Thoughts for Easter Sunday and newsletter for week commencing 12th April

Tuesday 14 April 2020

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Worship and personal reflection

''our homes are in a Real and Important way the places of worship''

Rev: Nigel Robb Presbytery Clerk.




Scripture Readings: (recommended by the Church of Scotland for worship).


Psalm 118: v 1 & v 14 - 24


v 1. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is    good; His love endures for ever:


continue reading v 14 -24


Martin Luther said that Psalm 118 expresses the enormous strength of faith which is born out of help from God.


The psalm encourages us to seek God in adversity: v 17 ‘I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done'




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John 20: 1-18

The scripture tells the story of the disciples of Jesus as they discover an empty tomb and eventually recognise the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They clearly did not expect this life-jolting event. The Scripture tells it simply, clearly, and convincingly.

When Mary sees an open tomb, it does not bring about the memories of Lazarus’ resurrection, as one might expect, but rather she assumes that an open tomb signals a tomb robbery! This was a logical assumption because such acts were common. Therefore, assuming Jesus’ body has been stolen, she seeks help from two disciples, and they clearly agreed with her assumption as verse 9 continues:

For as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead.”

We should sympathise with them, considering the events from Palm Sunday through to Good Friday, and the weekend, must have been disturbingly traumatic for those closest to Jesus.

The truth of the Resurrection is crucial to the Christian faith. Paul writes:

"And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead... If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.... If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

(1 Corinthians 15:14-15, 17, 19)

The consequence of Easter morning for the disciples was that 'the journey' was by no means over. Of the twelve, excluding Judas Iscariot, most met violent deaths for refusing to deny that Jesus had risen from the dead. The strongest argument for its truth is that people are not prepared to die for a lie. They had seen the Lord, and nothing and no one would ever shake that conviction.

The journey to Jerusalem, which we followed during the Holy week reflections, led to a commission. (Matthew 28: 16 - 20). The disciples were sent out into the first century world, armed with faith in the risen Jesus, and then empowered by the gift of the Holy Spirit turned the world upside down. Within four centuries, belief in the resurrection of Jesus was the received religion of the Roman empire.

Today, disciples of Jesus are still on the same journey of faith and witness, armed with the promise of Jesus: v 20 'And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age'

Thoughts for Easter 2020

Rev Michael Allardice

No one knew what would happen after the crucifixion. No one could guess what God had planned.


It’s really hard for us to imagine what the first disciples experienced during the events of the arrest of Jesus and the crucifixion. For us, the reality of the resurrection means we can’t feel the complete desolation they must have felt after the crucifixion, nor I’m sure would we want to! However, neither can we feel the overwhelming joy that must have flooded through them when they realised that Jesus had risen from the grave and was alive!


This year, we can probably get a much greater sense of their fear and uncertainty than ever before. Like those disciples we have found ourselves in new territory, facing new challenges and with no clear idea of what will happen next or if things will ever return to the way things were before. However, before we get too downhearted, imagine what the joy of coming out of lockdown, of seeing the world recover will be like!


Life for the young Church wasn’t easy and neither will our recovery, but just as the young Church grew, so will our recovery be all the greater because of the trials we are going through. Faith means knowing that all things are in God’s hands and we must trust in Him, just as Jesus did and just as the young Church trusted that His will be done. In the words of the Celtic prayer:


Christ behind us in all of our yesterdays.

Christ with us in our today.

Christ before us in all of our tomorrows,

Alpha and Omega, Christ, Lord of all!





Over the years and thanks to the marvellous Summer Pulpit Exchanges I have done between Nairn Old Parish Church and churches in the U.S.A., I have had the experience of visiting New York City several times.


The Manhattan Island city is legendary - “the city that never sleeps - how true, its neon lights flash day and night and the “biz” around Broadway, Times Square and Fifth Avenue is truly electrifying! Every time Margaret and I “walk down the avenue” - the famous Fifth Avenue - inevitably the words of the classic song from the old film starring Fred Astair and Judy Garland, “Easter Parade” spring to mind. The particular words which come to mind are these:

“Oh I could write a sonnet about your Easter Bonnet, And of the girl I’m taking to the Easter Parade!”


Now it is not my intention to write fourteen lines of iambic pentameter but I do want to cash in on the title of Irving Berlin’s seasonal song!


We don’t read of an Easter Parade in the gospel, but we DO read of a kind of pre-Easter Parade on the Sunday before Easter when Jesus rode into Jerusalem for the last time.   The route was lined with crowds waving palm branches, expectant people who shouted their “Hosannas” and hailed Jesus as their king.


It was really a kind of holiday parade, because it was Passover time and the crowds were keyed up with national expectation that God would deliver a king to save them from their Roman oppressors……and here he was right before their very eyes….on the back of a donkey!


They were all in holiday mood – except Jesus – because he knew very well that the shout of “Hosanna” would very soon be drowned out by cries of “Crucify”… the people had carried their palm branches, he would soon carry a tree – a Cross.


But beyond the agony of the Cross, it was time for celebration once again – beginning on the Sunday morning following Jesus’ crucifixion, with a kind of “mini” Easter Parade, namely that of a few women running away from an empty tomb…a bit confused…but full of joy….and ending with the biggest parade imaginable, a parade, an ADVANCEMENT into all the world with the joyful message, “HE IS ALIVE, AND BECAUSE HE LIVES WE ALSO SHALL LIVE!”


And THAT “Easter Parade” will NEVER come to an end!”


A very happy and blessed Easter to one and all! (Ian)


A prayer at Easter  (Allan.)

Easter Sunday is about so much more than Easter bunnies, Easter eggs and lashings of chocolate. Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day of Resurrection as written in the Bible. The day God raises His son from the dead giving  us all the gift of eternal life.


Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, 


At the moment of your death on the cross, you committed your Spirit into God's hands.


We ask for the courage to believe that our eternal future also rests with you.

You promised that God loved the world so much that He gave his son for whoever believes in Him.


Give us faith to believe that death has no victory over us, it has no sting.

No one knows about the time we will be called, so let us keep watch and be ready. May we be assured that your promises for our future are wonderful.

We cannot begin to imagine what you have in store for us but it will be the most exciting journey, unimaginable though it may be to us now, even to see you with our own eyes.


Let us not be troubled that he has left us, make us happy with the promise that you will wipe the tears from our eyes and banish all pain and crying and sadness.


You are the bread of life that comes down from heaven, because of you we will live forever.




And Our Lord's Prayer:

Our Father Who art in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory for ever

Music for reflection:    


'All in the April evening'


words / poem by Katharine Tynan &

Music by Hugh S Roberton


Watch and listen to the Glasgow Phoenix Choir in St Andrews Cathedral Glasgow (April 2011) performing 'All in the April evening' at

(Thank you to Jessie Lyon for recommending this piece for reflection)

Share in Sunday Worship

        Radio 4 at 08:10        

(The Archbishop of Canterbury leads worship to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ).


        BBC 1 Scotland 11.15


Reflections at the Quay (BBC One Scotland, 1.15PM) will feature the Rt Rev Colin Sinclair, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and the Most Reverend Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh.

Kirk Services online

Church of Scotland:

Rev Dr Amos Chewachong:

Newport Parish Church - listen to recordings - Sunday worship online - at 

Newport Church live online service of worship 10:45 for 11 am Easter Sunday

A Zoom (meeting online) Service is proposed for Sunday mornings. If you wish to join in the online service please use the following link. Alternatively visit the Newport Church website for details.


To Join Zoom Meeting 10.45 for 11 am

Further Worship programmes:

St Andrews Presbytery have provided details of BBC Radio and TV programmes for the Easter period. Please see last page for details. 

Report on Palm Sunday Zoom service at Newport Church with Amos. (Fiona Guthrie)


Hello everyone - Happy Easter

Last Sunday I tuned into the Tayport service via the link that Corinne sent. It was quite simple although I did have to download the Zoom app. on to my phone. I thought I would have to enter the numbers given but it took me straight to Tayport. 

I logged in just after 10.45am as suggested in case I had any problems but as I got straight through it was nice to see others joining. The lady administrator said good morning to everyone (calling them by name) as they logged in. I am not sure but there were maybe about 30 devices logged in.


You could see a thumb nail (picture) of everyone when you scrolled along the screen and it was lovely to see Allan and Sybil sitting on their sofa - I had company. 

The lady in charge started at 11.00am and remotely turned off everyone's mike.     She then introduced Amos.


The service followed along the lines of a normal service with Amos leading worship.

The music and words of the hymns were taken from YouTube .

There were of course hiccups along the way with one lady switching on her mike and speaking in the middle of a prayer! She was politely asked to switch off her mike and then Amos continued with the prayer. 

I am sure that it will all go a lot more smoothly the next time.

Thank you Tayport for allowing us to join them and here’s hoping there will be a few more familiar faces on Easter Sunday.


Keep safe everyone, Fiona 

(Note: The information and link came through too late to inform everyone last week. I did try myself, but had technical problems, I could see but not hear anything! Thanks to Fiona for the report)


Isolation: (Archie Gray)

Only a few weeks since we led normal lives. We knew which day of the week it was and Sunday mornings were defined spent at church with our friends. Isolation is taking its toll of our personal lives but hopefully our observance of the restrictions may also be saving lives.


Our experience of isolation is of a different kind and of a different time. In the late 70's and 80's we spent often twice a year holidaying in an old croft house at the north of Skye. The house with its tin roof and peat stove faced Staffin Bay with the Quirang and the Old Man of Storr in the hills behind. Yes it is true that Skye often gets all the seasons in one day. Never kept in as we had Rosie the milking cow and the peat to collect in keeping the stove going. 

Sundays were when isolation became the norm. Nobody appeared other than those dressed in black for church. Roddy Gillies the crofter spent each Sunday reading the bible. On Sunday the three boisterous members of his family were never to be seen. It was frowned upon should we have ventured out for a car run. Without Sunday ferry sailings, papers were only available in Portree on Monday afternoons


Isolation on Sundays at least changed for the locals when ferries were allowed to operate on this their holy day. At the same time Bertie who had the wee shop in the village started stocking videos. Youngsters not seen were now in lockdown watching videos. The roads previously devoid of traffic now witnessed the influx of the weekend tourist. 

Some 40 years on the locals feel they have lost something that kept them distinct. The island is overwhelmed by visitors and Sundays are no different from the previous six days. Even their minister is leaving Staffin as he takes up duty at St Ayle in July.


However when Jim in the 3rd newsletter asked us to think of a special place before preparing to pray I still think of that view from the croft and the serenity surrounding it. Lockdown and isolation are fresh challenges facing us all but when we can recall places where we felt secure and closer to God moments of comfort are not so far distant. Archie. 


I wish to express my sincere thanks (and I'm sure that of all readers) for the support of both Rev Ian Hamilton and Rev Michael Allardice. Their continuing support for the congregation of Kilrenny Church is, I know, greatly appreciated by all members of the congregation.  


Thanks also to George who is keeping our website up to date. The task of transferring the newsletter on to the website is not an easy one, but it ensures that anyone who is interested in Kilrenny Church can be kept informed. (Please check the website) 


Good News from the Urlotti household. Ruby and Jerry are delighted to share the good news that Roberto, Jerry's cousin, came home from hospital. He had been diagnosed with covid-19 and like many others is so thankful to the hospital team in Florence.

Barbara and Bill Ledger

We did get Alan's Bird Quiz answers correctly. On the avian front,  we did have a beautiful, if somewhat unwelcome visitor a few weeks ago. It was a female Sparrow Hawk. She made two visits and sat on the top of the bird table in our back garden, happily preening herself for several minutes. For a couple weeks other birds few and far between! 

Many thanks again, God bless everyone, Barbara & Bill.


Edith and John Clark.

To update you all, we have finally got our flat in Kirkcaldy. There are a few alterations we want to have done before we move but, due to lock down don’t know when the big move will happen.  It will be a big change for both of us but, we will be near the family.

We hope you are all keeping safe and well, as we are. 

Take care and keep smiling.  Edith x 

Rev Michael and Liz Allardice

Please let everyone at Kilrenny know that Liz & I are doing well and we look forward to worshipping at Kilrenny as soon as life returns to something close to normal!


A day in the MacDonald household.

Our day usually starts at about 0530am with Coco jumping on the bed to wake me up(good job I was a postie). Downstairs for a cup of tea and a bicci. Wash and dress then out for our first walk 0630, either round Crawhill and home by the Co-op ( in for milk or bread etc) or round by Milton farm and down to the golf course, only other people with dogs are about but far enough away. The next day I do it vice versa . Home for breakfast and then check news on tele, emails, jobs about the house ( washing, vacuuming, with the radio on etc) while Coco takes a nap. After lunch at about 2.30pm out for walk again longer this time round by East Grangemuir farm and start of Pittenweem. More people out walking now but on other side of the rough track so ok, we get back about 4pm. Get tea sorted out and by 6pm all dishes washed settle down to news on tele and maybe watch a film or two till bed time 1030pm.

Lynne phones every day to see I am still in the land of the living and asks if I require anything. If Lynne and girls come to visit the girls stay in the conservatory and play with Coco.

At this time with all the restrictions in place I am now starting to slow down when doing jobs to make them last longer to fill in the day.

When out in the early morning with Coco it is very peaceful and the air is filled with birds singing it is just great. I am not using the car so often and only getting essentials at the Co-op as my fridge is quite full at present. I ordered two 14kg bags of dog food from Amazon so Coco is alright for a good few months.

Had distressing news on Thursday as one of my Biscuit Boys who comes from Colinsburgh was taken into Victoria Hospital last week with the virus but good news followed, he did have the virus but only slightly and is now on the mend.

Keep safe everybody

Luv Coco & Malcolm 

Name the newsletter competition.

As this is a Church newsletter for members and others who are interested in the current events in the life of Kilrenny Church, I have to agree with those of you who have indicated that it is important to include the name of the Church.


Chronicle is defined as 'a written record of historical events'.   We are currently aiming to record what is happening with the Church and congregation during this 'unprecedented' period in our history, as we are isolated from one another for worship.

I trust you will all be happy with: 

Kilrenny Church Chronicle.

News of those wearing a Dog collar!


Hamish and Sheena:


Hamish is a 13-week old Shichon  (Shih Tzu Bichon Frise x).  

It seems impossible to imagine that such a small dog could bring so happiness into my life.  He is my 13th dog and the tiniest.  I've always had huge dogs i.e. Deerhounds, Ridgebacks (usually 3 at a time) and cats. 


I finally decided to be sensible and get a smaller dog that suits both my age and my 2 seater car.  Hamish is the smartest dog for his age that I've ever had and already sits on command and enjoys playing fetch.  As well as being my new found friend and shadow he is proving to be pretty feisty, wise and so easy to train.  

As yet he has not managed to get his booster vaccinations as the vet cannot administer any non-essential treatments at the moment; as a result, he cannot go out for walks yet, however, I do take him for nice walks up to the coastal path with him tucked inside my jacket.  Fortunately, he's able to run around the grassy patch in the garden and loves attacking the daisies!   

He loves his little bed or sleeping on my lap and while I'm washing dishes or cooking he curls up and falls asleep on my slippers.  A couple of times I've forgotten he was there and have unwittingly moved my feet and whizzed him across the tiled kitchen floor like a tiny, hairy curling stone!


He makes me smile and laugh at his antics and is an absolute joy.



Doddie: Dog diary and the trials of Ann


Week ending Sunday 12th April

From this week’s photo it is difficult to imagine that this cute character (the dog not Dave) can change into a furry tyrant during his evening rant. Each evening we speak to our daughters on the phone, and so we can both have a conversation the call is on speaker. Doddie does everything in his power to get my attention. He nips and jumps so that in the end either he or often I am behind the baby gate in the utility room. If it is him he howls like crazy, again to get attention. If I am in the naughty corner at least I do not cry! He is some character. Ann.

Fiona and Bella.


Bella's training is progressing if slowly. It is a lot easier with the slightly warmer weather as she is out in the garden a lot. She is still a bit wary of other dogs when we go out for her daily exercise as she has never really been able to have a good sniff at any! Fiona. 



New Testament Quiz 

Here are a few questions to test your knowledge  of the New Testament, some you’ll know, others I encourage you  to look up in your Bible.


1) Who wrote most of the books in the New Testament? 

2) In what water was Jesus baptised?


3) What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana? 

4) How did Jesus reveal the one who would betray him?


5) Where was Jesus crucified? 

6) On what island was Paul shipwrecked on his way to Rome?


7) At the feeding of the 5000, how many loaves and fishes did he start with? 

8) How did Judas identify Jesus as the one to be arrested?


9) What language was most of the New Testament written in? 

10) What was the name of the penitent thief crucified beside Jesus?


11) How many books are there in the New Testament? 

12) Who were the first apostles to follow Jesus?


13) After Jesus was arrested which apostle disowned him three times? 

14) After the crucifixion, who asked Pilate for Jesus’ body?


15) In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who first came upon the injured man? 

16) Whose example does Paul say Christians should follow?


17) According to the Beatitudes, who will be filled? 

18) How did the Virgin Mary learn she was with child?


19) Who was the high priest of Jerusalem who put Jesus on trial? 

20) Which Gospel was written by a doctor?


Answers next week 



Newsletter No3 OT quiz answers.


10, Daniel, 1 Samuel, Joshua, Samson,

Joseph, A rib , A bird he had released returned with a leaf, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Mount Sinai, 150, A serpent,

A great fish, Brimstone and fire, The sixth day, As a burning bush, Yahweh, Esther and Ruth, 8.


The Naughty Choirboy....continues 

By the summer of 1951, I was still in the choir, although my seating position had been changed for some reason. I now sat facing the Minister, with my back to the congregation.


This meant I could not furtively communicate with my pals, which was a disappointment, but I loved being in the choir, and I remained in that seat for the next 15 - 18 months. 

By December 1952, the Minister (who was now affectionately known as 'Niagara') had obviously been contemplating the onslaught of Christmas as he embarked on yet another sermon in the vein of lessons on behaviour, and care of oneself.

The demon drink was clearly in his mind this morning, confirmed by his repeated glances towards the elders' pew, two of whom could boast a nose outshining Santa's Rudolph.


To emphasise his point this morning, he had with him in the pulpit, a half bottle of whisky, a glass and a brown envelope.

In complete silence he poured some whisky into the glass, held up a long squirming worm (from the envelope) then dropped the worm into the glass! the poor creature (one of God's remember) was active for no more than two seconds before curling up into a tiny shrivelling ball and disappearing. 

We had become accustomed during his tenure with us to his asking questions of the congregation, and inviting answers. He did so now.


"What message are we learning here?" he enquired.

Goodness, gracious me, I thought. What an easy question, so I confidently spoke out: 

" If you've got worms, drink whisky!"

OOPPS, Silence in the Kirk.


I looked up at the Minister, who said nothing, but his eyebrows were raised so far up his forehead, I thought they might disappear over the top. 

He shook his head slowly before speaking.

"The message is" he boomed out "if that's what one glass of this stuff can do to a worm, what can bottles of it do to your body over the Festive season?"

The elders fidgeted nervously as the Minister announced "Our last hymn........"!!


Ok, I got off lightly there I thought, until I left the choir area, and, walking along the aisle, I felt the burning sensation in my head, the Laser beam was sure to kill me, I knew where this burning stare came from:-

Oh No,....The Minister's wife......

 Members Stories




Nether Kilrenny / SKINFASTHAVEN

(Malcolm MacDonald) 

Malcolm's history story will be brought to you in instalments over the next few editions.


The first instalment describes the Parish of Kilrenny Church which extends into Cellardyke, and its connection to fishing.

Future instalments cover : Streets, houses and industries; Press-gangs and Smuggling; and tea clippers.  

Part 1:   Cellardyke or sillerdykes

Cellardyke has always been part of the Parish of Kilrenny and most of its existence has been incorporated with that parish and would include quite a few scattered fishermen’s dwellings close to the seashore. Until 1641 Kilrenny parish extended to the Dreel Burn and the area now known as Anstruther Easter was still part of the Parish of Kilrenny. A church was built in Anstruther Easter in 1634 and in 1641 it was allowed to become a parish in its own right. From as far back as records can be found, there has always been a fishing community existing around Cellardyke harbour. In local legend Sillerdykes originated from the fact that local fishermen hung out their herring nets to dry on the boundary walls, and that the fish scales, which were left on the walls shone like silver. On the information board at Cellardyke harbour it suggests that the original harbour was built by Dutch stonemasons in 1452 and named Skinfast Haven. It was improved in 1579 and registered at the Scottish Parliament as The Port and Haven called Skinfast Haven. Permission for the erection of a market cross and a distinctive coat of arms was adopted: A fishing boat with four men rowing and one man steering with a hook suspended in the water. The Latin motto was:--


“Semper Tibi Pendiat Hamus” –

(May a heuck always hang in your favour). 


There would be no harbour in the early days and the boats would be hauled up on to the beach when the fishermen came in with their catch at the end of the day. The boats the fishermen used were small, without decks and open to all the elements. They would be powered by the fishermen themselves with oars and some would have sails. The fishing method was line and bait and they only fished in inshore waters. By 1600 and with the improved harbour fleet of half-decked fishing boats, the boats from Cellardyke and the neighbouring Fife ports were sailing to the herring grounds of the Western Isles and to the rich cod and ling banks off the Shetlands. The harbour was further improved in 1829 and by the mid 1800’s with the ever increasing number and size of the fishing boats now with engines and wheelhouses, this allowed the fleet to follow the herring down the East coast as far as Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Most of the Cellardyke fishermen and their boats were using Anstruther harbour as a base by this time as Cellardyke harbour was too small for the larger boats. The Cellardyke fishermen did ask the government to build a larger harbour for them but the government came down in favour of extending the harbour at Anstruther. Believe it or not in 1883 a survey revealed that in Cellardyke there were 203 fishing boats and 650 men involved in the fishing business. From the late 1940’s the fishing began to decline and the herring disappeared and gradually the Cellardyke fishermen fished from other ports, Aberdeen or Peterhead for great line fishing and only brought their boats home at Christmas and New Year. Others found employment with the new local seine net fleet, mostly based in Pittenweem as it had an all water harbour, not like Anstruther which is tidal.



Whaling was also active between 1750 and 1870 and a small amount of Cellardyke men either skippered whaling boats or were members of the crew. The jaw bone of the largest whale caught in Arctic waters was brought home by Cellardyke skipper William Smith of George Street and he had it erected on the back wall of his garden in East Forth Street. The salt air and the wind finally took its toll of it and it started to crumble away and it was eventually taken down. What is left of the jaw bone is somewhere in the Fisheries Museum now.

((Malcolm (a dyker frae Dove Street)) 

(Please let me have your news and stories to pass on to members). 


The Kirk Session wish you a very safe, healthy and happy week ahead.


Doxology CH4 806

        To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

        the God whom we adore,

        be glory, as it was, and is,

        and shall be evermore.




Easter Sunday. In addition to Reflections at the Quay (BBC One Scotland, 11.15AM)   BBC ALBA will broadcast Ar N-Aran Làitheil (Our Daily Bread) from Kyle Church of Scotland (6.50PM), as Alleluia! brings a mix of hymns, psalms and readings led by

Father Seumas MacNeil and Rev Donald Michael MacInnes (7.30PM). 

Radio Scotland will continue to feature Thought for the Day within the Good Morning Scotland news programme each weekday.  Every New Sunday has moved forward an hour to a new slot of 7.30AM and Sunday Morning with Cathy Macdonald will continue to feature conversations with guests from across all faith groups.

For Gaelic listeners, Radio nan Gaidheal celebrates Easter Sunday with Deanamaid Adhradh (Let’s worship) at 9.03AM, repeated again at 3.00PM and a broadcast of the Easter Alleluia! special at 9.00PM.


Sunday 19 April, the BBC Scotland Channel features Priest School. Narrated by Scots-Italian actor Daniela Nardini, this distinctive observational documentary gained unique access to the inner workings, personnel, seminarians and

history of the oldest Scottish institution abroad, Il Pontificio College Scozzese - The Scots College in Rome.

And BBC ALBA will feature Sorchar nan Reul (The Lightener of the Stars - spiritual music)

31st May a new series - Slighe Anndra (St Andrew’s Journey – the story of the Church of Scotland in Europe) 

Full detail s to be found on the BBC website, at and at