Members Update 29th Novemer 2022


Not much new material I’m afraid for this update, I guess the weather has not been conducive to getting out and about with our cameras! However, we have managed to put something together, starting with a comment on Rob’s Yawning Fox from the last update from Pat Morris. – Thanks Pat.

19th November: “Fox looks very smart! We have one that staggers about in daylight, almost black as a result of getting into our food waste compost bin. It also has nasty wounds on its rump. Pat”

Also on the 19th from Mike Reed. We were at RHS Wisley with a small group from our Audio Visual Club: “Hi Mike, here's a couple for next Bee Fly, taken at RHS Wisley. Regards, Mike R.”



Coincidentally I also photographed a Heron at the same pond so presumably the same bird?


I took the following photo of a rather attractive array of Fungi when out with Ken at Bramshill Plantation





Filling up the pages here with some rather late surprises in the garden, - some Wild Strawberries and some late, albeit now rather tatty, Polyanthus taken last week.    

That’s it for this time other of course than to say how sorry we are to possibly be nearing the winding up of our Society after so many years, Covid has a lot to answer for and has proved to be the final straw for many small organisations like ours to suffer similar consequences.

It would be really good if as many of you as possible could follow up Bernard’s request for a selection of personal memories of your experiences and time with our Society in order to create a lasting, printed record, of the history of the Society.

We should be able to fit in one more Bee Fly for the year before Christmas so please all do your best to find something for us to see and/or read about!

Best wishes, Mike and Jenny