
Doreen Jobson

We are sorry to have to advise that Doreen has sadly passed away after a brave fight against cancer.

Doreen was in her 90's & well known to carpet bowls. especially in the North West area,, having played at Wimbish for many years and more latterly at Finchingfield.

Our thoughts are with her family and those close to her.

Her funeral is on Wednesday 24th July at Wimbish Church CB10 2XE


Eastern Counties Champion of Champions - Sunday 12th May 2024

The Eastern Counties Champion of Champions was held at Litlleport Leisure Centre Cambridgeshire 

The Essex team was represented by the four Essex discipline winners:

Singles - Don Poulter (Hunters)

Pairs - Peter & Diane Orrin (Highwoods)

Triples - Lin & Ron Hill & Trevor Holbrow (Dedham)

Fours - Terry Marsh & Graham Evans (Paxman) and Paul & Ashley Perkins (Chignals & Mashbury)

It was a hard and competitive day with each discipline playing five games of nine ends. The Essex team played well against strong opposition but did not have the success that they had hoped for. There were many close games which mostly went against the Essex players including several lost on the last end. All disciplies contributed points but overall Essex finished fourth out of the six Counties taking part and no discipline finished higher than fourth place in the individual competitions.

The players will now go onto the National Champion of Champions played at Stanley in Durham on 1st & 2nd June when they will hope for a better outcome.


Essex League Finals Day 28th April 2024

The Essex league finals were contested by Teams from Notley Green (Chelmsford East Runners Up), Chignals & Mashbury (Chelmsford West Winners), Elmstead Market (Colchester Winners) & Braintree RC (NorthWest winners). Unfortunately no team was available to represent the Tendring league.

With each Club being represented  by two pairs and two triples/fours the best in each section were; 

  • First Pair          Notley Green (Graham Michaels & Richard Pound)
  • Second Pair     Chignals & Mashbury (Ashley Perkins & Roy Smith)
  • First Four         Braintree RC (Haydn Bates, Terry Costigan & Christine Nastri)
  • Second Four    Elmstead Market (Kathy Sheen, Tom Reeves, Peter Dunnett & Dave Sheen)

Going into the last round of games Chignals & Mashbury had a narrow lead over Elmstead Market with the second pairs & fours from both clubs to play. Elmstead Market won both of these closely fought games to finish the day as overall winners with fifteen points

The final positions were

  • 1st Elmstead Market with 15 points (113 shots)
  • 2nd Chignals & Mashbury 12 points (107 shots)
  • 3rd Notley Green 12 points (101 shots)
  • 4th Braintree RC  9 points (100 shots)

A good competitive day of bowling by four quality teams, enjoyed by all with everything running smoothly to schedule thanks to the hard work of Paul & Ashley Perkins

Thank you to all who participated and helped to set up and clear away. a special thanks to the Essex Chairmaan Graham Evans who, even though he was not playing, oversaw the event and presented the winners trophies

Finally special congratulations to the winning Elmstead Market team of James Jordan, Jan Richardson.Mel Horgan, Paul Youngs, Ria Warren, Eileen Farthing, Mervyn Fathing, Judy Sharpe, Kathy Sheen, Tom Reeves, Peter Dunnett, Dave Sheen.


Essex Teambowl - Sunday 21st April 2024

The Essex TeamBowl was back again, after a five year gap and those who took part thoroughly enjoyed the format, especially playing with members of other Clubs.

58 players took part in six teams of 10 each with a Single, a Pair, a Triple & a Four. Two teams played short in the Fours following overnight drop outs. Each played five games during the day.

The event took part at  Gt Bentley Village Hall and our thanks go to Paul & Ashley Perkins for organising and running the competition. To Anthea Bushe for running the Raffle and to Terry Marsh who with her team looked after the Teas and Coffees. Also thanks to our Chairman Graham Evans for co-ordinating the day.

It proved a competitive but fun day with the overall discipline & team winners as follows;

Singles - Don Poulter (Hunters) -Team 6 with 8 points winning on shots scored

Pairs - Peggy Alston (Paxman) & John Smith (Finchingfield) - Team 2 with 6 points equal on shots scored winning on less shots against

Triples - Vic Goodey (Shalford) Kevin Francis (West Bergholt) & Rob Myall (Sewards End) - Team 3 with 7 points winning on shots scored

Fours - Pat Ramsey (Tipps Cross) Terry Marsh (Paxman) & Peter Orrin (Highwoods) - Team 4 with 7 points

Team Winners - with 24 points were Team 5 -Captain Mervyn Bushe (Langham) + Pauline Smith (Finchingfield) Maggie Walton (Paxman) Joan Clark (Highwoods) Sheila Higgins (West Bergholt) Peter Short (Gosfield) Alistair Kermath (Gt Bromley) Ria Warren (Elmstead Markett) & Geraldine Ide (West Bergholt)

A great day with the winners all coming from different teams

Champion of Champions 2024

Thanks to the hard work of Paul & Ashley Perkins, Essex have now completed the Championships for the four disciplines of Singles, Pairs, Triples & Fours.

The winners of these events have been invited to take part in the Champion of Champions as follows;

The Eastern Counties Champion of Champions - to be held on Sunday 12th May 2024 (an all day event) at Littleport Sports Centre Cambridgeshire. The winners to take part and all have confirmed that they are available. Programmes will be sent out to the attendees once received

Singles - Don Poulter (Hunters)

Pairs - Peter & Diane Orrin (Highwoods)

Triples - Ron & Lin Hill & Trevor Holbrow (Dedham)

Fours - Terry Marsh & Graham Evans (Paxman) with Paul & Ashley Perkins (Leaden Roding) 

English Champion of Champions to be played at Stanley, Durham over the two days of Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd June 2024. Unfortunately the Pairs winners Peter & Diane Orrin are not able to take part this year due to prior holiday commitments and in their place the Runners Up - Val Kidd & Maxine Poulter (Hunters) will take their place. The team will be;

Singles - Don Poulter (Hunters)

Pairs - Val Kidd & Maxine Poulter (Hunters)

Triples - Ron & Lin Hill & Trevor Holbrow (Dedham)

Fours - Graham Evans & Terry Marsh (Paxman) with Paul & Ashley Perkins (Leaden Roding)

Good Luck to all Players competing for Essex in both events.


Essex Singles Competition

The Essex Singles Closed Competition was held at Gt Bentley on Sunday 10th March 2024

The event was played over one day only thanks to the changes in playing format set up by Paul & Ashley Perkins. Thanks go to these two for re-organising the competition in this way. Thanks also to Graham Evans for his input throughout the day and to Terry Marsh for co-ordinating the teas/coffees and Raffle, with her team of helpers.

There were 42 players taking part during a long day, who played in six groups all playing four matches with the Group winners and the two best runners up going through to the knock out quarter final stages. The qualifiers were as follows;

Group Winners - Group 1 John Smith (Finchingfield) - Group 2 Colin Lord (Sewards End) - Group 3 Mervyn Bushe (Langham) - Group 4 Don Poulter (Hunters) - Group 5 Cliff Richardson (Helions Bumpstead) - Group 6 Graham Evans (Paxman) with the two best runners up John Davey (Paxman) & Terry Marsh (Paxman)

In the Quarter Finals Don Poulter beat Mervyn Bushe - Cliff Richardson beat Graham Evans - John Davey beat Terry Marsh - Colin Lord beat John Smith

This set up two good Semi Finals with Don Poulter getting the better of John Davey winning 10-3 & in a closer match Colin Lord just getting the better of Cliff Richardson 5 - 3

The Final was played by two experienced Singles players who have both won the Essex Singles in the past (with Colin the 2023 winner). The match started in Don's favour winning two shots on each of the first two ends. Colin responded winning the third end by one shot but Don was able to take a further one shot on ends four & five to establish a 6 - 1 lead. Although Colin took two shots on end six and a further one shot on the last end Don was able hold on to win 6 -4 and take the title.

Well done to all who took part and congratulations to Don Poulter who will now represent Essex in the Eastern Counties Champion of Champions to be played at Littleport, Cambs. in May and the English Champion of Champions to be played at Stanley Durham in early June.


Langham Charity Fours Competition

Langham Carpet Bowls Club re-established their Annual Charity Fours Competition after a short break following the recent pandemic.

It was played on Sunday 25th February 2024 at the Langham Village Hall with 16 teams taking part.

A most successful day saw £300 raised for their chosen Charity - Prostate Cancer Researce UK.

Good competitive bowls were seen throughout the day with the four Group winners proceeding to the semi final stage. The semi finals produced two good games with Elmstead Market just getting the better of Langham and Highwoods similarly winning against Lawford.

The final was contested by Highwoods (Marilyn Bennet/Diane Orrin/Martin Bennet/Peter Orrin) & Elmstead Market (Ria Warren/Jan Richardson/James Jordan/Paul Youngs). The early ends of the match were level but after end four the Highwoods team took control and won convincingly leading by eight shots going into the last end when the match was conceeded. Well done to all who took part in what was a most enjoyable day. 

Special thanks go to Mervyn Bushe and the members of Langham Carpet Bowls Club who worked hard during the day to make this so successful


Essex Pairs Competition

The Essex Pairs Competition took place at Gt Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 11th February 2024

36 Pairs took part with six Groups of six pairs, all playing 5 Group stage matches with the 6 Group Winners and the two best runners up going through to the knock out stages

With plenty of competitive matches seen in the group stages the following were the six Group winners;

Group 1 - Finchingfield 1 (Pauline Godfrey & Pauline Smith)

Group 2 - Highwoods 1 (Peter & Diane Orrin)

Group 3 - Elmstead Market 3 (Peter Dunnett & Dave Sheen)

Group 4 - Leaden Roding - (Ashley & Paul Perkins)

Group 5 - Elmstead Market 2 - (Ria Warren & Tom Reeves)

Group 6 - Sewards End 2 - (Anne Harriman & Mike Rushmer)

To complete the KO stages the two best runners up both with 8 points were Hunters 2 (Val Kidd & Maxine Poulter) & Sewards End 1 (Michelle Lane & Colin Lord)

The first match saw Finchingfield 1 take 5 shots on the first end against the Highwoods 1 pair but Peter & Diane came back to take 8 shots thereafter to win the match. Hunters 2 won a close match against Sewards End 1. It was the two Elmstead Market teams who then won through to join them in the semi final with Elmstead Market 2 beating Sewards End 2 and Elmstead Market 3 beating the Leaden Roding Pair

This set up two closely fought semi finals with Val & Maxine (Hunters 2) just getting the better of Peter & Dave (Elmstead Market 3) and Peter & Diane (Highwoods1) similarily winning a close match against Elmstead Market 2

This left the two pairs from Group 2 having a rematch after playing against each in a close match in the group stages, when the Highwoods Pair just won that early match.

The final was then contested by Peter & Diane Orrin (Highwoods 1) v Val Kidd & Maxine Poulter (Hunters 2). After an even first two ends Peter & Diane took a commanding 6 shot lead going into the last end. However same excellent bowling by Val & Maxine coupled with a poor bowling end by the experience pair of Peter & Diane saw the Hunters pair take 6 shots to go into an extra end. A close end finally saw Peter & Diane Orrin take the shot needed to win the Essex Pairs Championship for the second year running and their 5th title in this competition, having won all eight matches played throughout a long day

Well done to all who played and especially to Peter & Diane Orrin (Highwoods). They will now represent Essex in the Eastern Counties Champion of Champions to be played at Littleport on Sunday 12th May 2024. However due to a prior holiday booking they will not be able to play in the English Champion of Champions at Stanley Durham on 1st & 2nd June 2024 when Val Kidd & Maxine Poulter (Hunters) will take there place

Thank you to Ashley & Paul Perkins for running and scoring the competition. Thanks go also to the Chairman Graham Evans for overseeing the competition and to Terry Marsh for organising the refreshments and Anthea Bushe for running the raffle. It was a good and enjoyable day 


Essex Triples Competition

The Essex Triples Competition took place at Gt Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 3rd December 2023

Twenty Eight Triples took part again mostly from the Colchester, Tendring & North West Areas

The Triples were split into Four Groups of Seven with all having 4 matches throughout the day. The Four Group Winners then went onto the Semi Final stage which saw Group 1 winners Finchingfield 1 playing Group 2 winners Jaywick Sands 1 and Group 3 winners Elmstead Market 1 playing Group 4 winners Dedham.

Finchingfield got the better of the Jaywick Sands team and progressed to the final winning 9 - 3 and Dedham beat Elmstead Market to win 10 - 6

This set up a final between Finchingfield (Carol Sainsbury/Pauline Godfrey/Pauline Smith) and Dedham (Ron & Lin Hill & Trevor Holbrow). A good Final saw the Dedham team winning 9 - 3 having won all their matches throughout a long day. Well done to them and all who took part. Dedham will now be invited to represent Essex in the Eastern Counties and National Champion of Champions which takes place in May/June 2024.

Special thanks go to Ashley & Paul Perkins for preparing all the paperwork and the scoring on the day and to Graham Evans & Terry Marsh for preparing the raffle and teas & coffees. Thanks also go to those who helped in the Kitchen and selling raffle tickets.

The next Essex event will be at the same venue on Sunday 11th February 2024 when the Essex Pairs will take place


Essex Fours Competition

The Essex Fours Competition took place at Gt Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 29th October 2023

Twenty Five teams took part with entrants mainly from the Colchester Area, + some from the Tendring & North West Areas

After the Groups stages (involving four matches each) the 5 Group Winners - The Mix/Wix/Sewards End 1 & 2/Dedham + the 3 best runners up - Windmill 2/Langham & Paxman 1 went onto the Quarter Final knock out stages. These matches saw the following results

The Mix beat Wix 13-6 / Sewards End 2 beat Sewards End 1 9 - 1 / Windmill 2 beat Dedham 8 - 7 / Langham beat Paxmans 1 9 - 3

In the first semi final The Mix got off to a good start taking a six shot lead after the first two ends before Sewards End 2 started clawing their way back with the match finishing with the Mix winning 7 - 4

The second semi final saw Windmill 2 and Langham trading ends with Windmill 2 eventually winning 6 - 3

The final started as a close fought match with Windmill 2 (Carol Andrews/Sue Butters/John Gibson/Paul Dale) and the Mix (Ashley Perkins/Terry Marsh/Paul Perkins/Graham Evans) winning alternative ends. After 5 ends just one shot separated the teams. However a 7 shot score on the 6th end saw the Windmill team conceding the match at 13 - 5. Well done to all who took part and a special well done to the Mix (a team made up of two players from Paxman & two players from Chignals & Mashbury). They will now be invited to represent Essex in the 2024 Champion of Champions (Eastern Counties at Littleport in May & English at Stanley Durham in June)

Thanks go to Ashley & Paul Perkins for organising and running the Competition, their first as the newly appointed Competition Secretary & Assistant Competition Secretary. They should be proud of a job well done with the additional benefit of also being part of the winning team

Thanks are also given to all who took part and those who helped with selling raffle tickets, helping in the kitchen and setting up and putting away equipment



Further update on Essex Competitions

Please note that the closing date for entries for the Essex Fours Competition is Sunday 8th October 2023

Make sure that you get your entries in on time to avoid disappointment


Also a reminder that the dates for the four Essex Closed Competitions have been agreed and will be played as follows;

  • All four Competitions to be played at Great Bentley Village Hall
  • Essex Fours - to be played on Sunday 29th October 2023 - entry details have been sent to all affiliated clubs
  • Essex Triples - to be played on Sunday 3rd December 2023
  • Essex Pairs - to be played on Sunday 11th February 2024
  • Essex Singles - to be played on Sunday 10th March 2024

The winners of these events will be invited to Represent Essex at the Eastern Counties Champion of Champions to be played at Littleport, Cambs in May 2024 and the National Champion of Champions to to be at Stanley, Durham in early June 2024


Essex Competitions

We are pleased to report that the Essex run Competitions are being planned for the 2023/4 season and full details will be publicised to all Clubs soon.

At the present time these Competitions will be held at Great Bentley Village Hall, who have also agreed to store some of the Essex Carpets and Equipment which will be moved from Braintree Sports Centre. Despite efforts, no other venue within in the County which can hold at least 6 carpets has been found.

The first planned event will be the Essex Fours Championship which is open to all Essex Affiliated Clubs and this is to take place on Sunday 29th October 2023. Invitations will be sent our by email to all clubs by our newly appointed Competitions Secretary - Ashley Perkins in the next week or so.


National Champion of Champions

The National Champion of Champions was held at Stanley Indoor Bowls Club, Durham over the weekend of 3rd & 4th June 2023

Essex were represented by the County discipline winners (or runners up) as follows:

Single - Colin Lord (Sewards End)

Pairs - Diane & Peter Orrin (Highwoods)

Triples - Trevor Kidd & Don & Maxine Poulter (Rayne)

Fours - Val Kidd + Sarah Richards + Graham Evans + Terry Marsh (Paxman)

Against high quality Carpet Bowlers from the Eastern Counties and the Northern Counties all of the Essex disciplines played well throughout a long day on Saturday. With wins recorded by all disciplines, both individually and collectively the Essex players were doing well and overnight were placed in the top half of the overall + the Triples & Fours.

However the Sunday was a poor day for most with only 3 wins recorded - 1 by the Single and 2 by the Triples and it dropped the league standings for the Single, Pair & Fours + the overall to nearer the lower placings. However the Triples kept up their performance levels to finish a credible 4th. It is a long way to go but they should all be proud that they are able to compete at this level. 


Essex Open Pairs 

Essex held a New Open Pairs Competition event  at Braintree Leisure Centre on Sunday 21st May 2023. The number of entries that took part was extremely disappointing with only 17 pairs & with entrants only from the Colchester & North West Areas. (none from the other three areas). It meant that a financial loss was seen on the day and similar events would not be able to be held in the future unless there was more support or smaller venues used.

However thanks go to Duncan Lumley for running the competition and Graham Evans & Terry Marsh for organising the raffle which helped to reduce the loss on the day.

After the group stages the winners & runners up went onto the quarter final knock out stages.

Finchingfield 2 beat West Bergholt 1 by 11-1 

Highwoods beat Leaden Roding 8 - 6 in a closer match

Sewards End 1 beat Sewards End 4 by 7 - 4

Dedham beat Finchingfield in the closest match by 5 - 4

It set up interesting Semi Finals with the Dedham pair of Lin Hill & Trevor Holbrow playing the less experienced Sewards End pair of Sue Parrish & Rob Myall. However Sue & Rob started stronger and were 10 - 0 up after just three ends and went on to win comfortably by 12 - 7. The other semi final was much closer with the Finchingfield pair of Carol Sainsbury & Pauline Godfrey taking on the more experienced Highwoods pairing of Peter & Diane Orrin. This proved to be the closest match of the day with Carol & Pauline leading 4 - 2 going into the last end. Despite the best efforts of the Highwoods skip they could only take one shot on the last end with Finchingfield going through to the final winning 4 - 3.

The final proved to be one match too many for the Finchingfield pair and it was clearly Sue & Rob's day. They built up an early lead and won comfortably 9 - 2. Many congratulations to all who played and despite the disappointing numbers it was a good competitive competition. Many congratulations to Sue Parrish & Rob Myall of Sewards End for winning this competition, their first competitive win having only taken up the sport in more recent years.

Also thank you for all those who stayed on to watch the semi finals & final, we had 21 to see the final & presentation


Eastern Counties Champion of Champions 2023

The Eastern Counties Champion of Champions took place at Littleport Leisure Centre on Sunday 14th May 2023. The winners of the four Essex disciplines (Singles/Pairs/Triples/Fours) took part playing five games each of 9 ends against the other five counties taking part (Bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire/Hertfordshire/Norfolk/Suffolk). Competitions were held throughout the day with Trophies for the winners of each individual discipline and the overall highest scoring Team.

Essex were represented by;

Single (Don Poulter - Rayne) 

Pairs (Peter & Diane Orrin - Highwoods)

Triples (Ron & Lin Hill & Trevor Holbrow - Dedham)

Fours (Sarah Richards/Maxine Poulter/Terry Marsh & Graham Evans - Paxman)

It proved to be an outstanding day for Team Essex with all disciplines just missing out on winning the individual Trophies but collectively WINNING the Team award with 25 points out of a possible 40 points available. All disciplines won 3 of their 5 matches played with the Fours also drawing one of their matches. Well done to all who took part to record the first win by Essex at this event in the last eight years.

The discipline winners will also play in the National Champion of Champions which takes place over the weekend of 3rd June 2023 at Stanley Indoor Bowls Club, Durham. Good luck to the team taking part. 

Subsequently and following the above report - Sorry to report that Essex were advised a day after the event that there had been a scoring error (not spotted/picked up on the day) which meant that Suffolk should have had an extra two points and put them equal with Essex for the Team event. As Suffolk had a few more shots, Essex have now been relegated to 2nd place in the Team event.


Essex Triples

The Essex Triples took place on Sunday 23rd April 2023 at Braintree Leisure Centre

25 Triples took part initially in Groups of five with the winners and the three best runners up going through to the knock out stages

After a long day the final was played between the Dedham Team of Lin & Ron Hill and Trevor Holbrow against the Rayne Team of Maxine & Don Poulter and Trevor Kidd. A good quality final saw the Dedham team winning. Many congratulations to all who took part and all those who helped during the day but especially to Dedham as winners and they will now represent Essex in the Eastern Counties Champion of Champions at Littleport on Sunday 14th May 2023. Unfortunately they will not be available for the National Champion of Champions at Stanley Durham on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June and the Runners up have been invited to take their place


Essex Singles

The Essex Singles was held at Gt Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 12th March 2023

There were 44 participants initially playing in the Group stages with the Group Winners and the 5 best Runners up going through into the knockout stages

After a good days bowling the Semi Finals saw Colin Lord (Sewards End) beating Mick Wetton (Braintree RC) and Alistair Kermath (Gt Bromley) beating Val Kidd (Rayne) to go through to the Final

A good Final followed with Colin Lord winning and he will now represent Essex in the Eastern Counties and National Champion of Champions

Well done to Colin and all who took part and a special thanks to Graham Evans & all who supported him throughout the day with the Raffle & Teas & Coffees. Special thanks for the assistance provided by Ian Sinclair-Gunn and a big thank you to Mark Hammond & Mick Wetton who took over the scoring at short notice


Essex Pairs

The Essex Pairs was held at Gt Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 12th February 2023.

There was a good turnout for this event and special thanks go to Graham Evans for co-ordinating the day, which ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all who took part. Thanks also go to Black Notley & Highwoods who loaned a Carpet and Equipment for the event. Also to Terry Marsh for co-ordinating the Raffle with the support of the Paxman players. To those who helped on the day in the Kitchen with the hot drinks and to Ian & June Sinclair Gunn who with Peter Orrin did all the scoring etc on the day.

The Competition with Three woods each player was welcomed and as a result the competition ran ahead of time with some added good adjustments made. After some competitive Group stage matches it was the 8 Groups winners who went onto the knock out stages as follows: Group 1 - Gt Yeldham (Val Kidd & Sandra Strange). Group 2 - Elmstead Market 1 (Mel Horgan & Paul Youngs). Group 3 - Rayne 2 (Don & Maxine Poulter). Group 4 - Braintree RC 1 (Mick Wetton & Chris Dayer). Group 5 - Highwoods (Peter & Diane Orrin). Group 6 - Rayne 1 (Jim Green & Lee Gilman). Group 7 - Paxman 2 (Andrew Witney & Sarah Richards). Group 8 - Clacton (Ken & Jean Kendrick)

The Quarter Finals saw the Highwoods pair getting the better of the pair from Gt Yeldham, Elmstead Market having a good and convincing win against Rayne 1. Rayne 2 winning against Braintree 1 and Clacton beating Paxman 2. This set up some good Semi Finals - The Rayne Pair of Don & Maxine Poulter playing Ken & Jean Kendrick of Clacton saw a close first four ends with scores level but Don & Max took 5 shots on end 5 and a further 3 shots on end 6 to see their way comfortably into the Final. The other semi final between Peter & Diane Orrin of Highwoods against Mel Horgan & Paul Youngs of Elmstead Market, saw a similar pattern with Peter & Diane taking an early lead but were just 1 shot ahead going into end 5 when they took four shots to take control and see their way into the final

This all set up the prospect of a Final between two experienced Pairs Peter & Diane v Don & Maxine, who have both won this event in the past. As expected the final saw some quality bowling with Don & Maxine leading 5-4 after five ends. However it was end six which proved decisive with Peter & Diane taking three shots to have a two shot lead going into end seven. The match was not over when with just one bowl to go for the Highwoods Pair they were sitting two shots down with a tie break a possibility. However with her last bowl Diane bowled possibly the shot of the day to sit on the jack giving no chance for Don with his last bowl, resulting with Peter & Diane having a well deserved 7-4 victory

Well done to all who took part during a successful day and especially to Peter & Diane Orrin of Highwoods for winning this competition for a fourth time and will now be invited to Represent Essex in the Eastern Counties and National Champion o Champions played in May & June


East League

Please note now renamed Tendring League

Essex Triples 

Now to take place on Sunday 23rd April 2023 at Braintree Leisure Centre - Further details to follow for all Clubs

Essex Singles

To take place on Sunday 12th March 2023 at Gt Bentley Village Hall - Entries must be in by 11th February 2023

The Essex Fours took place at Great Bentley Village Hall on Sunday 20th November 2022

Only 16 teams took part with five clubs providing 2 teams each. The games were played in four groups with the winners of each group going through to the semi finals

  • Group 1 winners - Finchingfield
  • Group 2 winners - Paxman
  • Group 3 winners - High Easter
  • Group 4 winners - Lawford

Both semi finals were close with Paxman beating Lawford by 6 - 2 and High Easter beating Black Notley 6 - 3

The Final was extremely close with the scores level at 3 - 3 after 6 ends. However Paxman took 4 shots on the last end to beat High Easter 7 - 3

The Paxman Four ( Sarah Richards/Margaret Stewart/Terry Marsh & Graham Evans) will now represent Essex in the Eastern Counties & National Champion of Champions to be played next May/June

Eric Sainsbury - 

We are sorry to have to announce the sad death of Eric. Eric was such a well known carpet bowler over many years playing more recently for Wimbish &  Finchingfield and in most County competitions. He died peacefully on Saturday 3rd December 2022 in the local Hospice after a period of illness

Our thoughts are with Carol and the Family and Friends at this sad time

Please note that the Funeral is to be held at 12-00 midday on Saturday 7th January 2023 at Stebbing Crematorium Dunmow CM6 3AL

Please wear Colour