Monday 8th May 2023
Grove Gardens Open Day

The weather forecast looked gloomy for the first Grove Gardens Open Day run jointly between the Friends of Grove Gardens and Teddington Bowls Club on the Bank Holiday Monday following the Coronation. In the event, the rain held off and a good number of our local community and their friends came along between 11am and 4pm.

Individuals and whole families tried their hand at bowling on our beautifully-kept green and enjoyed some delicious tea and cakes in the Pavilion. Meanwhile, nearly forty children got to know the park better through our Nature Hunt and the Grove Gardens Quiz. All completed entries earned the participants a small prize including kaleidoscope glasses, bubbles or a balloon.

The children were asked what was their favourite thing about the park. Here are some of their comments;

 "Being outside"

"Playing football"

"It's a great roller skating place"

"Going in the bushes"

"Finding spiders"

"The greenery and the big statue of Diana"

We took the opportunity to start our FoGG Twinning Exercise where we match dogs with the same names as children or adults who use the park. Our first pair who actually met at our Open Day are Arthur, a four year old cockapoo who enjoys chasing squirrels and Arthur who is ten years old.

Adults and children tried to guess the number of pine cones in the glass jar. In total there were 39 so the rubber slug was won by  Mary Sullivan - though probably will be enjoyed more by her children!

We were delighted that another twenty people signed up to join the Friends. At this stage, I would like to thank my fellow FoGG Committee Members, Andy, Anne, Shelley, Sally, Heather, Rosie, and Louisa for their help in advance and on the day and a special thanks to all the Vlasto family, particularly Holly and Benji for their amazing posters.


As one eight year old wrote on the day. His favourite thing about the park is "That everybody's included!"


Sarah Simpson


Friends of Grove Gardens
