie was given a head cone to prevent him from reaching and interfering with his wound, but this caused him great distress. He had cracked it in two places on the first evening and broken it properly on the next day – it is now sellotaped in place and looks more wounded than he does!


I got a post-operative recovery doggy leotard (a suitical if you please). This reminds me of a 1920’s/30’s circus strong man’s outfit – a bit baggy in certain places. However, immediate relief from stress, all was going to be well until he found that by being a contortionist he could bypass the leotard through a gaping leg hole. I am now awaiting delivery of a polo-shaped collar which can be added to the mix of protective gear. I do not think it will be money wasted as I think we have a wee boy who could be in a few scrapes during his lifetime. At least I will be ready!

Added to all of this came the veterinary advice for post-operative care; that he was to have gentle exercise only. These two words do not go together in any vocabulary associated with Doddie. He is fairly bouncing off the walls without his daily exercise. I try to alter games into quiet pastimes which he converts into grab and dash games. I have blocked off the garden and he has vaulted the lot, baggy leotard and all. Also, because of his reduced exercise he is not tired so no rest times, for him or me!

The op has understandably increased his anxiety levels so that a lot of the learned good behaviour has gone out of the window but I live in hope that normal service will resume – as soon as possible please!





Sheena and Hamish.

This last week Hamish and I had visitors - my daughter Heather, granddaughter Nadine and great-granddaughter Tamara (5 years old). When they arrived and stepped out the car Hamish was beside

himself with excitement. He had never met a small person before and now he has a new best friend; they were inseparable and are coming back next week for round 2.  I never imagined that Hamish; this small ball of fluff would turn out to be such a strong and agile wee dog, he's so full of get up and go and keeps me on my toes.   He is very good and mild-mannered for part of the day then his mischievousness streak comes out leaving me thinking 'what's he going to do next'?   The squeaky chicken Heather bought him 3 months ago is now his latest favourite and he likes nothing better than using it as ammo for belting me around the ankles!  Ouch!

Hoping you are all well.  Sheena.


The Naughty Choirboy

Over the years, as our children were growing up, the Session Clerk and I used family holidays to introduce our daughters to the fact that, whilst they learned about the activities of the Church of Scotland, at Sunday School and within the church itself, elsewhere in the world there existed other religions and places of worship, where other people did things in their own way.


So it was that, over time we visited, the Islamic Blue Mosque in Istanbul, the Greek Orthodox St Catherine's Church in Athens, which had originally been a Byzantine Structure, and the R. C Vatican in St Peter's Square, Vatican City, during visits to Rome, and a variety of small local country churches. It was comforting to learn that, even during holidays at Disneyland Florida, assorted worship took place every Sunday. Indeed it was difficult for five to find seating together.


The same thing happens on Cruise ships. I recall two lovely ladies from Pittenweem who spotted our bag tags at Edinburgh airport and immediately grabbed my arm, saying "We di'ken whaur we're gaun, but it's fine noo, we'll just follow you!" and they did!

When we stepped off the plane at Venice, sure enough my shadows were there!

However, this was not without its rewards.


On the first Sunday morning of a long trip, we toddled along to the theatre designated "Multi faith Worship" (and why not?) which was packed!

Never mind that. Two shrill voices hit the eardrums:- "Q Hoo, Q Hoo, we've kept seats for you. We've had to tell a couple o' other folk that this is the East Neuk Pew!"

To this day, I'm prepared to bet that neither the naval architect nor P+O cruises even knew that the ship had an East Neuk Pew! I never saw it mentioned in the Brochure.


When the kids fled the nest, Her Honour and I continued our tours and visits to Churches, taking in the Cathedral of the Annunciation near the Kremlin in Moscow, complete with its incredible works of Art. Mind you the underground rail stations in Moscow are Art Galleries in themselves!


En route to the railway station in Moscow to board a train to St Petersburg, we visited, on a recommendation, a more rural Church, open daily, very welcoming, folk carrying on their worship whilst we wandered all over a beautiful building, being led all the time by our nose to their exquisite food in a lovely cafe; with the best pies I ever tasted.

I wish I could remember the name: -

Of the Church! Not the pie.


Interestingly, the Moscow area (population around 12.5 Million) is currently proceeding through a programme of building 200 new churches. Scotland (population around 5.5 Million) is struggling to keep open, and staff, what Churches we have!




Allan & Sybil's Quiz answers


Here are the answers to George and Pauline's picture quiz last week.

Tricky weren’t they?


1) Pheasant 2) Curlew 3) Corn Bunting 4) Nightingale 5) Spoonbill 6) Kittiwake 7) Canary 8) Kingfisher 9) Nightjar 10) Waxwing 11) Nuthatch 12) Magpie


Allan & Sybil's Quiz

This week a Bible crossword puzzle





Members Stories


Mary Heal (nee Kermack) died on the morning of Sunday November 27th 2016, aged 90. We all remember Mary with much affection and I recall her telling of her time at Bletchley. Sworn to secrecy, the Bletchley girls were never allowed to talk about their work during the second world war, but in 2014 the secret was revealed and Mary hit the local news headlines. She quite rightly proudly wore her Bletchley medal and gave us a fascinating and amusing insight into her Bletchley story that finally could be celebrated and acknowledged.


Malcolm has painstakingly typed out     Mary's own story covering her early childhood, which is written in very,

very broad Scotch / East Neuk dialect.


Mary's Story.

Lang Syne in the East Neuk O Fife                    

by Mary Kermack (Heal)


A little bit about Mary first: Mary Kermack was born at Craigie Farm, Leuchars , Fife on 27.4.1904. When months old she moved to Randerson Farm near Kingsbarns in the East Neuk and when nearly 5 years old moved to Cornceres Farm near Kilrenny. Her father moved there so that the family would be nearer Kilrenny School. He was a cattleman at Randerson and at Cornceres. When she was seven year old the family moved to Kinross where her story ends.


Part 1. My mother was ma mither, my father was ma fether. Robbie an Geordie an me aa went tae schule an aa simmer we niver had on buits. We wid gan barefit alang the stourie roads an we wid hae tae wash our feet afore bedtime wi a wee drap rain watter out o the barrel. If we wis drouthie we wid gether a bunch o sourocks tae eat. On Setterday we wid mebbe get a ha’penny tae buy a lucky bag. That wis juist if we behaved oursels an whiles we didnae. We wid play wi our girds, an our bouls, an hide an seek. Our happy days were at the sea. Mither wid say, “Nou watch wee Mary disnae faa in the watter”. We wid tak the barrie ma fether made an we wid gether wulks an limpits, an dulse. Mither byled the wulks for us, the limpits for the sou, and the dulse for our denner. It wis awfie guid we chappit tautties and butter an a drink o milk. Ae day we went tae the sea, ma mither says “Nou be hame in time, dinnea bide lang an ye’ll get yer faces wooshen for Auntie Mag’s comin in the efternune”. We liket whan Aunty cam she aye brocht us a wee lucky bag. Weel, we cam up the dykeside an saw the shepherd feedin the sheep. We haudit ahent the dyke till he went awa an we chased the sheep awa an we stole the locust beans out o the trochs. The maister saw us an he wis awfie angry. He took us hame an telt ma mither he wid punish the ladies if she wid deal wi me. I got ma dowp skelpit an it wis awfie sair an the maister leathered Robbir an Geordie wi a stick. That wis nuchen tae the punishment tae come. Aunty cam, she wid hae tae walk twa mile frae the station bit the carrier brocht her wee tin kist wi his horse an cairt. Gin tea time ma mither was still ragin an angry wi us. Ken hou? It wis the mister at cocht us stealin, an that wis an awfie affront. Aunty Mag says tae me “Puir we snotter, nou dinnae greet nae mair an I’ll gie ye yer lucky bags out o ma kist. Aa she hid in her kist wis her shawl, an her gounie, an her crochet an her baffies and her baccie an our lucky bags. Ma mither says “I’ll tak thae” an she pit them in the fire! O mither, I gret sair that nicht an so did Robbie an Geordie. But we never stole locust beans again. Aunty cured ma hauns o the warts. She wid gether leaves at the roadside, I dinnae ken the name o them. She byled the cut up leaves an spread it on ma warts an aa the ugly warts were aa awa in a week. Aunty smoked a clay pipe an bogie roll. Ma mither didnae smoke, she took snuff an the doctor wid look antrin times fur a snuff. His wis the first motor car I ever saw. I’m geyen Robbie widnae get monie mair lucky bags for I think it wid be that Easter he wis drount in the quarry. In thae days we got a ha’penny for a bottle at the sweetie shop. Weel Robbie wis tryin to get the bottle out o the glaur an fell in. An there’s a queer thing. The mister wha hid gien him sic a lickin for stealin went doun inta the dirty glaur an hauled Robbie oot. Onie time I see thae phaishant e’ed lilies I think on Robbie in his coffin. Geordie an me went back tae the schule efter the funeral an whin I saw Robbie’s tuim saet I grat. The teacher said “ what are you crying for?” I telt her I hid a sair wyme. We niver weariet o gaun tae the sea, whit happy days we hid doun amon the buckies an saund an sea-waur. Efter a storm their wid be a lot o sea-waur an the pleuman wid be doun wi the cairts tae drive the tangle on tae the fields. Ither days we wid watch the partin harr creepin in an wid ken the partan creels wid be fou in the morning. We fairly liked partan. We hid a fine warm house in the winter time wi an auld-faurant coal fie. Ma fether had a leather armchair an ma mither hid a basket chair. Mither wid work aa day outby in the fields an at nicht wi the lamp lichit she wid sit an knit black worsit stockins. Ma mither wis awfie bonnie an wid sing tae us the auld Scots sangs The Lea Rig, Caw the Yowes, Robin Adair as well as Erin gu Brath. Mither kent them aa an ma fether wid play his whustle. I want tae tell ye mair about ma mither’s basket chair. She hed tae save up the pink coupons out o Al soap pouders. She needed a lot for a basket chair an it had bonnie cushions wi bif pink roses on. Syne she wid save some mair coupons an we wid get awfie bonnie picters. Twa I hae mind o, this wummin wis dressed in a braw silk goun an a verse o the sang on her picter wis “When ye gang awa Jamie”. The verse on his picter wis “I’ll bring ye a braw new goun Jeannie. We aye hid bonnie picters an ma fether framed them, he wid pit the glue pat on the fire tae melt the glue an stuck the broun paper on the back o the picters. Ma fether wis gey knackie wi his hauns an he mendit wir buits. He hid a last sat atween his knees an he soled an heeled, an pit in tackets, an he could pautch them wi twa needles an a rossity thried. I hae his wee hammer in my drawer yet. I’ll tell ye mair ma fether wad dae. He wid fauld up a page out o the Peoples Journal an tear out a wee bit here an there, an whit a bonnie lacy pauttern whin he opened it out. He wid hing them alang the bress rod. If it wis awfie heavy rain ma mithe wid say “ye cannae gan out an play the day it’s rainin cats an dugs an auld wives, an chuckie stanes, an horses brechums”. So on weet days I wid play wi ma jaud – as far as I mind that wis a doll made o wuid. Geordie got an auld byke an stoured alang the road that fast. Then he went along the dyke an fell aff on the steep side an broke his airm. He went about fur a day or twa wi that sair airm an haid tae be taen tae the doctor. Three mile we hid tae walk tae Crail tae the doctor an then he wis sent on the train the hospital in Dundee. He got it set in a splint an didnae like the hospital so he got oot an a bobby gied him money tae get hame. Ma fether wid send a Postal Order tae the bobby. I dinnae mind o ony o’s haein measles or fever or oniethin like that. If we hid a sair wyme oot wid cam the caster ile. Antrim times ma mither wid mask sinny tea an we hed tae drink that, like it or no. That sinny tea fairly made us rin tae the offie. Bit mind, the offie wis awa up at the tap o the gairden at the back o the sou’s crae aside the midden. An I wis a wee lassie wi wee short legs antrim times I widnea get tae the offie in time. Ma mither wid rage “ Feechs ye clorty wee besom” an she wid rin me intae the wash-hoose an wid hae tae shift. Nae wunner she raged, a shift wis a chemise an bloomers an a petticoat – ma mither wid hae a washin tae dae! puir mither. Oh mither, ye wid rage at me an gar me greet. Whyles we wid tak the barrie doun tae the sea for sticks for the fire, an if we got plenty ma mither wid say “that’ll dae drawly”. O she didnae rage aa the time! We wid get wi ma mither for the messages on Setterday nicht. We wid hae tae walk the twa mile an if their wis na munelicht we aye hid the May Island lichthoose flashin round three times every wee while.

(continued next week)


The Kirk Session wish you a very safe, healthy and happy week ahead.


To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

the God whom we adore,

be glory, as it was, and is,

and shall be evermore.



ps. don't forget the Assessment form 

