Elstead Housing Needs - Low Cost Homes

I attended the Parish Council meeting on Monday July 22nd 2018 and asked about the supply of smaller low cost homes in Elstead, The affordable homes being built at Weyburn are unlikely to fill the whole of the need identified in the HNS as they are available to anybody on the Waverley Housing Register and will be allocated to people with the greatest need.

I was assured that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will take the results of the HNS fully into account in the revised NP and they are currently looking into the new settlement boundary and the sites that are being considered for development.

The full HNS report can be downloaded from the Elstead Parish Council website [LINK]

Anybody who is looking for low cost homes in Elstead  must register on theWaverley housing register: https://www.waverley.gov.uk/…/housing_options/109/apply_for…

You are also advised to register with BPHA, Waverley's partner housing association: https://www.bpha.org.uk/

 (The summary report that I produced from the EWNP Housing Needs Survey appears to be corrupt  so I have deleted the link.)



Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation July/Aug 2018

The Steering Group is continuing the process of analysing the responses to the 2018 Public Consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan and carrying out necessary revisions. It is expected that this will be completed early in 2019, with the help of a new Planning Consultant who has more experience of dealing with Waverley and rural parishes. The discussions with Waverley about suitable housing sites and the Green Belt boundary continues and will hopefully be completed in time for the Plan to be finalised in Autum 2019.



Elstead and Weyburn Steering Group in conjunction with Elstead Parish Council would like to thank all those who attended the launch of its Draft Neighbourhood plan on Friday 6th July 2018, held at The Pavilion, Thursley Road.  The Neighbourhood Plan team are delighted with the positive response and feedback it has so far received.

 Part 1 and Part 2 of the draft NHP are available on this site [LINK] bookmarked for ease of use.

Hard copies of the draft plan can be viewed at the following village locations: St James Church, Chandlers Garage, Michelle Renee, Ultimate Beauty, Springfield Surgery, Elstead Dentist and Elstead Chiropractic.  Please note that these copies must be read in situ and not be uplifted.  A further hard copy can be borrowed from The Clerk, email: elsteadpc.clerk@gmail.com

There now follows an eight week consultation period - extended to 12 weeks - to allow plenty of time for people to respond.  We would urge all residents to read the plan and make any comments - no matter how big or small - before 30th September.  Comments should be made ideally via a short online survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ElsteadPlan or be sent in writing to; The Clerk, Elstead Parish Council, Woodview, Red House Lane, Elstead, Surrey GU8 6DS.  Thank you.



Neighbourhood Plan Launch

I went to the Neighbourhood Plan Launch exhibition at the Pavilion. The Draft Plan was displayed on boards round the room and members of the NP Steering Group were there to explain its contents. Some pages showing maps and plans were placed on tables for easy viewing and copies of the draft Plan were also on hand. A large Map of the area would have been useful.

The Consultation document is an impressive glossy brochure, containing some very good photographs of Elstead scenes and a few from other places. The text font is small and the lines tightly spaced.

The content is comprehensive and covers a lot of detail, some of it technical facts required as evidence for the formal approval process, some more forward looking in terms of possible projects for the future as CIL funding from house building becomes available.

If you want to look at the document online you will find it easier if you have access to a wide screen, as the text on many of the pages is in three columns and only two will fit onto an older square screen. Like me some of you will probably need reading glasses! Cool

A summary document designed for online reading with bookmarks linked to the various sections and key items is available on this site [LINK]

The Neighbourhood Plan set up process is not over yet and the current consultation gives everybody who lives or works in the Plan area (including Weyburn) the chance to suggest improvements before the Plan is submitted to Waverley later this year.

For more information and online links to the draft Consultation document go to: http://www.elstead-pc.gov.uk/Plan.aspx