What we expect


Above all, we want you to enjoy allotment gardening and learn something about growing your own food. But we do expect certain things of you in return.


Firstly, we expect you to cultivate your plot. We don’t expect you to do it all at once, because getting your plot into good order will take time and a lot of hard work - but we do expect to see reasonable progress. You should also keep the weeds under control, so that they don't set seed and spread - and you should keep surrounding paths accessible, clear of obstructions and long grass.


Secondly, we expect you to comply with the society's rules & policies, which are intended for the wellbeing and safety of everyone on site, and to maintain good relations with fellow members and local residents.


The society's basic rule book is attached to your membership card, and there are further day-to-day site management rules on your registration form. The society also has:

  • A health & safety policy, to reduce accident risks and ensure the safety of members and visitors;
  • A bonfire policy, which permits bonfires between 1st October and 1st April only, on condition that they don't cause a nuisance;
  • An animal welfare policy, applying to members with permission to keep chicken or other livestock;
  • A 'materials on site notice', banning tyres and recycled tyre materials, and requiring permission to bring glass, glazed units and other materials onto the site.