Hampton Common is a large open space that along with Oak Avenue Wildlife Site,
Hatherop Park and Kempton Park Reservoirs forms a ‘strong green corridor’. There are lots of niches for wildlife. 


Trees within parks are subject to inspection by suitably qualified and experienced Arboriculturalists, this is in order to identify and remedy any unacceptable risks to people using the sites, an example of this is the prophylactic treatment of oak processionary moth or the removal of trees that are extensively decayed compromising their structural integrity.

Tree pruning is only carried out where necessary for risk management purposes or where formative pruning is necessary; this approach allows Richmond’s parks to retain a natural landscape with well-formed specimens. Where there is a particular characteristic by way of species composition, size or natural distribution the Council seeks to maintain this through selecting appropriate replacement and new trees.


Richmond Council encourages the Friends of Hampton Common to consider the tree population within parks and to communicate with the parks and open spaces team in order to make improvements and ensure that there is continuity in the way that the trees are managed.


Hampton Common contains over 1,000 trees, the site is one of the Council’s largest collection of native specimens including birch, yew, oak, beech, holly, lime, hawthorn, hornbeam, common ash, cherry, field maple and hazel, all providing a valuable habitat for wildlife. Lines of mature oak denote historic land boundaries making them heritage specimens. Non-native ornamental plantings have been introduced which include white horse chestnut and Norway maple.