We also have a Facebook site - Friends of West Leeds Walking Group Est 2004. and a WhatsAPP Group to advise walkers of last minute walk changes and additional walk information. Please request to join our Facebook site.










Monday Walks Nov. 2018


Our Walking Group was formed 24 years ago and its many regular walkers range from people available to walk on a Monday, to early retirees and 80+ years. 

We have MORNING walks suitable for all ages and abilities ranging from 2/3 miles on weekdays - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.These walks are mainly centred in the West Leeds local area.

There is an additional short and slower pace local Thursday Health Walk

Tuesday to Friday walks are not published and the route is at the discretion of the walk leader.

On Mondays we have varied walks, sometimes more challenging, which with a few exceptions, start from Leeds City Centre and may be pleasant leafy suburban or scenic countryside in West or North Yorkshire.  These walks are usually 3/5 miles and often finish at a pub or cafe for lunch.(Optional) .

Monday walks are listed in detail on our printed programme (price 30p) available from walk leaders and on our website - Friends of West Leeds Walking Group  Est 2004. Any changes in bus times etc for Monday walks are updated on our Facebook and WhatsAPP group sites.

All walks use public transport either bus or train so a car is not necessary as a walk may also often be linear. 

Our walks are guided by walk leaders, so we are in safe hands, with back markers for additional safety.

Once a month we have an additional "Wander" which is further afield into the Yorkshire/Lancashire countryside, coast, or beyond, by coach or train and sometimes bus.

We recommend sensible walking shoes or boots and waterproof clothing for inclement Yorkshire weather and a walking stick or pole for wooded areas and uneven ground. In warmer weather we suggest you wear a hat and carry sunscreen and water.

Our group are a friendly bunch and we welcome any new walkers who are able to walk on any of weekday mornings.

All walks commence at approx 10am for local area walks and may be slightly later for Monday walks.

We do not walk at weekends.

Just turn up at the designated meeting point and ask for Janice our PR Officer who takes a register of attendees.

We ask that you do not wander off the guided walk path and walk ahead of the leader or behind the back markers as their responsibilty is to lead a safe an enjoyable walk for all participants.

If you do need to leave the walk for any reason please inform the walk leader so that they are not looking for a "missing" person.

Please consider whether the walk and terrain is suitable for your ability. 

All walks are undertaken at your own risk.

If you would enjoy being out and about in good company, whilst keeping active in body and mind, why not give us a try and join one of our walks.

There is no subscription fee but we ask walkers purchase at least one 50p raffle ticket per walk. Half the money collected will go into two cash prizes drawn on the day. The other half of the monies collected will be banked to the  Walk Fund. Anyone wishing not to participate in the raffle draw may donate to the charities that the walking group supports. Walk funds are used for the benefit of our members. The Officers/Walk Leaders are all volunteers and receive no monetary reward. It is appreciated if you thank them at the ends of a walk.

We look forward to meeting you.



For further information:

Chair: Mick Dempsey  0771 7366 441

Secretary: Bill Stevens  0790 0411 659