Kilrenny Church Chronicle for Sunday 26th April.
Sunday 26 April 2020
Contact Corinne:
email: or
telephone (01333) 311408
Kilrenny Church website
East Neuk Covid19 Emergency help numbers:
0800 999 6543 - 07818 414178.
"No, I'm not moving....I've been walked by everyone in this family today!"
Kilrenny Church website
East Neuk Covid19 Emergency help numbers:
0800 999 6543 - 07818 414178.
Worship and personal reflection:
''our homes are in a Real and Important way the places of worship''
Scripture Reading:
Luke 24:13-35 the Road to Emmaus
13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven milesfrom Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing him.
17 He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?”
They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas,asked him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”
19 “What things?” he asked.
“About Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people.
20 The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; 21 but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third daysince all this took place.
22 In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning 23 but didn’t find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. 24 Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus.” 25 He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
28 As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. 29 But they urged him strongly, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he went in to stay with them.
30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scripturesto us?”
33 They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together
34 and saying, “It is true! The Lordhas risen and has appeared to Simon.” 35 Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread. Amen.
The Road to Emmaus
The journey to Emmaus is both a literal and a spiritual one. It recounts the story of two disciples who, after the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord, walk seven miles from Jerusalem to their village of Emmaus. It also outlines for us the journey that we all take from not recognizing Jesus, to understanding what the Scripture says about Him, to recognizing Him for who He is, and finally to our giving witness of what we have experienced.
From this passage we can learn that Jesus seeks us. Although the disciples knew a lot about Him, they were not able to recognize Jesus when they met Him. There may be several reasons for this. The original language conveys the sense that they were kept from recognizing Him because God had a purpose in blinding their eyes from reality. His gradual revelation of Himself allows them to learn certain lessons about trusting God's promises. The disciples had been told about these many times, but they had not believed in depth.
Also, events had not happened as expected. They had a preconceived idea of who Jesus was, what He had come to do, and how He should do it. But when things did not turn out like they thought they should, they dismissed everything as a mere failure, as misplaced hope and trust. Their faith was fragile. The ‘supernatural’ working of God to raise Jesus from the dead was outside their scope of understanding.
When things don’t turn out like we expect, we need to be careful not to make the same mistake: to discount what God has done simply because we cannot explain it or understand it. He does not always use natural things to accomplish His will.
Just because the disciples knew about Jesus and they could see Him does not mean they could see who He was. Many people today know who Jesus is. They have heard about Him, read about Him, use His name, and some even claim to know Him. However, many would not recognize Him if they saw Him. Their eyes have not been opened. Knowing about Him and knowing Him are two different things.
Jesus tells us that we must have the scriptural truth to understand who He is. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
So perhaps we can relate to the two on the road to Emmaus, when all of a sudden our world is not what we believed it to be. We feel isolated and our foundations have been shaken. For here we see two disciples, whose hopes have been shattered and who can’t see through the fog of disappointment and despair to see that God is still there and walking with them
Whatever the “journey” holds for each of us: when the going may not always be smooth, and, as at present, our walk may be solitary, we must take heart and know that we do not journey alone.
Poem ‘Footprints in the sand' One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."
He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
Praise: ‘Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus
words and music at:
Let us pray:
Today we have walked and talked
along the Emmaus road.
We walk and talk each week
with Christ by our side.
Let Him walk with you this week,
let Him speak to you and allow him
to open the door of your heart,
so that you too meet the extraordinary
in the ordinary.
May you know God’s hope,
Christ’s love
and the Holy Spirit’s energy
this week and always.
(Thanks to Ann Thomson for preparing the worship this week)
Rev. Ian Hamilton
One of Scotland’s most famous sons is surely the late Sir Jimmy Shand, his accordion music is renowned throughout the world!
His skill on the “button box” has been admired by millions and thanks to the numerous recordings he has left behind him his unique brand of music will live on for ever.
Jimmy was essentially a Scottish Country Dance Band Leader and in the course of his lifetime he played at thousands of concert and theatre performances both at home and overseas. His radio and television broadcasts run into several thousands and during his musical career he recorded more tracks than Elvis Presley and The Beatles put together. Also he is credited by composing over 330 Scottish melodies!
The musical skills of this quiet and modest man were righty recognised. Some years ago he was awarded the M.B.E. and then in 1999 he received a Knighthood.
When he wasn’t touring the world Jimmy quietly lived in Auchtermuchty of which he was made a Freeman in 1974 and in that town a bronze statue has been erected in his memory, and of course to honour him.
Recently, when in Auchtermuchty, I took the opportunity to have my photograph taken with the great man himself!
The world is full of memorials which have been put in their place to honour and remember famous people. These memorials come in all shapes and sizes, memorial stones, memorial plaques, memorial windows, memorial chapels, memorial halls and of course War Memorials.
It’s almost impossible to visit the towns and cities of our land without discovering somewhere in particular communities at least one memorial or monument that has been erected to remember some loved, honoured or important person. The famous Scott Monument in Edinburgh comes immediately to mind and Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square, together the countless War Memorials which proudly stand, stones and monuments erected to remind us of those who sacrificed their lives during the war years.
All of these edifices are erected that people of today may, for whatever reason, remember with thanksgiving these people of bygone years.
However there is one memorial which, in terms of the number erected and in terms of its importance, throughout the world, exceeds and towers high above all memorials. It is of course the Cross of Jesus Christ.
In cities, towns and villages world-wide there are crosses erected to call to remembrance the life and the sacrifice of the most famous person who ever lived, namely Jesus Christ! These may be found on the pinnacles of great churches and cathedrals, or in village hamlets, country churchyards or in city squares, wherever.
As we encounter these sacrificial timeless memorials, even as we hurry past, we cannot help but think of Jesus, we automatically associate the Cross with the person of Jesus Christ.
Our world is full of memorials but the memorial in the shape of the Cross of Calvary, is the most profound, enduring and unique memorial ever erected.
Let us Pray: (Allan)
Heavenly Father
Keep us under your caring shadow in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Comfort the anxious and fearful and lift up all who are low;
let us rejoice in your tender care knowing we cannot be separated from your love.
You taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as we would want to be cared for.
In this time of fear and worry give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick and assure the isolated of your presence nearby.
Be close to those who are under such stress working in the NHS, be with their frightened relations and colleagues and give comfort to the families of those who have lost the fight and gone to sit in glory at your right hand.
Give guidance, inspiration and wisdom to those around the world searching for a cure, give them strength with your spirit that through their work great numbers will be saved.
We ask for all this in Jesus’ name,
And our Lord's prayer
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
for ever and ever,
Praise: Hymn choices:
With thanks to Jim and Lesley McKane for suggesting the following hymns for reflection this week.
CH4 Hymn 559: 'There is a Redeemer'.
CH4 Hymn 183. 'Now Thank we all our God'
and Let us Pray: Jim shares the following prayer which he received from a former work colleague in South Africa who now lives in Australia.
Our great God and Father in Heaven.
What a stunning privilege it is to be able to come to you in prayer. Thank you that you invite us to talk to you, to bring you praise, to make our requests known to you, to lay our hearts before you and to confess our sin to you.
Father we acknowledge that this is only possible because of your great mercy and your steadfast love towards us. In and of ourselves we could not stand before you. But in your great love, displayed on the cross, you made a way for us to enter into your presence.
Thank you that we can stand before you, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and confident that you hear and answer our prayers.
Father we confess that so often we neglect the privilege of prayer. The busyness of life or the delusion of self-reliance keeps us from coming to you as often or as urgently as we should. Because of our prayerlessness you often seem far away from us, our faith is often weak, and we lack joy and vitality in our walk with you. Please forgive us we pray.
Remind us that we are poor and needy, and that our greatest need is you. Make us to be people who are mindful of our need for you, and who turn to you regularly in prayer. And as we turn to you in prayer, we pray that you would grant us a fuller measure of your Spirit, so that we may be empowered for every good work you have set before us and bring glory to your name.
Father we pray this for each one of us, young and old. Grant that our children would have a child-like faith and regularly come to you in prayer. Help our young people to rely on you in prayer as they face the many challenges and temptations of the world around them. Grant that our marriages might be marked by prayerfulness. Put it on the hearts of fathers and mothers to lead their families in prayer. Help those who are single to find close companionship with you in prayer. Help those who grow older to not grow weary of praying to you. Make us into people who in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make our requests known to you.
Father we continue to pray for our world during this crisis. We pray that if it is your will you might intervene to provide a cure to COVID-19. Please bring comfort to those who are grieving, and solace to those who face many other losses and disappointments. Above all, we pray that you would point this world to the hope that can only be found in the gospel. Work by your Spirit to bring many to faith in your son Jesus.
Father, please hear and answer our prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Jim invites us all to offer a personal prayer
For all the people in the local shops - for their kindness to customers and their service to our community during this time with all the risks involved for themselves.
Worship also available:
Sunday Worship on Radio 4 at 08:10
Songs of Praise on BBC1 Sunday 1.15 pm.
Church of Scotland - Worship
Rev Dr Amos Chewachong:
Newport Parish Church - listen to recordings of Sunday worship online - at or join
Newport Church live online service of worship Sundays at 10:45 for 11 am.
If you wish to join the Zoom Sunday Service please email the church ( to be put on the direct mailing list
A Postcard from Kingskettle Rev Michael Allardice
Greetings from Kingskettle!
Last Tuesday evening, our eldest Son organised a virtual “pub quiz” for us all via Zoom: isn’t it amazing how quickly we are all becoming familiar with technology! It was great to see our close and extended family on screen, from Dunfermline, Ayrshire, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, and the Republic of Ireland. After our initial hesitation as we got used to how everything worked, it wasn’t long before all the usual comments and quips flew and nieces, nephews and grandchildren all got in on the act!
Social distancing, social isolation and remote communication are all terms we are having to become used to. It seems at times that we have never been so far apart, and yet we are very fortunate to have the means to not just speak, but see each other whenever we wish if we are able to embrace devices that were science fiction just a few decades ago.
Some of you will recall my fascination with out of the way places. I recently read a first-hand account of life on St Kilda in the years before the evacuation of 1930. The book was based on the memoirs of Rev Donald John Gillies who was born and grew up on the islands before moving to Glasgow and then ministry in Canada. It’s not the most literary book I’ve ever read (He was a native Gaelic speaker who was used to preaching rather than writing so it’s best read in an Island accent!), but what it lacks in style it makes up for with insights to the life of the St Kildans and the reasons for the demise of their way of life.
The Rev Gillies recounts that once the people moved to the mainland, some of them complained that they had been sent to isolated homesteads miles from other people. The authorities made the mistake of assuming that these people wanted to live in lonely places: Donald John points out that while St Kilda was an isolated place, the people were used to living in close community: neighbours popping in and out all of the time, men collaborating on the best options for food production, children sharing school and play, and the Church being the centre of the whole community’s world. They may have lived on the edge of the world, but they certainly did not live in isolation.
We are living lives that in some senses are more isolated than ever before, but we have no reason to be alone if we take a few simple (virtual) steps by picking up the phone, sending an e-mail or even taking time to write a letter. On our daily walk, we can say hello to those we pass, wave to those sitting in gardens or at the window and stop for a socially distant conversation. None of these things are difficult and should always be part of our lives…and yet sometimes we’ve struggled in the past to take the time to contact others because we were too busy. Now we have more time on our hands, let’s use it to keep in touch with family, neighbours, friends and those we pass in the street.
As Corinne notes at the beginning of each newsletter, Church is not a building but a state of mind and each of us can bring a little bit of Church to those we encounter through our love, our faith and being there for others, just as Jesus is there for each of us.
Wishing you all every blessing
Michael & Liz Allardice
PS: The book is called “The truth about St Kilda”, by Donald John Gillies.
What does the Cross really mean to you?
With thanks to Jessie Lyon for mentioning to me the Coventry Cathedral Cross following last weeks' Cross at Ground Zero article. It set me researching and this is what I found.
Symbols of reconciliation
On the night of 14th November, 1940, Coventry and its Cathedral endured a one-off, but relentless, bombing campaign leaving its Cathedral in ruins.
In the days that followed, two enduring symbols emerged from the rubble:
The Charred Cross The cathedral stonemason, Jock Forbes, saw two wooden beams lying in the shape of a cross and tied them together. It was placed in the ruins of the cathedral on an altar and the words ‘Father Forgive’ were inscribed on the wall of the ruined chancel.
The Cross of Nails, The Provost of the Cathedral made a cross from three medieval roof nails recovered from the bombed cathedral, and made a commitment not to seek revenge but to strive for forgiveness and reconciliation with those responsible. During the BBC radio broadcast from the Cathedral ruins on Christmas Day 1940 he declared that 'when the war was over we should work with those who had been enemies ‘to build a kinder, more Christ-like world.’
The cross of Nails became a sign of friendship and hope in the post war years, building relationships with Germany and links between Coventry and the cities of Kiel, Dresden and Berlin, and many have been given in thanks and friendship, to contacts all over the world. In 1974 the informal friendships were drawn into a brand new 'Community of the Cross of Nails'.
There are over 330 Cross of Nails Centres all over the world, co-ordinated by the International Centre for Reconciliation based at the Cathedral.
Crosses of Nails recovered from the old cathedral have been given (for example) to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin which was destroyed by allied bombing; to the Chapel of Reconciliation which forms part of the Berlin Wall memorial; and one is carried on board all British warships which bear the name HMS Coventry. The one on board the destroyer Coventry sunk by enemy action in the Falklands War was salvaged by Royal Navy divers and continues aboard HMS Diamond which is affiliated to Coventry and Aberdeen.
In 1950, a competition was launched to find the most suitable design for rebuilding Coventry Cathedral, over 200 entries were received, and the design of Sir Basil Urwin Spence, a Scottish architect, was chosen. Spence insisted that instead of rebuilding the old cathedral it should be kept in ruins as a garden of remembrance and that the new cathedral should be built alongside, the two buildings together effectively forming one church. Work began in 1956 and the structure was completed in 1962 and Spence was knighted in 1960 for his work at Coventry.
A replica of the Charred Cross is now in position in the ruined cathedral and the original charred Cross and Cross of nails are now housed in the new cathedral.
replica charred cross in the ruins
Church news
Life and Work is committed to helping keep our Christian community connected. The May 2020 issue is available on the website. This can be accessed by visiting
News of members.
The McKane household
Whilst for Lesley this is normal for her, Jim is finding it more difficult, having to adapt to Teams meetings and working from a home. Thankfully however, he has been able to bring his full IT set up to Kilrenny from the office.
Lesley had a recent chat on the telephone with Elspeth (Harvey) and Jim has spoken with Helen (Taylor) a couple of times.
Jim & Lesley.
The NHS Train leaving MacDonald station in Queen's Gardens!
Answers to Allan's
Easter quiz
1) Judy Garland. 2) Chile. 3) JS Fry and Sons. 4) 3 Hours. 5) Simnel Cake. 6) Golgotha. 7) Carl Faberge. 8) Good Friday.
9) Made him help carry the Cross.
10) Lazarus Saturday.
Alan's quiz.
'This weeks' quiz is on the four canonical gospels, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. It’s a bit harder this week so good luck'. Allan.
1. Which gospel is now thought to have been written first?
2. Which two gospels tell of Christ's birth?
3. True or false, Johns gospel was written by John the Baptist.
4. True or false, all four gospels tell of Christ's arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection.
5. In which gospel will we find the beatitudes?
6. True or false, all four gospels record the same final words of Jesus on the Cross.
7. Which is the only gospel which records the words of the penitent thief crucified beside Jesus?
8. Which is the only gospel that mentions Jesus assigning care of his Mother to one of the disciples?
9. Which of the four gospel writers was not Jewish?
10. Which is the only gospel that mentions when Christ was crucified the graves were opened and many bodies arose?
Susan's Recipe: Store Cupboard Soup
2 tins tomatoes
1 tin baked beans
1 tin carrots
6 pickled onions
1 pint of vegetable stock
Heat up. Blitz until smooth
Tastes a bit like Heinz tomato soup
News of those wearing a Dog collar!
Doddie’s diary week ending 26th April
When a baby enters your life what you crave most is a night’s sleep. As our kitchen is a long way from our bedroom and as poor Doddie has a couple of deaf old fogies for parents he is allowed to sleep in a soft cage in our bedroom so we can hear if he needs to be toileted. After the usual heated discussion, (he doesn’t do most things without some sort of argument) he settles and now goes through the night – what bliss. We of course try to be quiet as mice so as not to upset the equilibrium. Imagine then what consternation when Dave’s alarm goes off at 4.30 in the morning by mistake. What a thumping and a bashing went on to hastily quieten this alarm. The dog did not bat an eyelid, not a whine or a grumble! However, my alarm only has to give the slightest click in the morning when it would normally go off, when up he pops his head bobbing about, ready to start the day. How does he know when I have never had the alarm on yet since he has been with us! (Ann)
Doddie helping with the washing up. Who needs a dishwasher?
Susan and Alfie
Hello Everyone. It's Alfie again. Just a quick update. I have been able to lie outside in the sun and enjoy the garden this week. On my walks Mum takes me down the Coastal Path to West Shore. The tide has been in so I've had some swims. Mum is jealous because she is missing her aquaerobics very much. Must go and finish my Thursday bone now yum yum!! Lots of love Alfie x and Susan x
Sheena and Hamish
Hamish is really coming into his own and this past week is asserting himself big time. He watches me like a hawk - especially when I'm in the kitchen - waiting for me to drop some tasty morsel that he can snatch and swallow. The other day he managed to get into my open wardrobe and came out with a small packet of moth repellent! I admit I had to use bribery on this occasion to retrieve it. Next time you meet me you will notice that I now walk with a strange shuffle i.e. with my feet apart because Hamish loves to run between my feet so I'm constantly trying to avoid standing on him. He is so quick on his wee legs and pre-empts my every move and miraculously always manages to shoot through the door and reach my destination before me with a 'Surprise, I'm here first' expression on his cheeky wee face. Despite his thick, fluffy coat he loves lying on the kitchen floor having a snooze in a shaft of sunlight; playing with his toys and darting from room to room like a wee bullet. So far, nothing seems to phase him at all e.g the hoover, the washing machine at full spin, or even my Thursday night thanks to NHS pot rattling! He's a bundle of joy and a constant source of amusement.
Stay safe and keep smiling. Sheena.
A poem by the
Poet Laureate for Kilrenny Church
(David Thomson).
What a funny old business this Covid nineteen!
It's completely disrupted our usual routine.
We're stuck in the house and can't go outside
And it's not just in Scotland - it applies nationwide.
And of course, in Kilrenny everything has just died
As the Church is now closed and we can't go inside,
And we've waited so long for a service each week
That to lose it so soon is made the future look bleak.
But let's hold it right there - things are not all that dark,
That's because of a thought from our own Session Clerk.
Yes, Corinne decided to design a Newsletter
For the whole congregation, and to make them feel better.
And thus, so it was, about six week ago
The first paper was published and that's even although
Corinne herself was the first to confess
Her past did not prove journalistic success!
But as you now know, issue one was just great,
And gave others the idea to go and create
Contributions for possible publication
For the editor's careful consideration.
And during the time when our church has been closed
There's been many submissions, and some talent exposed.
We've had reflections and guidance for our own meditation
And prayers to support the whole congregation.
There's been quizzes to suit every possible taste,
Such as churches and birds, and some scripture-based.
And we've heard all the naughty Choirboy's woes -
But who is this young rogue? Nobody knows!
Every week Ian Hamilton's sent in reflections
Mike Allardice too has kept his connections
with us here in Kilrenny, by sending submissions,
Which Corinne's included in previous editions.
There's been news of the members to keep us in touch,
And this part I'm sure we've enjoyed very much.
Jessie Lyon has sent us a regular entry
And the comments on these have been most complimentary.
And regular features that many enjoy
Are the stories of puppies and the way they annoy.
But there's one thing for sure, in these times that are bleak
The pleasure they give is quite simply unique.
Now I'm sure I can say - I expect you'll agree
That the end to this lock-down we can't quite yet see.
But let's hope that our Chronicle bridges these times
And you don't have to suffer any more of these rhymes!
Rev Ian Hamilton.
Greetings one and all at this most challenging and unsettling time for our country, and indeed for our world.
However "Sunday Serenade" will continue to be broadcast as usual and I do hope that the wide selection of music on the Playlist will, albeit temporarily, lift your spirits and quieten your minds. G. F. Handel's memorable song comes to mind, "Art thou troubled, music will calm thee" Just as there are ministries of word and sacrament, so too are there ministries of friendship, of companionship, of laughter and of music, and God can use every one of them.
Right, here endeth the sermon.......on to the Playlist for the merry month of May.
The programme can be heard as follows:
SUNDAYS 3rd and 17th May at 4.00 p.m.
WAVE RADIO SUNDAYS 10th & 24th May at 9 p.m.
I do hope you will be able to tune in or log on to your pc, your ipad or your iphone. The show is also available on the MIXCLOUD website, and when I get the MIXCLOUD link from Coast and County in Scarborough I will immediately sent it to you. However I know this link has been slow in coming during the past two months, which is beyond my control, but whenever I get it you can be sure I'll send it on. But hopefully you can enjoy it live on air on one of the 3 internet stations until the Mixcloud link comes!
Enjoy the music, keep safe, and, as I end every "Sunday Serenade"
Good wishes, Blessings and Peace.
BOLERO Maurice Ravel
TENNESSEE WALTZ The Cliff Adams Singers
CRADLE SONG (Brahms arr. Byfield) Max Jaffa and Orchestra
MUSIC IN MAY (Novello, "Careless Rapture") Marilyn Hill Smith
SALUT D'AMOUR (Elgar) Phillip Mindenhall, violin, Brenda Wade, piano
OLD COMRADES (Accordion) Billy Anderson
PLYMOUTH HOE (John Ansell) Band of H.M. Royal Marines
SERENADE ("The Student Prince") Mario Lanza
FROM A DISTANCE John Barrowman
TARA'S THEME ("Gone with the Wind") Mantovani and Orchestra
NOW IS THE HOUR Graduate Choir of New Zealand
THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU Fredonia Chamber Singers
The Naughty Choirboy....continues
Towards the end of 1959, I acquired my first car. It was a very old Austin 7, certainly a lot older than I was, but beautiful. Door and side panels the colour of a rich red wine, topped off in black over the roof and bonnet covers, and with spoked wheels. Magic.
Unfortunately, the spare wheel had long since parted company with its fixing on the body work, and now lived in the back seat, and, once a front seat was lifted forward for access, the road was visible through holes in the floor.
During the first week of car ownership, I did what every new car owner does, I drove it everywhere. My pals and I were never out of the car even if those in the back had to squeeze in beside the spare wheel.
We had a great week, and on the Friday night we went out for a pint, because we were big boys now, and we even used a pub, which I will not name, but which was known as "the Lock-Inn", never closed, its tiny windows closed to light by heavy blackout curtains from yesteryear, illegally open all hours, the local bobby turning a blind eye on the basis of "well I know exactly who is where".
My car was parked alongside the end wall of the "Lock-Inn" and after two pints, I decided to leave it there and walk home, just to be on the safe side. Having had a busy week, I was in bed, asleep by 10 pm, and I collected the car on Saturday at lunchtime.
On the Sunday morning, I hardly had entered the Church when I was confronted by, guess who, aye, the Minister's wife!
"You're not smart you know, not at all clever, People have eyes, People see things, your car was outside that illegal drinking den all night,
People are not stupid, People talk, People will jump to their own conclusions!"
I said nothing, not one word, except, "Excuse me" and walked around her.
Now it just so happened that a couple of months earlier, the Minister's and his wife's two daughters had finally gained their parents' permission to escape the Manse and share a wee cottage close by, on the promise that they would, of course, behave responsibly and properly.
Of course they would. A lovelier, more pleasant pair of lassies you'd never find.
However, the next Friday night, just as darkness was upon us, I quietly drove my wee car to their cottage, stopped it right outside the door and swiftly walked home. Leaving it parked there.....
Members Stories.
Nether Kilrenny / SKINFASTHAVEN
Final Instalment (Malcolm MacDonald)
In the 17th and 18th centuries there were also the press gangs to look out for and Cellardyke being a sea fairing place the Royal Navy paid frequent visits to press gang some of the locals into the service. An old worthy of Cellardyke, a man whose nickname was Black Tam was reported to be an informer for the Press gang’s. One so reported story of a Cellardyke family, Thomas Watson, a fisherman was press-ganged in 1799 and along with his wife Mary Buek as she was a nurse, (perhaps Black Tam mentioned that Watson’s wife was a nurse). They had a daughter Margaret who was born on board a frigate HMS Ardent at the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801. At the age of 4 the lass was with her parents on board Nelson’s flagship the Victory during the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It is said that Mary Buek was with Nelson when he died. When they were allowed to leave the Navy they returned to Cellardyke and ran a pie and ale shop at the harbour head in Cellardyke . They are both buried in Kilrenny cemetery. Another story regarding the Press gangs, a couple were altering their house 9 in recent times) at 18 – 20 George street making the 2 houses into 1 house, anyway their architect could not get his figures to work out and on checking the property again they found that in an upstairs room behind the built in bed a small sliding panel that when opened led to a very small room where someone could hide when the press gangs were in the area.
As well as fishing smuggling also went on in the area as in January 1736 a large consignment of brandy was smuggled ashore at a skelly near Wullie Grays Dyke (near Caiplie farm) and was taken to Bailie Andrew Waddells store in Shore street Cellardyke. Later it was moved, under the cover of darkness to James Wilson’s tavern in the High Street, Anstruther known locally as Smugglers Howff (next to Gray & Pringles store). The customs officers were tipped off and were lying in wait and it was all seized. The excise man made preparations to sell the contraband goods by public roup as was the custom. In early February James Wilson went to Edinburgh to recruit a pair of accomplices to help him ‘recover his own ‘, they crossed the Forth at Kinghorn and made their way to Wilsons tavern, but were too late. The brandy was sold and the excise men were on their way back to Kirkcaldy with the money. The excise men planned to spend the night in Widow Fowler’s Inn in the Marygate Pittenweem. Wilson and the two accomplices mounted an assault on the Inn and the three excise men leapt out of the second storrie windows leaving the money behind and hid in the fields. One of the excise men ran bare foot and in his shirt tails to Anster to alert the military. To cut a long story short the men were caught and subsequently hanged at the Grassmarket in Edinburgh on a Sunday in April 1736.
The tea clippers
Cellardyke also had a famous Tea Clipper owner and captain. Alexander Rodger who was born in 1801 and lived at 26 Shore Street in Cellardyke owned or had shares in several clippers including the most famous one the Teaping. He and another Anstruther Captain, John Keay who was born in 1828 and lived at 15 East Green in Anstruther raced the mighty tea clippers. Captain Rodger’s clipper The Teaping and Keay’s clipper The Ariel in 1866 raced from Foochow in China to London carrying the first of that years tea harvest to the waiting public. Both clippers left on the same tide and sailed via South China Sea – Sunda Strait of Indonesia – Indian Ocean – Cape of Good Hope – Atlantic Ocean – English Channel to London in 99 days and covering 16,000 miles. The Teaping arrived 20 minutes before the Ariel as she was lighter and took less water under her hull coming up the Thames River. The prize money of 10 shillings per ton was split between the crews and the Captains prize of £100 split between them. The Ariel had some crew from Anstruther and likewise the Teaping had Dykers as a crew. His last clipper the Lahloo was built in 1867 but when it and the Teaping were lost in 1872 he sold up. Alexander Rodger bought the field just along from his birth house in Cellardyke now the Toons Green for the use of the community and gave £20 each winter to the poor of the burgh. Rodger Street in Cellardyke is named after him. He died in Glasgow in 1877 aged 76.
Up to date
In 1929 local government re-organisation took place and the previous separate Burghs of Kilrenny, Anstruther Easter and Anstruther Wester became united to form “The United Burghs of Kilrenny, Anstruther Easter and Anstruther Wester” a title which was considered to be the longest official title of any community anywhere in Scotland. Since a couple of years ago the name has changed again and is now – Kilrenny, Anstruther and Cellardyke Community Council.
It must be remembered that Cellardyke was and still is part of the former Burgh of Kilrenny. It can be said that it is in a “union” with Anstruther, but that does not make it part of Anstruther. For an illustration of this point of argument, it can be said that Scotland is in a union with England, but woe betide anyone who states that “Scotland is part of England”. Also someone born and brought up in Cellardyke, whether he or she still lives in Cellardyke is known all over the world as a DYKER.
Malcolm MacDonald ( a dyker frae Dove street)
The Kirk Session wish you a very safe, healthy and happy week ahead.
Doxology CH4 806
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom we adore,
be glory, as it was, and is,
and shall be evermore.