Kilrenny Church Chronicle for Sunday 5th July.

Tuesday 07 July 2020



  Contact: Corinne                                                                          email:                                   

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ISSUE 16 Sunday 5th July 2020.

Kilrenny Church website 


East Neuk Covid19 Emergency help numbers:

0800 999 6543 - 07818 414178.


Today is the 72nd Birthday of the NHS




Worship and personal reflection:


''Our homes are in a Real and Important way the places of worship''



Scripture Reading:

Matthew 6: 9 - 13

 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

“This, then, is how you should pray:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread
12  Forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one.

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Praise CH4 546 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,


The Lord's Prayer

Rev Ian Hamilton's reflection on the Lord's Prayer last week, together with a Maori and Polynesian version of it, sent to me by Jim (see following this reflection), influenced me to take some time reflecting on the prayer.

Ian mentioned that the Lord's Prayer is inscribed on the wall of a church on the Mount of Olives in over 60 languages, and I discovered that there are over 60 translations of the Bible, in English, that can be looked up at:

including one of the oldest translations, 'King James' which I'm sure is familiar to most of us from earlier days, to one of the more recent translations which was popular with Rev Arthur Christie 'The Message'. The translation I reference today is the New International Version used in Kilrenny Church.

In our worship we recite the Lord's Prayer, we expect it and look forward to it, and it is an automatic part of the Order of Service on a Sunday. In the worship section of this Chronicle each week Allan prepares our weekly prayers and always concludes our prayer section with the Lord's Prayer. We expect nothing less.

Perhaps for some people the Lord's Prayer may have an almost mystical or calming quality, whilst for others its repetition and familiarity mean it is given less thought than ought to be the case.

When the disciples saw Jesus perform miracles and teach, they didn't ask him to teach them to do likewise, rather what captured their attention was hearing him Pray. It was not that the disciples didn't know the words of prayer, they knew so many prayers that formed the liturgy at the synagogue and covered all aspects of daily life, but they wanted to know how to talk to God in prayer.   Jesus taught how to have a conversation with God.

As Ian described last week, Jesus sets out in these few verses a "pattern for prayer" that helps to pray in a way that is pleasing to God and keeps us right.

One thing you can definitely say about this prayer is that it is short – short on flowery language and short on waffle, but it covers everything we need. Only Fifty Two words! that are packed full of significance, dealing with the relational aspects of our lives, and our spiritual and physical needs.

Jesus expressed His concern about some aspects of Jewish prayer, there was a tendency to want to let everyone know what they were doing (an outward show of piety) rather than prayer being an intimate conversation, and the length and wordiness of some prayers. (Matthew 6: 5)   It’s not the words and being seen that are important, but rather it's the heart and soul behind the words that matter. Jesus tells us not to worry, "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Matthew 6: 8)


Jesus said, "This then is how you should pray”  (Matthew 6: 9)


Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name

Our: I hadn't personally given much thought to the first word. Our. The plural “our” and 'us' is used throughout the prayer, acknowledging a connection to a 'praying community' where the needs of the individual are not separated from those of the wider community and because we all have the same need of sustenance from God.

The Lord's prayer can of course be prayed individually, but as we pray it together in Church and it is an important part of the worship section of our Chronicle - during this period of isolation I like to think that we pray the Lord's Prayer 'together' in our own homes at this time.


Our Father in Heaven

Jesus invites us to call upon God as Father, because God, has created us and given us life and therefore we should have a personal relationship with Him. Prayer is speaking with God, and for our relationship with Him to flourish we must converse with Him.


There is to be no confusion, nor comparison between God and earthly fathers - the important distinction is made: “Our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9 & 7:11) God is different, He is in heaven.


Jesus also directs us to Praise Him, "Hallowed be your name".   Praise is an important part of our prayer, as God is our creator, it is natural for us to worship and honour him.“There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God”  (1 Samuel 2:2) and we must proclaim Him as being "worthy to receive glory and honour" (Revelation 4: 11).


Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven

To pray that God’s kingdom will come is to ask that God’s power to create will prevail over forces that destroy. God’s kingdom comes through Jesus, The Messiah, who revealed a kingdom characterised by sacrifice and resurrection. In heaven, God’s will is unopposed, there is no sin and death there, and we pray that God’s will may be carried out on earth, unopposed, as it is in heaven.

Jesus also reminds us to seek God’s plan, and seek to do his will. We should not be praying “This is what I want you to do, or this is how I see it.” In the Lord's prayer we acknowledge that He knows what is best for us and that we have a responsibility to fulfil God's purpose in the world.


Give us each day our daily bread.

Obviously Jesus was not telling His disciples to pray only for food, but also for all spiritual good things. 'Bread' represents the necessities of life, both physical and spiritual. Bread was a staple in the diet of the Jews, and was a powerful symbol of God’s provision for His people in the Old Testament. God cared for the Israelites when they were in the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt, by providing manna which was gathered and received daily and we are reminded in Deuteronomy 8: 3 "Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."


God wants us to find spiritual nourishment and fulfilment in him also.

Jesus tells us that God supplies our needs, and we can depend on Him for everything, just as a child depends on its parent. Matthew 7: 11 “If you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask?”  


Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors  

C.S. Lewis was once asked: “What is found in Christianity which is not found in any other religion?” He replied, “That’s simple: the forgiveness of sin.   God has the power to remove sin “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us, ” (Psalm 103:12)

In all relationships people accumulate hurts and grievances that end up defining their relationship. Wrongs from the past affect the present and close off the future. The term 'forgive' in the original Greek means to release: to pardon; to remit; to overlook an offence. To forgive is not to say that what has transpired does not matter, but that it will no longer define the future relationship.   As recipients of 'forgiveness or release' from God, we must then extend it to others.


And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

The Lord's prayer recognises that the world is the scene of contending forces. In centuries past, “evil” was used to describe all manner of ills, from natural disasters to the impulse to do wrong, whereas today it’s used mostly to emphasise the gravity of a crime, hinting at 'dark forces' to describe the unfathomable depths of human motivation which can destroy individuals and communities.


Temptation is more properly ascribed to Satan, the “evil one.” God is the one who Jesus tells us to call upon for help in avoiding temptation, particularly from repeating those wrongs for which we have received forgiveness. God leads us away from temptation, not into it. "God tempts no one to sin" (James 1:13). We are told God protects us - He leads us, beside quiet waters” (Psalm 23:2) “on a straight path” (Psalm 27:11) and “ directs you in the way you should go” (Isaiah 48:17).


Whilst there are many different 'translations' of the Lord's Prayer, reflecting ancient and modern language and cultural differences, the teaching of Jesus, on how to pray, remains unaffected and reminds us that God longs for His people to communicate with Him, not just in Church on Sunday, but wherever we are and whatever our need.


I am grateful to Jim McKane, for sending me a copy of the Lord's Prayer that is included in The New Zealand Book of Prayer. This version demonstrates the unique character of the NZ Anglican Church and the impact that the Polynesian culture has had upon it. (For example take note of how God is referred to as both masculine and feminine.)


Let us Pray:


THE Lord’s Prayer:

Maori & Polynesia


Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:

The hallowing of your name echo through the universe;
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world;
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings;
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.

With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trial too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,
now and forever. Amen.

Praise: CH4 641 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God


A Message from The NHS

Thankyou Together

It is 72 years since the NHS and social care system was established and tonight (5th July) the NHS invites everyone to come together at 5pm and applaud the commitment, courage and sacrifice shown by so many.

On 5 July 1948, the NHS was launched by Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health, at Park Hospital in Manchester (known today as Trafford General Hospital). For the first time, hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists were brought together under one umbrella to provide care for free.


Since then, the NHS has transformed the health and wellbeing of the nation. The NHS has delivered huge medical advances and improvements to public health, meaning we can all expect to live longer, healthier lives.


The NHS’s birthday closely follows National Windrush Day which celebrates the anniversary of the Empire Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks, London on 22 June 1948. Many of the passengers took up roles in the NHS and were instrumental in building our health service, which launched two weeks later.


2020 has been the most challenging year in NHS history. This year, the birthday is an opportunity to recognise, reflect and remember. To recognise the skills, commitment, achievements, compassion and diversity of all 1.9 million people, across more than 350 different professions.


Let us Pray (Allan)

"On the 5th of July 1948 our world leading NHS came into being, that’s 72 years ago today. Since then it has transformed the health care of our nation, saved thousands if not millions of lives and improved our quality of life beyond recognition.

Here is a prayer for the NHS by Robert Exon, Chair of the Liturgical Commission".


For the NHS

God of healing and compassion,

we thank you for the establishment of the National Health Service,

and for the dedication of all who work in it:

give skill, sympathy and resilience

to all who care for the sick,

and your wisdom to those engaged in medical research.

Strengthen all in their vocation through your Spirit,

that through their work many will be restored to health and strength;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Everlasting God,
at this time we lift to you
those from all nations and backgrounds
who work on the front line in healthcare.
Give them skill and wisdom in their work.
Be their strength and their shield
as they give of themselves in the care of others. Amen.


For carers and health professionals

Heavenly Father,

whose blessed Son came not to be served but to serve:

bless all who, following in his steps,

give themselves to the service of others;

that with wisdom, patience, and courage,

they may minister in his name to the suffering and the needy;

for the love of him who laid down his life for us,

your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.  Amen

(With thanks to Allan for leading our    

     prayers each week)

A Reflection

Rev Ian W. F. Hamilton


I had the strangest experience as I once drove from Nairn down to Glasgow.   The journey most of the way south had gone fine - without a hitch. But as I came into the outskirts of Glasgow I encountered my first set of traffic lights and I couldn't believe my eyes - they were showing both red AND green at the same time!"

"What on earth shall I do?" I thought as I sat there with countless vehicles on my tail! I concluded hastily that all I could do was to look in every direction to ensure that there was no other traffic moving and then carefully negotiate the rather confusing traffic signals I had encountered.

But the question "What shall I do?" is as old as life itself - I'm sure many of you have often addressed it either to yourself or to someone else!


Sometimes we ask it calmly when a problem confronts us - one which demands careful consideration and action - like the faulty traffic lights on the outskirts of Glasgow! Sometimes we ask the question when we're gripped by fear or by distress.   On the other hand there are times when we find ourselves in a situation where we have to decide clearly between two courses of action. Maybe the issue isn't very simple and clear-cut, and so in our uncertainty we ask "What shall I do?"


The question has been posed since the beginning of time, and it's asked countless times in the Bible! It was one that people often put to Jesus himself - and he never failed to provide them with an answer!


Perhaps you'll remember the wonderful Bible story of a man called Saul who had been determined to stamp out the new religion called Christianity which had sprung up so rapidly and which was successfully winning so many people over. That was until Saul too made a journey one day down a certain road and met a strange experience, which for him became a life-changing encounter!   "This is what happened," as he describes the experience. “I was on the road to Damascus when suddenly a great light flashed from the sky. Then I heard a voice saying to me 'Saul - why do you persecute me?' I answered - 'Tell me who you are Lord.' ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting’.............and I said............. 'WHAT SHALL I DO?'"

As many may know, Jesus told Saul of Tarsus what to do - he gave Saul direction, and in consequence, as Paul the Apostle, he became the greatest ambassador of the new faith.


There are many who will pass through life and who will never have an experience as dramatic as that - nevertheless Jesus Christ comes to meet us in many ways as we walk life's road, and often in the most unlikely situations.


Our response must surely be to allow Him to give us direction, to let Him journey along with us and to guide us in our way. (Ian)


Postcard from Kingskettle

Rev Michael Allardice


So here we are in July and it seems that the weather has decided it's Autumn already! Having just come back in from my walk and having to put a towel over my head to dry off, I seem to have lost that summery feel for the moment – hopefully it’ll return soon and we can continue to enjoy our enforced time at home.


Last week I mentioned the idea that we should rethink aspects of our world while the opportunity of a fresh start presents itself. When I read through the copy of the Newsletter Corinne kindly e-mails me each week, I spotted her request for more contributions particularly from those who’ve not given her material so far…so I had a thought (Corinne might curse me for this!) Could we devote a small section of the Newsletter for people to put forward their thoughts/wishes/hopes for a different world from the one we’ve so recently left behind us? These wouldn’t need to be long or earth-shattering, but ideas that you’d like to put forward for a better, kinder world, one in which we’ve learned at least some of the lessons that Lockdown and Covid-19 has taught us.


It would be wrong of me to make such a suggestion and then leave you all hanging, so here’s my “starter for 10” as Bamber Gascoigne used to say:


One thing that has become abundantly clear during the pandemic is that the people who really make a difference in the world are often those who are the least well rewarded: Carers, Nurses, Cleaners, Shop Assistants, Delivery Drivers, etc. Without them society really does come to a grinding halt. If I were able to influence change, I would advocate that those who care the most receive both the material rewards they deserve as well as respect for their contribution to society.


Aligned with that first suggestion is a change in our approach to our treatment for those who cannot care for themselves. For decades we have all said something ought to be done about provision of care for older folk especially. However, governments of all persuasions have avoided grasping this particular nettle. We need to find a way of providing more than just adequate care, they should be treated with the exceptional care and respect their seniority deserves. Rather than being the Cinderella “service” and being hidden away, our older folk ought to be at the top of the list of priorities for investment and funding in the future. They continue to have so much to offer the world if they are seen as an asset rather than a liability – an inspiration for younger generations not a drain on resources.


On a lighter note, hasn’t it been a bonus that so many of us have had a chance to explore our own localities and met with neighbours who we’ve often just passed in the street with little more than a nod or brief “hello”. I like many people am wistful for the Italian Lakes or other sunny climes, however I’m becoming more and more appreciative of the attractions we have here on our own doorstep and am very aware of the need for us all to support our local shops, services and tourist attractions. Why don’t we all vow to spend more time exploring our own country over the next few years and offer support to all those communities that exist only because of tourism.


These are my “big ticket items” for change, but from them many other things would flow. I know I’m a dreamer in so many ways and my particular utopia may never come to pass, but if we don’t articulate our wishes for a better society – in small ways as well as large ones – then we leave it to others with different visions to dominate the agenda. As I said last week, we have a duty as Christians to have our voices heard, the Kilrenny Newsletter may only be a small start, but from small acorns do great Oak Trees grow and remember that Our Lord Jesus began His ministry with just a few followers on the banks of an insignificant lake in the hill country of a minor province of the Roman Empire…and look at how that grew! I’m sure Corinne would be delighted to receive your contributions on the different ways we might influence change in the world, locally, nationally or even internationally and who knows where this might lead us in the years to come! I’ll come off my campaigning Soap Box now and let others have their say.

Every blessing



(Thank you Michael for your suggestion for a new section for the chronicle. I will be delighted to receive and record all 'thoughts, wishes & hopes' for a different world)




Remembering Srebrenica


Rt Revd Dr W Martin Fair, Moderator

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland is inviting congregations across Scotland to pray for Srebrenica. "Remembering Twenty-five years ago the world watched in horror at what unfolded across the Balkans generally and, particularly, at Srebrenica.  Those who thought that such unthinkable extermination only happened elsewhere, or belonged in the history books, were shocked to see such scenes taking place in ‘civilised’ Europe."  

A Prayer for Srebrenica


God of yesterday, today and tomorrow,

Hear us as we pray and remember the people of Srebrenica,

We pray for those, whose memories are scarred with pain,

For those whose hearts are broken

For lives that were torn apart.


Hold us, and all those we remember in your embrace,

Never letting us forget the sins of humanity.


Bring us close to all;

Mothers and children,

Fathers and sons,

Sisters and brothers of those left behind

And heal their pain and sorrow.


Teach us never to forget the lessons of the past,

And in going forward, create a world of equity;

Not to be divided by hatred and discrimination

But united in courage, love and empathy


Help us Lord to learn to live for a world

Where differences are valued and respected

Where fear and distrust will never consume us.

We ask that those suffering would know your peace

and their lives might be restored through your grace.



for further information please see Remembering Srebrenica Scotland website


A Favourite Hymn

(John Ford)


When deciding on a favourite hymn the words are considered for their spiritual content and intent but the tunes have also influenced me, especially, if they are the recognised set tune to that hymn e.g. Cwm Rhondda for 'Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah. A case in point is this week's selection called 'Hark, my soul! it is the Lord;'


The words were written by William Cowper who was mentioned in my first item on Favourite Hymns. The words are given below – they are in CH3 but only the usual set tune, St Bees, features in CH4 with more modern words. This tune was written by yet another minister, J. B. Dykes, whose musical prowess was such that there are 10 tunes in CH4 - more by him than such famous composers as J S Bach and Arthur Sullivan. Some of these 10 are set to well- known and well used hymns such as 'We plough the fields and scatter,; 'Eternal Father, strong to save'; Jesus, Lover of my soul and 'The King of Love my shepherd is'.


J. B. Dykes (1823-1876) came from a musical and religious extended family.

Those talents made it into succeeding generations so in the 20th Century a descendant called Steven Dykes Bower became a prominent church architect, and his brother, John Dykes Bower, was organist at St Paul's Cathedral from 1936 to 1968. I heard the latter give a masterly organ recital in the Royal Festival Hall in the '50s – the organ there was one of the newest in the country at the time.


     Hark, my soul! it is the Lord;

     'Tis the Saviour, hear His word;

     Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee:

     Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?

     'I delivered thee when bound,

     And, when bleeding, healed thy wound;

     Sought thee wandering, set thee right;

     Turned thy darkness into light.


     Can a woman's tender care

     Cease towards the child she bare?

     Yes, she may forgetful be,

     Yet will I remember thee.


     Mine is an unchanging love,

     Higher than the heights above,

     Deeper than the depths beneath,

     Free and faithful, strong as death.


     Thou shalt see my glory soon,

     When the work of grace is done;

     Partner of My throne shalt be;         

     Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?


   Lord, it is my chief complaint

     That my love is weak and faint;

     Yet I love Thee and adore;

     O for grace to love Thee more!


Take Time for Personal Prayers


Additional worship

Sunday Worship on Radio 4 at 08:10 Songs of Praise on BBC1 Sunday 1.15 pm.

Church of Scotland - Kirk Services online   Rev Dr Amos Chewachong:     


News of those wearing a Dog collar!


Doddie's diary and the trials of Ann


“Do things get better?” New parents often ask as they try to adjust to their new arrival. “Oh yes” is the reply… “But” (ah that “but” word) there are always issues, they just get different as the offspring mature. And Doddie is no different, he has moved on a stage, and, in tune with the USA who celebrate their Independence Day on July 4th, he is striking out for independence against “She who must be obeyed”.


I try to let him off the lead at some part of each walk to practice the recall command. At first it was marvellous; he stuck to me like glue. Now he has the tendency to hang back on walks. I march on purposefully, sneaking glances checking that he is still behind me. He lets me go just so far and then his confidence disappears and he charges after me, he is not that independent then! This is repeated several times at the beginning of every walk at the moment. It is like playing ‘Grandmother’s Footsteps’. I turn to look and he screeches to a halt looking nonchalantly elsewhere. After a bit this reverses and he belts ahead dropping into the long grass. This is so he can pounce on me in a very similar fashion to the old film ‘The Pink Panther’ in which Peter Sellars teaches his manservant to pounce out and attack him in order to hone his reflexes and skills. Needless to say this is always at inappropriate times. So it is with Doddie, I am either actively fighting him off or hiding behind trees to get him to walk on. Dream on about peaceful walks gazing at the countryside! Ann





Susan and Alfie

Hello Everyone, it's Alfie again. 

Last week I went to the vet to get my annual booster. It was a different experience this time as Mum was not allowed to go in with me. Very strange!! Amanda the vet persuaded me to go with her by offering me a biscuit. I was quite happy to go with her especially if there's a biscuit!!! Amanda says I'm healthy with very good teeth. Not bad for an old dog. Still on a diet though. 

On Tuesday this week I went for a walk in Shell Bay with Doddie and Ann Thomson.  He still kisses me a lot but I put up with it. The weather was very very wet. We ended up very soggy indeed. It was still a good walk though maybe we should have walked round Kilrenny Common as the rain didn't reach there. Take care everyone,                                                     Lots of love Alfie and Susan xx 


Allan & Sybil's Quiz answers

Here are the answers to our bird name quiz last week. Hope I didn’t ruffle your feathers too much.


1) Wood Pigeon 2) Woodpecker 3) House Sparrow 4) Kestrel 5) Eider Duck 6) Lapwing 7) Great Tit 8) Swallow 9) Herring Gull 10) Cormorant 11) Peregrine Falcon 12) Song Thrush 13) Nightingale 14) Starling 15) Pheasant 16) Capercaillie 17) White Tailed Eagle 18) Yellowhammer 19) Barn Owl 20) Blackbird


Allan & Sybil's Quiz


Good Morning everyone. For this week's quiz I thought we should get back to basics so here are 20 scrambled books of the Bible, both Old and New Testament. No peaking at your Bibles index page!


  7. WHAT ME
  10. HAIL MAC
  16. PM IN HOLE
  18. I HAD BOA
  19. E LIKE ZE
  20. HERE I JAM



A history lesson

(courtesy of Malcolm)


The Tailless Cock

( by G.M.Nicolson )


The weathercock of Kilrenny Parish Church

has wanted a tail since 1879,

a minor tragedy of the Tay Bridge storm.


Kilrenny Kirk o ancient fame,

Boasted a cock that put to shame,

His naebours a the country roon,

Frae Anster to St Andra’s toon,

When rose the sun ayont the May,

The golden beams sent forth a ray,

That flashed upon his gorgeous tail,

Swinging triumphant in the gale.


But that sad nicht the Tay Brig fell doon,

And fierce the wind blew through the toon,

And a the village breathed a prayer,

That morning licht would find them there

Then, jist aboot midnicht hoor

There cam a blast o awfu po’er,

And loud abune the tempest’s din,

Was heard a clatterin like tin.


When morning dawned the storm wis o’er,

But tail had chanticleer no more,

For that same clatter was his pride,

To a the angry airts blown wide,

And, tailless since, he does his best,

To point to North, Sooth, Ast and Wast,


An so he’ll perch for a his days,

Till the auld Kirk rots and decays,

Unless some climb wi rod and rail,

And on him pit a braw new tail.


Malcolm found this newspaper report of the new cock in Courier and Advertiser dated Tuesday November 18th 1986. 

The report states that after 211 years a new weathercock has taken up residence on the 14th Century tower of Kilrenny Parish Church. The weathercock completing the restoration work on the Church and that a service of thanksgiving will be led by Rev Hamish McNab on the following Sunday.




The Naughty Choirboy


The recent talk of 2 metre distancing rang bells with me. Bells which rang back to 1995 when a 2 metre distance was an important subject to me.


It also recalled a solution typical of a naughty nature, which proved to me that naughty can perhaps be annoying, sometimes amusing, never really bad, and can, on occasion help to find an amicable solution.


My particular moan was along the coastal path at Kilrenny Mill. You will know that there is a gate there, locked, to prevent any vehicular access other than to Scottish Water Vehicles, and nowadays there is a sufficiently wide space between the southernmost gatepost and the foreshore, allowing progress for walkers, bikes, strong pushchairs and most importantly, ponies and horses!


'Twas not always thus.


When first erected, that gate was so wide that even a slim, fit, lithesome person like me struggled to edge around it without becoming creel bait; and with the promise of a pony arriving, this was a serious matter.


You see, hiking, trekking, hacking, walking, call it what you will, is not the same if you have to come back using the same route you took to start with.


It's alright for your start point to be your destination providing you take a long loop round Willie Gray's Dyke, Crail Road, Kilrenny and the Den Road to get back to the shore, but to go out and back the same route? That's a NO, NO!


Something had to be done.

Scottish Water as we know it now wasn't established until the year 2000, and during the preceding years, managerial personnel were, understandably, hesitant to stick their heads above the parapets over something as important as a gate.


Everyone I spoke to, in their pecking order was very pleasant and sympathetic; BUT, no progress.


Yes, something had to be done; and it was. As you will read next week.


Members Stories

The search for a site to hold the annual scout summer camp

12 Fife (East Neuk Scouts)

Malcolm MacDonald

Part 2 Activities

On Monday morning after breakfast each scout would select the tests and badges he would like to pass that week, outside first aid, cooking on an open fire, knots, lashings and pioneering (and all the rest of the ones that cannot be passed except at the summer camp). Each scout and their patrol would be awarded points for the number of tests and badges that they would complete in the week. Also each patrol would get points for inspection, neat and tidy areas and a pioneering project the scout leader would ask them to complete during the week. At the end of the camp all points would be added and the winning patrol would be presented with the Annual Summer Camp Trophy.

The trophy would usually be a piece of timber with the farm name and year of camp burnt on to it and it would be hung up in the patrol den in the scout hall.      


At patrol inspection each day the groundsheet would be pulled out of the tent (not if it was raining ) and each scout would lay out their kit on the groundsheet in a neat order and the whole patrol would tidy up their areas and make sure all cooking utensils were cleaned. The scout leaders would inspect each patrol in turn and mark points on all these aspects especially if boys had washed themselves that day. After inspection and till lunch time it would be test time.


Some scouts would plan a hike for their 1st class badge, it would involve two scouts selecting a route on a map of the area about 12 miles, plan it, select then food   (supper, breakfast), pack hike tent, clothes, sleeping bag & spare clothes etc all into their rucksack. One would carry the food and the other a two man hike tent. The scouter would look over the map and ok it or make a few alternative suggestions. The boys would usually leave the campsite after lunch hike to the suitable overnight site, camp out and after breakfast make their way to their objective then back to the camp in time for lunch. The scouter would give them an objective to complete eg what kind of wildlife they encountered, or bring back some leaves from various trees and identify them, or a signature from a farm they were passing.  


With backwoods cooking some of the favourite eats would be cooking an egg in a half orange skin, making a twist (mixing water and flour wrapping it round a green stick and holding it over the fire till cooked, sliding it off the stick and filling it with jam and the scouter would attempt to enjoy eating the end product. Lunch would be followed by 1 hour rest time then pioneering projects till tea time.


The pioneering projects would either be building an aerial runway or a large swing or a rope bridge spanning the river (if there was one next to the field). This project would be split up with each patrol being allocated a task to complete. Tea was the biggest meal of the day and some scouts would be tested on the cooking for their cook’s badge. After tea and camp canteen (boys could buy various sweets and lemonade) the whole camp engaged in a huge wide game, rounders, football, manhunt or camp hockey (for this each scout had to make their own hockey stick). Some boys played a game of camp golf (sticks would be stuck in the ground at various sites around the field and the boys would count how many throws it would take them to hit the sticks with their plate, the winner was the one with the least throws.


Throughout the week one of the scouters would take a trip down to the nearest town or village for butcher meat and milk and bread. We tried to vary the menu to suit all tastes, breakfast would be cereal, porridge or corn flakes, eggs in various forms with sausages, bacon or beans. Lunch would consist of various sandwich fillings ( jam, cheese etc), french toast, hot dogs and a piece of fruit. Dinner would be soup, mince, beefburgers or cold meat with spuds and vegetables followed by steamed pudding, jelly (if set) or rice pudding and at the end of the day, after the wide game, cocoa and biscuits.


Part 3. Next week Visits, Outings & End of camp traditions



The Kirk Session wish you a very safe, healthy and happy week ahead.


To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

the God whom we adore,

be glory, as it was, and is,

and shall be evermore.
