Public Meeting Monday July 6th


Monday July 6th 2015

St James School Hall, Thursley Road, Elstead

The meeting was attended by over 70 people who heard the short presentations by the five Working Groups and then went to discuss the exhibitions on display. They were asked to write down any concerns or ideas that they have about the future of Elstead and Weyburn, which were then posted on the display for others to read.

The Working groups will examine the ideas and concerns put forward and will include them in the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base.


6pm - 6.10pm:          
Welcome and Purpose of the evening
6.10pm 7.30pm:        
Briefings on the work to date ‘State of Elstead and Weyburn’ covering 5 themes:
  • - Housing and Community Facilities,
  • - Environment and Heritage,
  • - Transport and Infrastructure
  • - Local Employment & Business
  • - Weyburn Site & Peper Harow
7.30pm - 7.55pm:      
Opportunity to ask questions and walk though exhibitions on ‘State of Elstead and Weyburn 2015’
7.55pm - 8.35pm:   Elstead 2030
Themed workshops (5 parallel table sessions, facilitated by the teams using large facilitation cards & map, people can move between tables if they wish)
  • Q1: What do we want more of?
  • Q2: What do we want less of?
  • Q3: What do we want to keep?
8.35pm - 8.55pm:      Review and development of key objectives per theme
8.55pm - 9pm:           Elstead 2030 (exercise)
9pm:                          Next steps and close
The five Working Groups will present a summary of their activites so far and what they intend to do to complete the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Housing Group will discuss the present situation in Elstead and what is likely to be required in the next 15 years, They are also looking at the various community facilities in the Village.
The Environment, Heritage, Design & Recreation Group will discuss aspects of Elstead's history and present situation with emphasis on the need to defend the village from unacceptable development. They are also involving local Sports and Social Organisations in the Plan development.
The Transport and Infrastructure Group has been investigating the local transport system, including the provision of safe cycle routes. They have also studied the utility supplies and communication systems.
The Employment and Business Group has been identifying and contacting local businesses to find out what employment is available in the village and what future prospects there may be for more employment.
The Weyburn Group has been examining the possibilities for development on the Weyburn industral site, with particular reference to the Linden Homes housing proposals. Their work includes the potential impact on Peper Harow Parish of development in the area of that Parish the is included in the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan boundary.
The second part of the meeting will consist of workshops run by the Working Groups so that people can contribute their ideas and become involved in the process of developing the Neighbourhood Plan. There is a lot of work still to be done and it should not be left to a few people in the Work Groups to make all the decisions on their own.