News Updates



27th January 2025: Ashingdon Road near Wedgwood Way. Traffic lights. UK Power networks

4th February 2025: Lower Road near Hockley Market Garden Centre. Traffic lights 9.30am -2.30pm

17th February-21st February: Ashingdon Road near Clifton Road. Traffic lights. Nexfibre.

18th - 19th February 2025: Rectory Road at railway bridge. Road closed. ECC works.

24th March-28th March 2025: Canewdon View Road. Road closed. UK Power Networks



















 Ashingdon Parish Council have purchased a Bleed Kit which is located in the community defibrilator box

Ashingdon Parish Council have purchased and installed a community defibrilator in the external porch of Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Memorial Hall.

The council thank County Councillior Mrs Laureen Shaw for securing funds from the ECC Locality Fund and the Hall Committee for agreeing to the location.








Update on local flooding:

1   Moons Close to Highcliff Crescent. Essex County Highways (ECH) say the problem is with the connection onto Anglian Water main drain. ECH to inform Anglian Water. It is not known if this has been done .

Updated 1st November 2021:Still not known if Anglian Water have been contacted. Drain jetting along Ashingdon Road to be done before the end of 2021.


2     Lower Road junction with Greensward Lane. ECH attempted to jet the drains but had to abandon the operation due to traffic management and the road being too narrow. They are deciding what to do next.

Updated 1st November 2021: Still do not know what to do but ECH have decided this is not a serious issue.


3    Adjacent to 621 Ashingdon Road flooding to footpath and road. ECH have inspected. Water is running off the field. They have passed to ECC Environment Team.

Updated 1st November 2021: No word from ECC Environment Team but, ECH have cleared a drain gulley.

All these issues will continue to be monitored, photographed and passed to the County Councillior for this area.


If you see flooding around your area please report to

Should problems persist contact your District Councillior or County Councillior.










Update on Asset Delivery Programme










Rochford District Council has agreed to re open the public toilets and create a parish room at Ashingdon Pavillion King George's Field. Ashingdon Parish Council will manage and maintain under a 7 year lease. 


New solar farm South Fambridge:

For more details on this project visi




A new bench has been installed on the grass verge outside Ashingdon Memorial Hall after the previous one was damaged.