Members Update 17th November 2022

SPOT THE BEE FLY ETC. ETC. 17 November 2022

First up is Bernard with this article on this year’s winner of the best UK Tree:

5th Nov. “Mike, I thought this might be of interest to members as it is a local site which we have visited: The winner of UK Tree of the Year 2022 is a yew perching on the ruins of Waverley Abbey, in Farnham, Surrey.”,Tree%20of%20the%20Year%202022..&text=The%20winner%20of%20UK%20Tree,before%20plunging%20into%20the%20earth.

Rob Agar is next with the following great shots of a friendly fox:

7th Nov. “A friendly fox at St Peters in Frimley. I was working on CWGC graves and he came within 8 ft of me...loads of pics! The pic on the other email with teeth showing was when it yawned.”








Next, this really nice selection of birds in a neighbour’s Rowan tree from Roger Hoyle, - the exclamation marks are mine!

9th Nov: “Good morning Mike, the fine weather has brought out the birds, and many are visiting a Rowan tree in our neighbour's garden.  In the space of a few minutes I saw Blue tit, Female Blackbird, Fieldfare (I think!), and Robin.  Sorry for the poor quality of the photos (!!!), taken through a window with a long lens and 'blown up' quite a lot! Best wishes, Roger”   


Female Blackbird 





Another contribution from Rob Agar, this interesting Fungus taken on 7th Nov in Brookwood Civilian Cemetery

A couple from me: 1st Nov. This oak leaf with a couple of Oak Apples attached found in Bramshill Plantation:


And a Honeysuckle in flower in our garden, taken on 12th Nov alongside a Clematis flower in full bloom!


That’s all for now, please keep them coming!

I forgot to ask for suggestions on the ID of Rob’s fungus please…..?

Graeme has been tearing his hair out trying to resolve problems with our web site and apologises for delays in uploading our latest data.              

Regards to all, Mike and Jenny