David McDermot

Richard Gilbert

jackie Coates



Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.


Angela informed the meeting the the current balance of 3k+ was a good position coming up to Christmas.

Despite a few spare seats on the trips a profit was made this year due to the new coach company. We are pleased to have secured the same company for next year with a small increase of £10 per trip.

The two charity donations have been well received and acknowledged.

The only other expediture for the period has been printing and photocopying for the committee meetings.


Bill stressed the importance of walk leaders passing on walk details to him in good time so that he can put them on the programme. The programme will go to the printers at the end of November.  Ann and Geoff Blackwell have, reluctantly, decided to stop being walk leaders and Bill thanked them for all the work they had done. 

We are now short of Monday walk leaders and there are 13 Mondays on the next programme. Angela said she and Jackie could do 4 walks and Brian and Barry agreed they could do 3. Sue said she could also do more. 

The tickets for the Christmas Cracker have been printed and Janice will be selling them. Regarding the Christmas Cracker, Doreen will be unavailable to do her card bingo so timings of other activities will be adjusted.

Bill informed the meeting that he would be officially standing down as a walk leader,temporarily,due to ill health.


Mick asked if everyone was happy and if there were any problems. There were no problems. The new coach driver is good but he is not always available for the second Wednesday of the month. Janet has had good feedback from members on the coach trips.


Christine asked for information for Monday walks i.e.terrain, break off points, distance stiles etc to be sent to her the previous Thursday so she can put these details on WhatsApp and Facebook.

With regards the Liverpool trip, it was discovered that the tickets would involve changing trains in Manchester so it was decided to re-arrange the walk to take place in Hull instead. The walk will be a "Fish Trail Walk" and there is the option of sightseeing, shopping etc. Tony mentioned there are free museums to visit in Hull. Mick will be in Wetherspoons in Leeds early to sort any queries re vouchers.


Christmas Cracker:

Janice said that cash should be used to pay for Cracker tickets so the caterer and venue can be paid in cash. Donations of raffle prizes are welcome.

Tony said the caterer has a notice concerning dietary requirements/allergies and wondered if we should make a notice.  Angela said that it is up to the individual to be responsible for themselves. Tony said there was another notice about the kitchen where nuts where present.   Angela said the onus is on the individual not the club. This matter will be referred to the A.G.M.

Brian said he had a complaint that a recent walk was too long.

Any distance longer than 3 miles is recorded on the programme and websites. 

A suggestion was made that some newer, younger walkers would appreciate longer walks and we need to encourage them to stay in the long term.

This suggestion was not voted on so no action will be taken regarding it.

Angela informed the meeting that she was to stand down as Treasurer.  As mentioned previously she thought this role should not be undertaken for a long period of time. She will continue as a walk leader and member of the committee. She requested the committee look for a Treasurer from April 2025. 

Angela will continue to support the committee and appreciation was shown.

Mick closed the meeting at 12.50.


Next meeting AGM 25 April 2025





FRIDAY 26 JULY 2024 



Christine Simpson

Janet Maguire

Richard Gilbert



Mick Dempsey, Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Mick then asked if there were any questions relating to the last meeting.

Angela pointed out that the price obtained for a 47 seater coach is £590 not £750.

Tony Binns understood that the 12 walks over a 12 month period had been voted for at the last meeting.

Bill Stevens contested this and said the vote had not been unanimous and had only been to discuss this at the following meeting when Angela (Treasurer) was present.

There was some ambiguity about this with some understanding the decision/vote took place at the AGM and others that this would be discussed when Angela was present.

Angela pointed out that there are 120 walkers registered and a good number of people walk more than once a week and purchased raffle tickets each time. If walkers are unable to make the required number of walks on their usual day it is possible to join any of the alternative walks Monday to Friday.

Janice Campbell (P.R.) pointed out that some walkers send raffle money when they are on holiday.

An alternative to the Christmas bonus was suggested to make the Christmas Cracker free of charge with money used to cover catering, prizes and cost of venue.

A vote was taken for 12 walks between April and October and discuss again at the A.G.M.

There was a majority in favour.


Angela reported:

Balance at the end of June 3k+. £350 up on last year.

We have broken even on the 2 coach trips so far, but it was disappointing that the July (Whitby) coach trip had to be opened up to non-walkers to make it viable.

The charity bus collection raised £63.20. Two cheques have been written for Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Prostrate Cancer UK for £200 each.

Christmas bonus query from the A.G.M.

12 walks agreed some years ago when I took over the role of treasurer as an indication of a committed walker to the club.

The period April to end of October is to allow walk leaders to pass the registers to me at the October meeting and the April importantly to follow the financial year so that structured informed decisions can be made at the A.G.M. for the next year, the period gives walkers 7 months and at least 5 walks per week to choose from to obtain their 12 walks.

It is only through the generosity of members who buy raffle tickets multiple times a week and only receive one Christmas bonus that we can be so generous.

The 12 walks result in a revenue of £3 for which the club gives out £15.


Before I start I have a message to read out. Last week I got this WatsApp message from Christine;

"I'm away from tomorrow and not back until early August so will miss the next committee meeting so please give my apologies. I have after a lot of thought made the irrevocable decision to step down as a walk leader. I have walks in August and September which I will of course honour and possibly one in the Autumn programme if it helps you. Thank you Christine"

Moving on, I, as always remind Monday walk leaders I need walks for the next Programme. 

You will all have seen that I have printed the programme for the Christmas Cracker. I had thought of making changes to the programme but after hearing lately how much people enjoy it as it is I thought it best to leave it alone.

Also the menu for Napoleons Christmas lunch has been made available so I will be taking names of Monday and Friday walkers who wish to attend.  I know it seems early but the sooner I can fill all the places the simpler it will be. 

We need confimation from Doreen wether she will be available to do the card bingo.

That's all I have. Thank you.


Bill pointed out that although Christine has decided not to continue as a walk leader she will carry on as a committee member and Website Editor.


It was agreed that Monthly Wanders would not take place from October to March with the exception of rail offers i.e. Morecambe and Carlisle and these would take place on Mondays.

3 dates have been agreed for 2025 with the new coach company. These will not always be the second Wednesday of the month. 

21 May 2025 - 3rd Wednesday of the month

3 July 2025 - 2nd Wednesday of the month

17 Sep 2025 - 3rd Wednesday of the month

Cost £590 per trip

Scorton/Richmond: No arrangements for non-walkers yet. Mick Dempsey enquiring.

The usual Management members are arranging a meeting to discuss destinations/walks.


Cost for Christmas Cracker tickets is £10.

Tony to obtain details from a caterer for 70 people, price per head including desserts and plates. 

Tony also informed that a new system is in place at Napoleons Casino and a counter/coin for use in slot machines will be offered instead of the £5 chip for roulette.

Tony had a query about priority being given to committee members for coach trips.

Angela informed him that the following take priority - Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and P.R. They are the ones who organise coach trips, Wanders and other activities as well as being available in case of emergency to cover for walk leader/back markers as required.


Mick thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 1pm.

Date of next meeting

27 October 2024.




















Angela Whitehead

Audrey Hook

Henry Hamer

Richard Gilbert

Christine Simpson



Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and said we had enjoyed another year of walking with new members joining. He had a few other items to discuss in Any Other Business.



Janice read out Angela's notes:

" Please accept my apologies for not being at the AGM. If by the end of the meeting you have any accounts related queries not answered please give Janice your name,group you walk with, phone number and the query and on my return I will contact you.

The account is in a healthy position. Our Chairman, Mick, has been added to the bank account, which gives me back up, should it be required. Online payments has drastically cut the treasurers work so if anyone would like the role I am happy to stand down.

Going forward, Nikki, who is still a qualified accountant is to assist me on setting up an electronic account sheet. So my thanks to Nikki and everyone who supports the role I do. My thanks also to our auditor who is now retiring gracefully from her role.

As you will see from the accounts, we made a £170 loss over 3 coach trips last year and when we went out to Tetleys for this years quotes they had once again dramatically increased. So Mick and I went out to Seawards of Harrogate and accepted a quote for a 47 seater luxury coach with toilet at a 25% saving. If the coach trips are filled we can keep the ticket price at £15. Last year we averaged 46 people on the three trips and had to open two of the trips to non-walkers.

99 people enjoyed a £12 Christmas bonus. The  Cracker broke even and was a great success thanks to the work of the committee and support of the members."



As always I just need to remind all Monday leaders that walks are required for the next programme, July, August, September. I'd like them as soon as possible so I can get to the printer in good time.

There's a couple of dates for your diaries. December 9th for the Christmas meal for Monday and Friday walkers at Napoleons Casino and December 13th for the Christmas  Cracker at Denison Hall club.

Now another subject.The minutes. Every meeting I print copies for all the committee members and walk leaders and I'm thinking that is a waste of paper and time as Christine puts the minutes on our website for all to see. What I'm proposing is that I do a copy for the leaders of each walk group and they can pass on any relevant information to their members, everyone else can see the minutes on our website. I'd like a vote to see if this is agreeable. Voted all in favour.

One other thing, as most of you will know I have not been walking with the group for some time and for medical reasons it looks like it will be lke that for the foreseeable future.



All Management, Walk Leaders and committee were voted back in for a further 12 months. 

Dennis Coulby, Kath Child, Mary Argyle and Wendy Pepper resigned from the committee.


Monthly Wanders:

Mick asked if everyone was happy with the Monthly Wanderds and Sally queried the alllocation of places on coach trips and how this was worked out.  Janice explained that the Thursday Health Centre was, and always had been, included with the Farnley Group. There are 110 walkers on the registers and each group has 9 allocated plces for coach trip.

Tony asked if a percentage could be used instead. After a lot of discussion Brian asked "Has the way it is run always worked?"  The answer was yes. Then Brian said,then why are we having all this discussion? If it isn't broken don't fix it. This was agreed and the meeting moved on.


Walk Review:

Monday walks are varied, and any suggestions are welcome and accepted after they have been recce'd. 

Some walks have been altered due to muddy conditions, altered bus timetables and bus cancellations. This information is put on WhatsApp and Facebook by Christine. 


Any other business:

Bill informed the group he had an item that Christine wanted to bring up. He then told the group he was reading what Christine had said.

Christine: I wanted to raise Bank Holiday walks. I think we could lose them for the future. The reason being that:

1) We are short of walk leaders and no one seems likely to volunteer, It was mentioned that John and Jackie had been approached and declined but they might provide new walks. I don't see how this helps as it would be up to the existing leaders to do the walks. I don't think we are short of walks and new ones keep appearing on the programme. 

If we lost Good Friday - Easter Monday- May Day - Sprng Bank and Summer Bank Holiday that's 5 walks less a year. A drop in the ocean I know but every little helps.

2) Bank Holiday walks are not particularly well attended and often attract more walk leaders than actual walkers. A case in point was Easter Monday when only 9 walkers attended. 6 walk leaders and 3 walkers. It was raining but isn't it always.

3) When this topic was raised a few years ago it was that some of the more elderly walkers expected a walk. These are no longer with us or have retired from walking Many people now have Bank Holiday plans with family and grandchidren. 

4) Also there are public transport issues with a Sunday service on Bank Holiay Mondays sometimes only 1 an hour. Brian had to change the Tadcaster walk for this reason.

Perhaps this could be up for discussion and a vote taken.

This was discussed and the vote was unaminous in favour. 

The next two Bank Holiday walks on the programme are cancelled.

Mick pointed out that there would be no wanders in Autumn and Winter. If train ticket offers for Carlisle or Morecambe become available they will take place on Mondays.Prices have been obtained for Scarborough, Whitby and Scorton - a 47 seater coach for £750.

The subject of charities was raised and after some discussion Bill pointed out that as there were a lot of elderly men in the group Prostrate cancer might be a good idea.

This was voted on and accepted unaminously along with Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Janice asked that she be informed of any changes of telephone numbers and addressess  as she sends bereavement, get well, and Big 0 birthday cards.

Tony asked if the 4 pages of the programme could be put on Facebook. Janet pointed out that all the information on the programme was put on e-voice website by Christine. 

Angela, in her absence proposed that the Christmas bonus for 2024 be increased to £15. This was voted unaminously.

There was some discussion about the qualifying walks needed to qualify for the bonus ands it was decided on a majority vote to put off the discussion until Angela was present at the next meeting. 

Sally enquired if the cost of the programme was staying at 30p and Janice informed it was.

Mick closed the meeting at 1.15pm.


Date of next meeting Friday 26 July 2024









Mick Dempsey

Janet Maguire

Mary Argyle


Janice opened the meeting in the Chair's absence.

Treasurers Report

Angela reported: The account is in a healthy position 20% up on last year which is a positive balance (expected to pay 100 x £12 for Christmas meals)

Unclear why and whether it is due to generosity on numbers of new members.

Coaches to Cleveleys/Whitby broke even (Drivers tip extra £25)

Southport loss £120 as only 44 tickets sold. £170 down in total on 3 trips.

£200 donation to Yorkshire Air Ambulance and New Wortley Community Association.

The TSB bank account is now in the correct name: West Leeds Walking Group, but the saga of adding the chairman to the Account and getting the treasurer on line continues .

No other expenses incurred.


Bill Stevens reminded Monday walk leaders that walks are required for the next programme (Jan Feb Mar)  Also as there will be no meeting in January he will require walks by the end of January for the Spring programme.

Unfortunately, Wendy's Son-in Law is no longer able to do the printing for which we have been paying the princely sum of £10. A quote has been obtained for £50 for 80 programmes. 

Wendy is no longer able to continue as a walk leader due to personal family reasons and Bill thanked her on behalf of the group for all her efforts and hopes that she will continue to take her place on the committee.

Bill sent best wishes to Freda who walks on Mondays and Thursdays, after her recent spell in hospital.

April AGM Elections 

Just lately it has been taken for granted that all management/committee members were happy to continue in their roles. In the past all members agreed to their names being put forward at the October meeting and a vote was taken at the AGM.

All mangement/committee members were asked if they were happy to continue and all agreed.

Monthly Wanders

Angela proposed that all Wednesday Wanders except for coach trips could be done as Monday walks. Other than coach trips the monthly wanders were mostly only supported by Monday walkers.  It is proposed that there will be no monthly wanders in Winter and Autumn. Janice said that when vouchers are obtained to take advantage of Northern Rail offers to Morecambe and Carlisle it would be possible to go on Mondays.

Christine thought that it was a good idea and there were no objections.

Angela asked for a vote on whether to stop Autumn/Winter wanders. The majority were in favour. (Barry and Brian did not vote as they don't attend wanders) 

Tony enquired about the length of walks on the programme.Most walks 3 - 3.5 miles, and any that are longer are stated on the programme. 

Christine pointed out that she puts all relevant and up-to-date info on WhatsApp, Facebook and Website. There is a limited amount of space on the programme.

Walk Reviews

Christine mentioned that we need more more leaders. A few suggestions were made but these walkers  preferred not to be leaders.

Sue will continue to lead Friday walks. Bill and Janice will attend.

Brian and Barry said that David McDermot now leads with them but would not be available to lead independently. Walkers will be asked via Website/WhatsApp.

Any Other Business

A quotation for the Christmas Cracker has been obtained by Mick Dempsey. 
Tickets for the Cracker are £10.

Tony Binns asked if he could video what is provided so that he could obtain a quote from a local source for next year. Tony also asked about adding ideas to the agenda in advance so that more thought can be put into this, and can anyone put ideas forward?

He was informed that walkers can put ideas/queries to walk leaders who attend the committee meetings on their behalf and all walkers are invited to the AGM. Tony also asked how many active walkers there are in the group and was informed there are 110.

Tony said he had recently attended a walk where the air ambulance was called and suggested that walk leaders carry a list of all emergency/next of kin info on them. Master copy to all walk leaders and Tony offered to help with this.

A copy of the emergency contact list that we already use for each individual walker was shown. Previously some walkers did not want to share their next-of-kin information.

This item to be discussed at the AGM.

Tony asked for clarification on the eligibility for the Christmas bonus. Angela informed him that 12 walks to be completed and raffle tickets purchased in the financial period April - October. 

Coach trips: Tony asked how destinations for coach trips were chosen. The sub-committee chose walks based on walks done previously and any new suggestions put forward by members.  Coach trips are usually the best supported.

Recces for trips are usually carried out when leaders are in the area or are treated as a "day out" so there is no financial cost to the group as happened with the previous management. 

Tony then mentioned that in the past there had been a coach pick-up in Farnley. Janice then explained that coach pick-ups are charged extra and on this occasion a grant had been obtained from a local councillor.

Allocation of seats was explained. Committee members have priority then 9 members from each group. 

There was a trial of internet banking for monies, raffle, coach trips etc. for Farnley and informing Janice of names and numbers. Janice pointed out that she would need cash for the Christmas Cracker to pay out various expenses.

Christine informed the group that she had adopted another, younger, donkey named Banjo on behalf of the group and will put details on the FB and WhatsApp sites.

The problem of back marking on Monday walks was raised as one walker persistently is creating a 100+ yard gap and holding up the other walkers. When asked to leave the walk at an appropriate time and directed to a convenient bus stop he responded by saying he would prefer to stay with the walk.  The question was asked " Does a walk leader have the power to decide if a walker is obviously not fit enough to walk". Monday walks can be more challenging than the normal local walks. It was decided to speak to him personally and suggest that the shorter walks would be more appropriate for him whilst not wanting to deny him the social aspect he enjoys.

Christmas Cracker

Arrangements for the Christmas Cracker are in hand and all the usual entertainment will take place. Entrance tickets will go into a prize drawer and donations for raffle prizes etc.will new welcome.

Christine informed that there is now an events calendar on the website and 2022/3 walk details are there for reference. The website now has an App.

Janice closed the meeting at 12.55pm.


Next meeting AGM 26 April 2024










No Apologies


1 Chairman

Mick Dempsey, Chair, invited everyone to the meeting.

3 Treasurer

Angela reported the Balance £2k+

Expenditure: £10 Printing x 2

                     £90 Grosmont/Whitby train

                     £90 Southport coach

Loss on Southport coach. Whitby coach broke even.

The balance is a couple of hundred pounds above where we were at last year but more people are expected to be entitled to the £12 Christmas bonus this year.  There were 88 last year and we had 100+ before Covid.

Janice proposed and Mick seconded. 

4. Secretary

Bill reminded walk leaders that walks are required for the Oct/Nov/Dec programme.

The menu for Napoleons Christmas meal is available. The cost is £30 which includes the meal, a free drink and a £5 bet. The cost will be reduced to £18 for walkers who get the £12 bonus.

This year the £5 bet is  not optional.

The Christmas meal for Monday and Friday walkers will be on Monday 18 December.

The Christmas Cracker will be on Friday 15 December

Farsley Christmas meal will be at Napoleons on Tuesday 12 December.

There will be no Monthly Wander in December.

5 Walk Review

Mick pointed out that Bus stops, bus times etc change weekly in some instances.

Up to date information is passed on via WhatsApp and Facebook by Christine.

The programme is printed in advance and is subject to change.

Holgate Windmill

As the Coastliner 10.15 departure only goes as far a Thornton Le Dale it is advised that we will use this for our walk as it won't be as busy as the Scarborough bus. Walkers are advised to pay £2 for a single journey into town before 9.30am to ensure they arrive at the Bus Station in time for the 10.15 bus.

Coach Walks

There were 2 late cancellations for the Whitby coach trip ands it was pointed out that money can only be refunded if seats can be filled in time.  Angela informed that the coach was previously £595 but the cost now is approx £750. The Whitby trip broke even with the maximum number of passengers. There is no leeway at £15 cost. It was pointed out that the previous Chairman adjusted prices for individual coach trips.

Our treasurers advised much to our amusement that "It all depends on how many seats we get on bottoms"

Seaside destinations are more popular that inland choices and so easier to fill coaches.

There are three different walks to Whitby via Sandsend, Ruswarp and Goathland. We have also done walks to Scarborough and Bridlington. Janice mentioned the trip to Wolds Way Lavender and pointed out that Blue Sky charge £20/£22 approx for this.

Monthly Wanders

The Wednesday Monthly Wanders for the next programme are:

Skipton - Train - 11 October

Carlisle - Train - 8 November (This is depending on the Northern Rail/YEP offer)

Someone asked if using a smaller coach would make it easier to fill.

Angela pointed out that the cost would only save £20/£30 and the larger coach had a toilet.

Praise was expressed for the coach driver on the Whitby trip for his dealing with the situation when the coach was breaking down and for arranging a replacement coach for our return journey.

Any Other Business

Farnley: Tony Binns is happy to be on the committee and represent Farnley at meetings and agreed to his name and contact details being on the programme.

Richard said he had been informed that the Christmas meal at the Cornmeal will cost an extra £3 to have the meal in the Cornmeal Suite. He asked if the £12 bonus could be raised. A vote was taken all all voted against this.

Suggestions were made for using an alternative venue ie. the local cricket club which offers a very good meal/price.

Henry enquired about the numbers available to each group for the availability of tickets on coach trips.    After committee members have been allocated a place there are a minimum of 9 places per local group after which any spare places are available for anyone.

Names and money to be given to Janice and a waiting list is made.  Janice requires payment on application for tickets.

Names are being taken for the Fleetwood/Cleveleys coach trip.

Christmas Cracker: Mick is to obtain a quote for catering from the person we used in 2022.


Mick thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 12.45.

Date of next meeting

27 Oct 2023.










Kath Child 

Doreen Jackson


Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending


Angela Whitehead, Treasurer, advised the meeting that the new community Bank account with TSB was working.

Last year a loss was made on coach trips. After getting quotes from other companies it was found their charges were significantly higher than our usual company. Cost of coaches £750 - last year £595 average. Angela stressed that because of the costs the committee have the right to cancel any coach trip that is  not supported enough. 

The new stronger green bags have been on sale for a nominal £1. Only 36 have been sold so far resulting in a potential substantial loss. 

Angela asked if anyone had any questions for her and they were non.

Brian Morley seconded by David McDermott.


First of all I would as usual like to remind all Monday walk leaders that I will be needing walks for the next Programme. If possible I would like them before the end of May to give me time to sort the programme and get to the printers so Janice can start selling them.

Its been a while since the last meeting and it feels strange talking about things that happened last year.

All Christmas activities went well and it seemed like everyone enjoyed them. The same activities will happen this year and venues for Christmas meals and Christmas Cracker have been booked. Napoleon's Christmas meal for Monday and Friday walkers will be on Monday December 18th and the Christmas Cracker on December 15th. Other walk leaders will advise their members of the dates and venues.

You will see on the late members list we have lost six of our members since the last AGM. Phil Hollingworth, Edna Armytage, Louise Vickers, Ken Miller and Molly Grayson. All will be missed and on behalf of the group our thoughts and sympathy go to their family and friends. If I have missed anyone out please let me know who. On a more positive note we have had a successful year and numbers attending walks are improving.We also have a few very welcome new member. Long may it continue.


All Management, Walk Leaders and committee were voted back for a further 12 months.

Monthly Wanders

Details of the July (Goathland/Whitby) August (Marsden/Slaithwaite )and September (Fleetwood/Cleveleys) Wanders were handed out.

Janice takes the names and payment for coach trips one month in advance of trips. The cost of coach trips has been increased to £15 and Wendy thought this was acceptable when compared to the cost of coach trips on offer with other companies.

Mick reminded walkers to always use their Metro Card to obtain a discount where possible and to purchase off peak when using the train. He also asked for suggestions for walks, especially places visited recently and enjoyed.

Walk Review

Angela pointed out that walks were usually 3 to 4 miles long but canal walks, which are flat could be longer. Christine puts up to date info on the WhatsApp and Facebook sites. Angela thanked Christine for this and for the reminder of walking conditions and timetable changes. The programme cannot always be relied on because of all the constant changes to bus timetables.

Janice pointed out that 27 people are  walking with the Farsley group and up to 30 on Mondays. It is encouraging to get new younger walkers joining.

Any other business

Christine enquired about back marking as this had become a bit hit and miss on occasion. It was suggested that back markers should be named and Wendy said that all walk leaders could swap round and it was decided that a rota would be agreed so this is shared out equally.

Bill informed the meeting that the Thursday health walks are led by Immanuel who uses a walking frame and questioned as to how Immanuel would cope in the event of an accident. Sally, who is one of the Thursday walkers, said that everyone in the group was perfectly happy for Immanuel to continue. Angela said in that case there was no reason to object.

Janice said it was disappointing  that there had been no response from the walk leaders from  Farnley since the last meeting. Richard Gilbert said the walk leaders were David Whinpenny and David Hardwick and that he met them at Cafe Blanco to collect raffle money.

Mick asked that walkers take a photo of "green bag on tour" so these can be shown on the WhatsApp and Facebook sites.

Janice informed the meeting that 39 had paid for the Southport trip with two still to pay making 41 going so far. Wendy might have some possible names to add, and Janice has potential two from Farnley.

Brian asked that walkers who were struggling on walks be encouraged to leave the walk at a safe and agreed point where public transport is available as an alternative. This is not meant for slower walkers but where there are obvious signs that the walker is not coping with the conditions, and it is not considered safe and healthy option to continue.

A suggestions was made that a reminder be put on WhatsAPP that walkers are confident they can cope with the length go the walk and conditions and they are fit enough to take part that day. 

Mick closed the meeting  at 12.55pm.





28 OCTOBER 2022



Doreen Jackson

Angela Whitehead

Brian Morley

Kath Child

June Evans



Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.


Treasurers Report

Janice read out Angela's report.

Angela apologised for being absent. Balance at end of September £2040.55. This is before paying out for Christmas meals. This figure is approx £300 less than we had this time last year. This is explained by the substantial loss we have made on 3 x coach trips this year, equating to 24% = 450 or 25 empty seats. Ticket prices will have to be increased if we proceed with coach trips and figures will be obtained to help work this out.
A memorial donation to 'Parkinsons' charity has been made in honour of walk leader David Burrell.

A new supply of green bags has been purchased and a token £1 is being requested towards costs.

Should the criteria for the Christmas meal bonus come up the rules are 12 x walks between April and end of October where a raffle ticket has been purchased. Angela's thoughts are that this is already generous i.e.12 x 50p + £6. Half of every 50p goes for prize money each week. Therefore only £3 is going into club funds so we can pay out £12. We  need the rest of the year to raise money for the rest and to ensure we are using club money for a genuine member. If there are any finance queries I will get back to you if you leave your name and number and any relevant details of the meeting and the query. Angela's personal thoughts on the price of ther Christmas Cracker tickets are that this needs to cover the cost of catering and her vote would be for this.



Bill pointed out that he now needed details of Monday walks to cover January to March and April to June as there is not an other meeting until the AGM in April. Christine asked if we would be staying local for January to March walks and pointed out the possibilty of power cuts between 4pm amd 7pm. Barry said he would consult with Brian about this and Wendy, Mick and Christine said they has some ideas.


Matters arising from the previous minutes.

Bill mentioned the matter of the Christmas Cracker ticket prices and said a figure of £8 had been suggested. Christine thought £10 would be a more appropriate price and Bill agreed. Wendy pointed out that this includes food and entertainment. The matter was put to the meeting and an increase of £10 was unaminously voted for.


Monthly Wanders

Jan - Keighley - Train

Feb - Morecambe - Train 

Mar - Ripley to Harrogate - Bus

Other possible coastal walks suggested were Southport, Fleetwood/Cleveleys Scarborough/Lavender + entrance fee. Wendy said she thought £10 being charged for coach trips was unrealistic and Janice referred to old programmes where £12 and £14 had been charged. Local coach companies are charging £20 approx now. It was decided to ask walkers their views on coast or inland coach trips  and all of this to be decided at a separate meeting of management.

Wendy advised that a strike by RMT union has been called for 9 November so therefore our walk to Skipton from Gargrave could not go ahead. 

It was also advised that the Zap bus service to York was being withdrawn.


Walk Reviews

Bill stressed that if, on the day, a new departure time is earlier than the one shown on the programme we would not set off before the original time. Christine keeps walkers up to date with timetable changes as advertised via the WhatsApp and Facebook sites. The message on the website asks walkers to please allow enough time. We are encountering buses being cancelled on a more regular basis often at the last minute. It was felt that it would be a good idea to have an alternative back up walk in mind. It was suggested that new walks or variations be found by looking at old programmes and that the 'greenways' and local decent paths be used during Januuary to March. 


Any Other Business 

Bill proposed that Kath Child and Dennis Coulby be removed from the programme as walk leaders and continue as committee members. Following consultation and agreement they will both continue as committee members. Bill felt this would achieve a more realistic total of walk leaders.

Janice enquired as to who was leading the Farnley walks and Richard said that David Hardwick, David Wimpenny and Arthur Allison have been leading the but are not listed on the programme. Janice pointed out how difficult it is for new members to find times of walks/info when there are no contact details. Richard no longer leads walks and meets up in the cafe after the walk and picks up the raffle money.

Richard informed the meeting that Emmanuel organises the Health Centre walks. As he is using a walking frame it was queried  as to how capable he would be to offer help to any walkers in need in case of an accident.

Mick asked if Farnley are not prepared to join in with the meetings and registration etc are they going there own way. Information/response is required ASAP and for the next meeting.

Mick asked about the agenda for the Christmas Cracker and Bill said it would follow the usual format. Prize Quiz table quiz, Doreen's Card Bingo, Cracker to be held on Friday 16 December and various people said would bring raffle prizes. Janice will double check that the room is not double booked again.

Janice reminded walk leaders that Angela required copies of registers so that checks could be made on who qualifies for discount towards the Christmas meals.  It was mentioned that the membership numbers seem to be down since Covid. A number of people have not returned. Farsley numbers are up to 34 with an average of 25  walking every week. Janice asked Henry for details of the walk to Holgate Windmill.

Mick closed the meeting at 13.10pm.


Next meeting AGM 28 April 2023






29 JULY 2022



Christine Simpson

Janet Maguire

Barry Shaw

June Evans

Ann Bradshaw


Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.


Angela Whitehead, Treasurer informed the meeting that we currently have a credit balance which is comparable with last years as we have already paid out the charity raffles. Income is down due to reduced numbers walking since COVID but it is expected that this will be mirrored by reduced Christmas meal payments.

Good news is that the bank account with TSB is now runnIng smoothly. Many thanks to Nikki for her help with this.

Coach numbers are down and costs up so we will make a loss on coach trips this year so that at the next AGM we can set a realistic price based on the 2023 cost of coach hire.

Regarding Christmas meals could all walk leaders who are organising meals please bring registers to the next meeting so Angela can check eligibilty for the £12 donation.

Angela will not be at the next meeting so Janice will collect the registers.


Bill reminded all walk leaders that walks are needed for the next programme.

'Also Napoleons have been in touch and require a £10 deposit per person so in the next month I will need to know from Monday and Friday walkers who wants to go.

At the last meeting I was praising Brian and Barry for arranging for the price of beer at Wetherspoons to be 99p a pint but now Ann and Geoff have surpassed that by getting the beer for free at the Angel on their Rothwell walk. Who is going to beat that?"

Matters arising from the previous minutes

Angela informed the group that we are now looking for a new supplier for the green bags as our last supplier has let us down. Nikki is organising this.

Wendy mentioned that David Burrell had died during lockdown and this was not recognised by a donation to a charity of Sue's choice. David was a popular walk leader and a hard-working member of the group. After some discussion it was agreed that proceeds from the September trip would be rounded up to £100 from club funds and donated to Parkinsons UK charity. Angela was a little worried that with over 100 members this could equal to a lot of donations in the future. Do we need to set boundaries now? After some discussion it was agreed that for long standing walk leaders and community members only who don't have a funeral, a donation to their memory to charity can be made in their name as usually happens at a funeral..

Mick Dempsey suggested that a collection should be made for the coach driver on coach trips, but Angela pointed out that the driver received £25 from the group and this was more convenient.

Monthly Wanders

Monthly Wander for September - Angel of the North and Durham - Coach £10. Janice mentioned that Wendy and Mary had recce'd a walk at Fleetwood and that she and Bill had tried it while on a trip to Fleetwood and thought it was suitable for a coach trip. Suggestions for next years wanders were asked for and Angela pointed out that management had a meeting in November to try to decide on next years wanders.

Walk Review

Everyone was happy with the walks this year. It was pointed out that as well as the Monday walks there were other local walks. These walks are approx. 1 hour. Occasionally local walk leaders organise walks out of the area to give more variety.

Any Other Business

 Angela  informed the meeting that if any member of our walking group was asked to sign any official form in the name of West Leeds Walking group for them to refer the form with the name of the person to the treasurer. We are a voluntary group not a  charity and should not be involved with Government forms. 

Bill Stevens asked Richard Gilbert if he was still organising Farnley,'s Christmas lunch. Richard replied that he had handed the organising of the Christmas lunch to Tony Binns. Henry Hamer informed the group that access to Eccup reservoir is closed for 5 months due to the water shortage. This means that Angela will change her walk for August Bank Holiday to the Post Hill walk that was cancelled due to the weather conditions.

Mick Dempsey raised the subject of catering for the Christmas Cracker. Due to the present cost of living circumstances the cost of catering will obviously rise. Everyone expressed satisfaction with last years caterers and it was agreed that we would stay with them this year. Mick will enquire about the cost and this will be discussed at thr October meeting.

Wendy informed the meeting that she had received comments about the coach on Wendesday Wanders leaving for home at 6.30pm when the shops were closing early. It was stated that 6.30 was the normal time in the summer to allow more time at the destination. 6pm departure could be done for wanders that were later in the year.

Mick thanked everone for attending and closed the meeting at 12.45.













June Evans

Barry Shaw

Sue Burrell

Derek Backwell

Nikki Allan

Peter Allan


Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.


Angela Whitehead, Treasurer informed the meeting that the bank balance was healthy and Income exceeded Expediture on the balance sheet.

HSBC, our previous bank, wanted to charge for statements, payments in and out etc. The committee had agreed that Angela make enquiries to find a suitable alternative account with a different bank.

After four months an account had been opened with TSB and a card and pin issued. Unfortunately, this is in the wrong name and wrong club name.

Angela has deposited £20 of her money into the account and we are awaiting a new name change which could take up to 30 days.

Angela presented the accounts, and these were unaminously accepted.


As you all know there was a mix up with the last Christmas Cracker but I think everyone enjoyed it even so, especially Mick and Janet's 12 Days of Christmas.

But because of the mix up it was not possible to say thank you to people that we normally do. So, there are a few people I would like to thank.

Firstly on behalf of the walking group I'd like to thank ALL the walk leaders for their efforts since the lockdowns ended, but, on a purely personal point would like to thank ALL the Monday walk leaders for the way they provided two sets of walks for the last two programmes.Hopefully they have walks ready for the next programme. I'd especially like to thank Brian and Barry who not only reorganised the Harrogate wander at short notice but arranged for the beer at Wetherspoons to be 99p a pint. Again, on behalf of walking group I'd like to thank Ann the Minutes Secretary, for her patience trying to take the notes at meetings whilst everyone is talking at once.

I want to thank Christine for her sterling work as Website Editor,keeping us all informed of everything that's going on and I'd like to thank Angela for her  work as Treasurer. I know it's not been easy lately and lastly I would like to thank Janice for all her work as PR and also, again, from my point of view, her work behind the scenes as the Secretary's Secretary. There is another issue I"d like to raise but I will leave that for any other business.

Thank you.

Any Other Business - 2021/2022 October to March

Angela informed the meeting that the quote for the new green bag has not yet been obtained as the supplier is too busy at the moment with Jubilee Merchandise and on order for 100 is a small order, therefore, this item is still in progress.


All Management, Walk Leaders and committee were voted back in for a further 12 months.

Monthly Wanders

Details of the Wanders to Thirsk (July) Ripon (August) and Durham (September) were distributed.

Walk Review

 Mick informed the meeting that we are always looking for new walks and suggestions are always welcome. Access to toilets and parking/access for the coach on wanders has to be taken into consideration.

Any Other Business (Charities/first aid kits)

Mick reminded the meeting that each year we donate to Yorkshire Air Ambulance and one other charity to be decided and mentioned that following the death of Martyn Verity, a donation in his name might be an idea.

Christine suggested that in view of the current situation a charity in aid of Ukraine refugees would be appropriate.

Among other charities suggested were, Rehoboth, Farsley and Cancer Research. The vote was for YAA to continue and in favour of Ukraine Refugees. Christine to research. £200 will be donated to each charity.

It was decided to donate money from the July raffle to a charity agreed with Martyn Verity's family.

First aid kits: Mick asked who amongst us had first aid kits. These are held by Mick, Brian, Richard, Janice, Wendy Bill and Kath.

Farnley: It was decided, and all groups were informed, that all group walks would start at 10.15. However Farnley walks have been starting at at 10.00am. John Williamson recently attended at 10.15 as advertised in the programme and the group had already left. David Hardwick and David Whinpenny are currently acting as leaders and choose not to have their names and telephone numbers on the programme or attend the meetings.


It was pointed out that some people had joined Friends of West Leeds Walking Group Facebook site who had no intention of walking with our group. Mick informed that new members are not allowed access to the site without first being accepted by himself, Christine or Bill.

It was decided, after some discussion to create 3 questions to filter out/deter people from joining and finding out that WLWG is not for them. Questions to be created by Christine, Bill and Mick. John Williamson said that FB redirects people to our site and that the questions will filter people out.

Wendy called for a vote of thanks to Bill for all his hard work.

Henry advised that the 36 bus had changed from every 10 minutes to every 15 minutes. The time for the Harrogate bus will be 10.40.

Richard Gilbert asked about the donation of £12 towards Christmas meals as dinner at the Cornmill had increased to £13 last year and he expected it to increase to £14 this year.

Angela advised that if he was asking for the donation to be increased it would have to be voted on. A majority voted against an increase and the donation remains at £12. Richard asked about ther dates for the Christmas meals and Cracker.They are:

 Monday 5 December at Napoleons Casino for Monday and Friday walkers.

Tuesday 13 December at Napoleons Casino for Farsley Tuesday walkers.

Friday 16 December Christmas Cracker.

Bill asked Richard what the date for his Cornmill Dinner would be and Richard replied he did not know.

The meeting was reminded that all walkers must have attended at least 12 walks and purchased raffle tickets to qualify for the discount.

Farney Richard Gilbert informed that Farnley walkers were now purchasing the walks programme in line with all the other groups.

Mick closed the meeting at 1.25pm.

Next Committee Meeting 29 July 2022