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Hanna’s Field Charity’s Successful Projects Since 

Construction of the Village Hall Extension in 2002-3

2024 Apr.      Solar Panel Project completed. See project description & benefit overview.

2024  Mar.    Main car park and Chase resurfacing & repairs.

2024  Jan     Overflow Carpark resurfaced with granite chippings.

2023             Shop meter and auto-billing installed.

2023             CCTV Upgraded for Number Plate recognition etc

2023             New Intruder Alarm system installed.

2023             Meeting Room lighting converted to LED

2022             Widescreen TV Display Monitor added to Meeting Room

2022             New T bar Toddler Swing sets fitted.

2022             Foyer Hall Foyer and Corridor fluorescent lighting converted to LED.

2022             Entrance Doors and Windows replaced.

2022             Changing Room lobby Side door and Sports Hall emergency doors repainted.

2022             Sports Hall windows replaced, and new additional window inserted in wall.

2022             Carpark - pothole repairs

2022             Additional field Bench installed (Dennis Phillips resident)

2021             Front Car Park Mound Trees Coppiced

2021             More playing field park benches added (x9 now)

2021             Play Area Slide, Swings & Safety Surfaces repaired/replaced.

2021             New large oak posts installed as protective barrier for pedestrians using Hall Chase path.

2021             New Kitchen units added plus Dishwasher and plumbing

2021             Sports courts lighting pillars (x4) electrics rewired (failed due to ant nests inside).  

2021             Overflow Carpark - more granite chips laid.

2021             Chase path tarmacked & additional paving added in front of Hall entrance for School Gate change over.

2021             Small Hall ceiling fluorescent lighting converted to LED. 

2020             Sports Hall florescent lighting replaced with LED lighting.

2020             Preschool Outdoor equipment storage Container and Base added.

2020             Overflow Carpark resurfaced with granite chippings.

2019             Flood light added over Hall front entrance.

2019             Mains sockets fitted to allow freezer + fridge in Changing Room lobby. 

2019             Hot water tank emersion heaters replaced and new timer/controllers fitted next to tanks.

2019             Rear Car Park Mound Trees Coppiced,

2019             Meeting Room re-decorated.

2019             Overflow Carpark - Initial Granite chip re-surfacing.

2018             Hanna’s Field sports storage container replaced.

2018             Hall Overflow Carpark extension completed. 

2018             Chase Path and Hall paving 

2018             Changing Rooms redecorated.

2018             Hall steel wall cladding repainted.

2018             New sports field goal posts

2017             Hall carpark rail and posts added.

2017             Hall Broadband connection upgraded to Fibre.

2016             Hall roof cladding and insulation installed & Gutters cleaned out.

2016             Replacement Shop’s ladder and improved loft access

2016             Large Hall fluorescent tubes replaced for new.

2016             New carpark Wheelie Bin storage bay installed.

2016             Hall entrance internal security door system installed for Preschool.

2016             Shop storage access improved

2016             Replaced fluorescent tubes in the Large Hall & Stall

2015             Car Park Repairs + New Path to School back gate 

2015             Car Park Mound (trees cut back and Carpark oak trimmed)

2015             Hall CCTV installed. 

2015             Hall Chase ditch deepened and culvert into drain under The Tye main road cleared.

2015             Preschool Awning and electrics installed (joint project with Preschool)

2014             New sliding doors installed between Large & Small halls. Additional light installed in upstairs “Library” room.

2013             Kitchen redecorated and new units fitted. Shelving installed in Hanna’s Tots Store and in Store off the upstairs Meeting Room.

2012             “Hanna’s Field” registered with Land Registry (with EHPC funding assistance).

2012             Car Park Repairs/Relining plus Resurface of field path from Could Dennis to Hall.

2012             Small Hall upgrade (new lower ceiling/lighting and thicker insulation, Windows enlarged/replaced. Internal wall with windows insulated, Children’s Storey Boards added).

2012             HFC contribution to Shop improvements by Tenant inc replacement chiller cabinet.

2011             RCCE Hall Energy Survey

2011             Additional 2 new park benches and litter bins added in Play Area. Safety surfaces provided for T Bar Swing and Slide

2010             New vinyl flooring fitted throughout Hall 

2009             Old shower room converted to a new store-room (for Bowls) and access stairway added from the Sports Hall store to store room above Preschool store.

2009             Hall achieved RCCE Hallmark Level 1” quality standard.

2009             Meeting Room tables and chairs replaced.

2007             Bench/paving installed in front of Village Shop

2007             Chase and Car Park Resurfaced + White lining added

2007             New Play Area Fencing (Section 106 funded by EHPC)

2007             New Play Area Equipment (Climbing frame/slide & Double swing + Safety    surfaces

2006             Carpark line marking 

2006             Youth Shelter, Sports Wall Goal, Rubber Matting & Floodlighting

2004             Carpark resurfaced. Hall Gutter down pipes replaced with steel pipes.

2003             Hall Extension and Post Office Shop opened (Building started December 2002).