CNHS February 2022 update.
What a grey, dour January we have experienced. It brought to mind my favourite saying – “If Winter comes can Spring be far behind”.
We have Primroses, Witch Hazel, Mahonia, Hellebores and Pink Pulmonaria in flower so looking good. My friend on the South Coast has Camellia in flower but just last Friday the first Snowdrop, Crocus and Aconite appeared. We just have to survive a little longer! Our magical Bee-Fly messages are always pleased to hear your latest spring arrivals.
(Bernard, I found these Snowdrops today in the Bagshot cemetery, Mike)
Do hope that you have, or are about to, submit some photos for the competition. I’m afraid still by computer but always a joy to see the entries. Next month will be the AGM and we would appreciate any comments you may have concerning the future of the Society. JM
Even though the seasons progress we are no nearer being able to start up indoor meetings, any plans we make can quickly be disrupted by new developments in Covid.
There are some who are still unable to meet and others who prefer not to, so we will have to continue as we are at the moment.
We are very grateful that our President has been very supportive in hosting and presenting meetings during the winter. This month he is again going to give us a talk about their visits to Japan.
The link is the same as before: Thursday Feb 3rd 19.30 Japan, Hokkaido.
Join Zoom Meeting for CNHS
As you know the March meeting is the AGM and Photographic Competition. I have had a number of entries but I am sure there are still a few more pictures which we would all like to see.
Please send even a couple if you could. To by 11th Feb.
Now that February is here, it is the perfect time to check and clean out any nest boxes, if you have not already done so. Valentine’s Day is National nest box day and the birds will be searching for the best nesting sites. I have heard that someone has already had Blackbird young fledging.
Best wishes
Bernard and Joan