Catlow Fountain

Whitehall Parks Edwardian cast iron drinking fountain.




The Catlow Drinking Fountain (Listed Grade II)

The cast iron ornate drinking fountain was donated to the people of Darwen by the Catlow family (Messrs John Catlow & Sons) at a reported princely sum of £120.00. The drinking fountain was donated to the park to commemorate the 1902 Coronation of Edward VII. it wasnt until 1906 it was erected in Whitehall Park. 




Water was drawn from the parks own spring and gravitiy fed the fountain.


On the 27th September 1984 the Catlow Drinking Fountain was listed as an English Heritage Building Grade II. In 2010, restoration of the fountain was undertaken by Leander Architectural with funding secured by Whitehall Park's Supporters Group. The Catlow Drinking Fountain had become a rusty structure. It was blast cleaned and repainted white. Missing enrichments were cast using moulds created from original drawings and original busts of royalty were replaced with cranes. A dedication plaque states: Whitehall Park Supporters Group / Catlow Fountain Restoration / By Leander Architectural / Funded By Sita Trust / And Sponsored By / W.M. & B.W. Lloyd / Charity Trust 2010.







Arch faceplates provided a flat surface for an inscription using raised metal letters; often the useful monition, Keep the pavement dry. Civic virtues such as temperance were often extolled in inscriptions on drinking fountains. The ribbed dome which is open filigree decorated with dove and flower reliefs has missing panels at the top of the dome. The internal capitals are floral ornament. A vase with an obelisk finial originally at the apex, has been replaced with a floral spike. Under the canopy stands a central urn with what would have originally held four drinking cups suspended by chains. The centre terminal is a crane.



Photos courtesy of Darwen Days
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