Community Benefit Society Community Share Offer

The community share offer will be launched as soon as we are able.

The intention is to have a minimum share holding valued at £100. This may be 5 shares or 100 shares we've yet to confim this.

Each shareholder has one vote. More shares do not buy greater influence. Shares cannot be transferred or traded but me be cashed in after an agreed period of time.


The benefits of buying shares are considerable. You will be able to financially support one of the very few remaining community assets and it won't cost you a penny. You will be able to help steer the organisation by voting and or joining the mamangement team. You will be creating employment in the area. You will be supporting a sustainable initiative. You will be helping the community tackle personal wellbeing, rural social isolation and community cohesion. Shareholders who give significant support to the Hub will receive an engraved momento to be displayed in the building.


If you want a bit more info then please look on the Plunkett UK website or email us on or of course pop in for a drink and a chat.