29 OCTOBER 2021



Doreen Jackson

Audrey Hook

Derek Blackwell

Dennis Coulby



Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.



 Angela reported that the balance of funds as at 30 September 2021 was £2311.07. There were two charity donations of £226.00 made to Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Armley Helping Hands.

A "Welcome Back" party at Denison Hall was funded by a raffle, club funds and a donation from Sue Burrell in memory of her late husband David Burrell.

Two coach trips ran at a small combined loss of @15 thanks to all members now paying £10.00.

In August we received a letter from HSBC informing us that from 1 November 2021 all community accounts like ours would be charged £5 a month and there would be charges to deposit and withdraw monies with no interest payable. This was discussed with the management team, and all found this to be unacceptable and a decision was made to close the account. This has been difficult as it cannot be done in branch. The current position is that we have withdrawn all but £69.87. The bank confirmed by 'phone they had received our closure forms on 23 10 21 but did not require anything else.  If the closure does not go through by close of business today 29 10 21 Angela will go down the complaint route or maybe 'start a walk at the Leeds branch of HSBC as she is thoroughly fed up with the situation. 

It has not been possible to open a new account therefore £1500 club monies is in Angela's personal bank account with the remainder in cash.  This is not an ideal situation, but the banks are not opening community accounts. There is one other option we are investigating.

A vote was taken as to whether this was acceptable as a temporary measure and it was agreed unaminously.

Angela requested all walk leaders holding Christmas meals and requiring money to please provide her with names and proof that walkers have completed 12 walks and purchased raffle tickets.



 Bill pointed out that he had provided Monday walks calendars for the next two prorammes as there would not be another meeting until April and requested that Monday walk leaders give information for both programmes as soon as possible.



Ann (Minutes Secretary) said she struggled with the minutes and was grateful for Angela's notes. The draft minutes are passed on to Bill who checks them and makes any amendments. Because Ann was so involved with the minutes she missed the opportunity to give thanks to the committee and walk leaders and all who were involved carrying on through lockdown on our behalf.

Ann said it wasa very helpful to have the website, Whatsapp group and Facebook which enabled us to keep in touch. Janice contacted everyony and this was much appreciated.

Coming out of lockdown with walks already arranged on our behalf and details of Christmas meals, monthly wanders to the coast to look forward to was very welcoming and uplifting.

Ann acknowledged all the hard work behind the scenes and assured those involved this was really appreciated by the majority.



Morecambe - This regular wander is, as always, dependent on The Northern Rail/Yorkshire Evenng Post offer.

Carlisle - 10 November 2021 - 3 tokens needed from YEP and book 3 days in advance. 

It was pointed out that bus timetables, bus stops and bus numbers were all subject to change and everyone should check them.

Wanders - Janice reported that the coach trips to Lytham St. Annes and Scarborough were successful and everone enjoyed them.  A meeting has been arranged for November to plan monthly wanders for the 2022 programmes.

During January to March the walks will be mainly footpaths ands greenways to avoid bad weather conditions underfoot.

Bill mentioned that Christine had, some time ago, made a list of "forgotten" walks and handed out copies to Monday leaders to give them more ideas for walks. All walks are added to a library of walks kept by Bill, Mick and Angela.



Audrey Hook sent a message that she is no longer able to be a committee member but will remain an ordinary member.

Janice brought up the subject of the green bags and Angela informed the group that Nikki was in touch with a supplier that could supply a better quality bag.  A sample bag was passed round the meeting.  Janet said that WLWG gets confused with West Leeds Walks and suggested 2004 be added.  This was agreed and a unanminous vote was taken to get a quote for 100 bags and if acceptable place an order for 100 bags. If the cost os over £5 the management committee will decide.

Mick raised the subject of the Christmad Cracker and asked if everyone knew what they were doing. Bill said the cracker would follow the usual format: Quiz and table quiz, card bingo by Doreen, door ticket raffle, Mick's bingo quiz, Stand up bingo and raffle, Singalong with Mick and Janet with a buffet during proceedings.

Janice mentioned that raffle prizes had, in the past been supplied by the walk leaders but it had been decided that prizes would be paid for from club funds. Money raised from the sale of door tickets and raffle to pay towards the cost of catering. Nuts and crisps to be distributed between tables. The numbers attending will be needed asap to that the total amount for catering can be confirmed.  Barry and Brian said they would supply raffle prizes.

Wendy asked for a word of thanks be passed to Doreen for going above and beyond when she did all the catering at functions.  All wholeheartedly agreed.

Richard Gilbert asked if it was ok to bring a small collecton box for St. Georges Crypt to the cracker and this was agreed.  Richard also mentioned that there were still places available for the Christmas meal at the Cornmill Lodge.

Janice said Bramley walkers would be going to West End House for informal Christmas drinks/lunch.

Janice has also been collecting 2p coins to be donated to the Pudsey Challenge for BBC Children in Need. £55 was raised.


Mick closed the meeting at 13.20pm.































Christine Simpson

Doreen Jackson

Elaine Simpson

Derek Blackwell


Mick Dempsey welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.

He said that though the pandemic had been hard for everyone work had been going on in the background checking walks,timetables,bus stops etc. These have all been updated where possible and information is on the website.

All walkers are advised to double check before joining a walk.


Angela Whitehead, Treasurer informed the meeting that the account for the year end is for 2 years. April 2019 to March 2021. This is because the March 2020 money was not fully received in full until July 2020.By this time it was becoming apparent that more disruptions to our walks would occur so,therefore, the management agreed to roll the accounts over into a two year period.

The only expediture that occurred in April 2020 to March 2021 was the Christmas contact card Bill and Janice worked so hard to send out.  An income of £52 is shown on the accounts for charity show raffle. Angela asked where this should go.

As charities have had little or no income it was agreed to restart and award 2x amounts of £200 plus the the shown raffle money to be shared between Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Armley Helping Hands - £226 each.

Despite Covid the money in our account is at the same level as before. Angela proposed we continue with a Christmas meal payment of £12 but reminded walk leaders that new members must have completed 12 walks by November and paid into the raffle.

Coach trips in 2019 ran at a loss and the cost is increasing. It was therefore unaniminously agreed by vote to stop the £5 charge for over 80's on coach trips. If everyone pays £10 coach trips should break even.

The insurance for the group has been restarted.

The accounts were accepted by unanimous vote.


Before I go on I'd just like us to take a few moments to reflect on the members we lost during this pandemic. Peter Milnes and Miriam Hood were long standing members who will be missed by their relevant groups. Also,we sadly lost David Burrell who was a very popular walk leader and will be missed by everyone.

You will have noticed in your walk programme there have been some changes to the Friday walks. These came about because Richard, in a telephone call said he did not feel up to leading the Friday walks. In further conversations with Richard and Henry, Henry stated that he and Richard wanted to do as little as possible. This was discussed between the available management and committee members who attended Friday walks.  It was decided that rather than continue with the repeated list of walks to bring Friday walks in line with all other local group walks, ie everyone joins the walk at the start and the leaders decide on the walks. I know this has not gone down well with one or two people but as there was no one willing to continue with the listed walks Wendy, Sue and Mary have agreed to organize the Friday walks between them. I would like to take a vote as to whether we agree to the changes.

The vote was unaminous in favour with no objections.

Before we continue I would like,on behalf of the group, to thank Richard and Henry for the work they have done. When the previous chairman left us in the lurch they stepped in and the walks continued as if nothing had happened.

Moving on. Napoleons Casino has been booked for Monday 6 December at 12.30 for Monday and Friday walkers. The cost is £22 or £25 if you wish to pay £3 extra and get a £5 token for the casino. Reminder for Monday walk leaders. I will be needing your walks for the next programme October to December.


Richard Gilbert advised that some Farnley walkers were unhappy about not getting a seat on coach trips which were always over subscribed. It  was pointed out that this had been discussed at previous meetings and availability is split between each local group to make things fair.

Tony Binns asked if the coach trips could be opened up to non members to make the numbers up to fill two coaches. It was pointed out that we are first and foeremost a walking group and a lot of work goes into arranging walks and finding suitanble places for meals or refreshments.

It was also pointed out that there are other coach companies that cater for day trips for people who just want a day out at the seaside. 

Bill Stevens said that due to changes of walks and walk leaders on the walks programme it would be beneficial to have current walk leaders phone numbers on the programme. All walk leaders present agreed.


Management Officers were voted back in. No change .(The Treasurer suggested that her role should be time limited and not a permanent position)

Walk Leaders/Committee

Elaine Simpson sent word she no longer wishes to be on the Committee also Derek Blackwell and Tricia Keighley to be removed from the Committee, otherwsie no change.

Monthly Wanders

Monthly Wander for September - Lytham St Annes - Coach - £10

Monthly Wander for October - Scarborough - Coach - £10

If the train company/YEP offer returns a trip to Carlisle by train is possible in November.

There will be no Monthly Wander in December.


Mick Dempsey said that due to the pandemic there had been no official walks, although small groups of walkers have continued, when allowed, to walk as friends.

Henry Hamer informed the meeting that Farnley walks are being led by two walkers who are not qualified as walk leaders and wondered if they would be covered by the groups insurance. Bill Stevens, Secretary, said he thought not because if there was any sort of accident resulting in a claim the first thing the insurance company would want to know was, who was leading and who was the back marker and were they qualified leaders?  The matter was not resolved.

Tony Binns brought up the matter of Friday walks and complained that with the change in the programme it made it hard for him to choose a walk as there was no longer a list and he could not see how to join the walk en-route.Bill Stevens asked " If that's how you feel why didn't you bring it up when we were discussing the change to the walk programme?" The reply was "I didn't mind the change I'm just saying why I don't go on Friday walks anymore".

Keith Salt then asked "How do you work the Friday walks?" It was explained to him that the original Friday walks were listed but that was no longer the case. He, Keith Salt then when on to ask the same question 5 or 6 times until in the end it was decided to let the matter drop. It was then repeated that Wendy and Sue had volunteered to lead Friday walks in future. David (Harry) Ramsden then told the group that he goes on the new Friday walks and throughly enjoys them.


Angela reported that HSBC will no longer accept cash. She has,therefore, at their suggestion, arranged to obtain a card that she can use at the Post Offic which will enable her to pay in cash and transfer to the bank. 

Mick Dempsey brought up the subject of the 'Get Together' party that had been cancelled and asked if everyone would like it to be organised again. After some discussion re timing and catering etc. it was agreed to hold a 'Welcome Back' party on Friday 6 August with no charge to members. Janice to organise the catering and David (Harry) Ramsden volunteered to do a quiz.

Mick thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 13.35pm.

























AGM 24 APRIL 2020









Margery Manson


MD welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.  He asked that only one person spoke at a time to make it easier for the Minutes Secretary to take notes.


There were no queries or comments so MD asked that the minutes be proposed as correct and they were by JC and seconded by JM.


AW itemised all expediture and reported the balance at 31st October 2019.


WS reported that due to various circumstances the winter programme went to the printers late and without being checked.   Any mistakes have been rectified by CAS when the programme went on the website.  When you get the new programme you will see that the printer is still having trouble with the format.   I'm told this is because she uses a different system to ours.  We are working to resolve the problem. 

For the next programme I would ask that all Monday walk leaders let me have the information for their walks by the end of Januaury at the latest.

As you will be aware we recently lost two popular members of our group, Stella, who's funeral ws well attended by members of the group, and Ella. Details of Ella's funeral are not known yet.  Both will be missed by everyone.

Everything is in place for the Christmas Cracker which this year is going to be really well attended.

I'd just like to thank everyone here for the effort they have made over the past year.

CAS commented that the end of Januaury was short notice for recces to be carried out and WS said that this was because the meeting had been moved from October to November.

MD pointed out that another problem at the moment was the bus stop alterations in Leeds where a number of bus stops have been removed and some routes no longer depart or return from and to the Bus Station.

These changes have accurred after the programme has been printed. Changes are put on Facebook, our  Website and Whatsapp by CAS.



MD asked if all Management, Committee Members and Walk Leaders were happy to be voted on at the AGM.  All agreed they were.


MD said that the Monthly Wanders had been very successful. The walks had taken place to a variety of places.  All agreed that they had been very enjoyable .

The Morecambe trip has been moved from February to March due to Walk Leaders who organise it being away in February.


BM and BS asked if it was ok to repeat or reverse old walks and also, if conditions were too bad on the day to do the advertised walk to change the walk.

WS said it was common practice to repeat or reverse walks and it was agreed that walks could be altered if conditions were bad at the walk leader's discretion.

MD asked to request walkers to wear decent shoes and to bring a walking pole, if needed, when the conditions were wet and muddy.

JC pointed out that boot covers are always available for the end of walks when the conditions are wet and muddy, to keep mud off the floors of pubs and cafes.  These are used by most people but some insist they do not need them.


WS informed the meeting that 66 tickets had been sold for the Christmas Cracker. JE said she would be willing to help DW with the catering and JC said the DC had also said she would help. DW said that you but she already had enough helpers with WP and SB.

RG said he is again collecting for St George's Crypt. He will send a collection box around the groups. RG also informed the meeting there were still vacancies for the Farnley Christmeal meal at The Cornmill LOdge on 18 December at 12pm.

SB pointed out that the Christmas meals were all in the same week and that it was difficult if you attend more than one. It was agreed to try to alter this next year.

JC mentioned prizes for the door ticket raffle and it was agreed that prizes for the Christmas Cracker would be self-financing from ticket sales. DW said she would supply the prize for her card bingo game.  AB asked that the Irish Stand up Bingo should be referred to as simply Stand up Bingo and not Irish as this is an outdated and non P.C. term. After some discussion WS agreed that the programme would state simply Stand up Bingo. 

MD declared the meeting closed and thanked everyone for their attendance.















Brenda Townsend

Margery Manson

Brian Morley

Barry Shaw

25 members attended



MD, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.



AW presented the accounts.

The 2 coach trips made a loss of £15. AW felt this was acceptable as the group has adequate funds.

Cost of catering etc, for the anniversary walk and party was £172.

Anniversary badges were obtained by MD at a cost of £30.

The charity collection was £91.37 and AW asked if we were going to top this up to £200 for each of the two charities, Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Haven Breast Cancer as in previous years.

All agreed and the vote was unanimous in favour.


WS informed the meeting: 

At the last meeting I said that 42 places had been booked at Napoleons for the Christmas meal. Since then there have been more people wanting to go. I have spoken to Napoleons and they have agreed to increase the numbers to 46, this is definitely the maximum they can take. We have 44 people booked to go and I was led to believe that 3 more people wished to go but as they have not contacted me we now have 2 more vacancies for the dinner. The new menu is now available, as it has just appeared on the website. I have not had a chance to look at it properly but the cost has increased to £18 or £21 if a token is purchased.

I am now waiting for new Monday walks from walk leaders for the next programme.

Concerning Friday walks we now have 10 walks thanks to Dave Sue and Wendy. Are we happy to leave it at 10 or does anyone think we should reduce the number back to 8? 

It was agreed to keep the number at 10 walks.


There were no comments or questions from anyone.


MD asked if everyone was happy with the Monday walks and pointed out that there were a few new walks on the current programme. There were no complaints from anyone. MD asked for any ideas for new walks and said that it was always attempted to keep Monday walks in the Metro area but that this was not always possible.


DJ said she didn't think it was fair the people were taking family members on coach trips when there were walkers and raffle payers on a waiting list not able to get on the coach.  It was pointed out that on the Scarborough trip JC had been presented with a list from Farnley group of 16 wanting to book for Whitby before the Nostell Priory trip waa completed.  This was discussed by the meeting and deemed not acceptable.

AW said she thought JC did an excellent job and didn't deserve the hassle she had been subjected to. She then called for a vote of thanks to JC and this was given unaminously.

After some discussion the following was decided.

The demand for our group's Monthly Wanders by coach frequently exceeds capacity.

We are limited by the number of seats on the coach, and as previously explained, it is not viable to hire an additional 16 seater mini bus as the cost is based on the drivers time and distance not the size of the vehicle.

We must,therefore,restrict a seat on the coach to members only and regret that we cannot accommodate friends and relatives of Walking Group members.

If there are any last minute cancellations,however,it may be possible to include others so it is always worth checking with JC on availabity.

Also it is not permitted to make a booking with JC in advance as coach bookings only open after the previous months wander whether that be bus rail or coach.


DJ informed the meeting that there had been complaints from some members that Farnley walkers were getting free programmes and that Farnley members were often seen with white photocopied programmes.

Farnley walk leaders explained that they purchased the programmes then gave them out free to Farnley members and that sometimes programmes were photocopied.

DJ said that all other walkers seeemed haapy to pay 30p towards club funds.

After some discussion Farnley leaders agreed that in future Farnley members would pay for their programmes and photocopying would stop.

It was mentioned that on Farnley walks raffle tickets were sold after the walk when some walkers had already left. It was then agreed that on all walks raffle tickets would be sold before the walk took place. Wording on the programme to be changed to: It is required to buy at least one 50p raffle ticket per walk.

AW asked for clarification of the qualifying period for new walkera to receive the £12 towards the Christmas meals.

A suggestion was made that the qualifying period should be January to 1st November. 

New walkers should have done a minimum of 12 walks where a raffle ticket was purchased.

AW queried this as very generous as if only 12 walks completed a minimum of £3 would come into funds as the other £3 goes into prize money and we would be paying out £12 in Christmas meal money.

AW asked for the qualifying period be 1st April to 1st November. A member must complete 12 walks each year to qualify. However walk leaders and management committee will qualify after 3 years automatically from then on.

This was voted on and carried unaminously.

Non walkers and members who are taken ill in any year will be moved onto a "veteran" list at the discretion of the management committee to enable longstanding members and helpers to retain their Christmas meal payout.

AW again called for a vote and this was unaminous.

JE asked that people exercise patience and understanding when dealing with people who have problems with their hearing.

AW asked that committee members pass on the information to their local walkers re the information on coach trips, Christmas bonus etc.

WS asked that the date for the next meeting be changed from October to November as there was a long gap between October and April for the AGM.

The vote was unaminous in favour.

MD closed the meeting at 1pm.


Date of next meeting will now be 29 November 2019









Peter Allen

Ann Blackwell

Margaret Wilkinson

Dave Taylor



MD welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.

He asked the we remember Mavis O'Leary who had passed away.

During 2018 the group had an influx of new members and enjoyed successful activites.

The Monday walks are becoming increasingly popular with 30 plus walkers on many of the walks.

There were four coach trips to Whitby, Chester, Burnby Hall and Ogden Water. All coaches were full and trips enjoyed by everyone.

Also the regular train trip to Morecambe was attended by 30 plus walkers and all enjoyed the day.

The Green Bag continues to be photographed in many places, this year in Bulgaria, Russia, Malta, New York, Norway, Rome the Caribbean and various places in the UK.

The Facebook website, Friends of West Leeds Walking Group has a link to the E-voice website and CS regularly updates information for all walks.

MD thanked the committee members for all the work that goes on in the background to keep the group running smoothly and successfully.


AW provided a printout of the balance sheet.

AW pointed out that this was a 15 month balance sheet 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2019 because the A.G.M had been moved from January to April.

Balance £2532.46

This is £32.33 more than 31 March 2018 but £154.00 less than 31 December 2018.

This vindicates the decision last year not to increase prices for coach trips.

93 walkers received £10 per person towards their Christmas dinners.

The charities last year were Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Carers Leeds, each received £200.

AW asked if there were any questions and as there were none the balance sheet was accepted by BT and seconded by JM.


BS thanked everyone involved with organising walks and functions and said what a successful year we have had.

BS informed the meeting that the Christmas meal at Napoleons Casino had been booked for 42 people and the deposit paid. He asked that anyone wishing to go should let him know as soon as possible as 42 looked like the maximum Napoleons could cope with. The menu is not available yet but as soon as it is he will distribute it.

The Summer programme is ready and has been sent to the printers. It has been sent early as this is he first time we have used this Printer and we need to know everything is ok with them.

The family of the late Mavis O'Leary expressed their gratitude for those who attended her funeral.

Any Other Business from 2018/2019

Thanks from BS and Aw to all involved in the running and organising what was a very successful Anniversary Walk and function. 60 members were catered for and 75 members attended. MM thanked DJ and her "apprentices" for the catering which was to the usual high standard.

Special thanks to the lady from Dennison Hall for stepping in to run the bingo.


All Management Officers were voted back in. No Change.

Walk Leaders

All walk leaders voted back in with the addition of Brian Morley and Barry Shaw.


JC informed the meeting that SA TK MW and DT were stepping down from the committee. 

WP was proposed and accepted as a new committee member.

BS asked for clarification of the senior members list as it was now becoming quite lengthy and some names had been on it for years.  After some discussion 17 names were removed for the list leaving 19 still on it.

Monthly Wanders

All monthly wanders were well attended and enjoyed by everyone. The coach trips to Whitby, Burnby Hall, Chester and Ogden Water were very successful as was the trip to Morecambe on the train.

Walk Review

MD stated that Monday walks were always varied and usually included a pub or cafe. Many members treat the Monday walk as a day out.

New ideas for Monday and Wednesday walks are always welcome.

On the regular walks Tuesday to Friday, leaders try to have a change of scene by going further afield.

AW asked that the walk leaders on regular walkas write down details of walks for the "library" kept by herself BS and MD.

E questioned the details about the Nostell Priory walk and AW explained about the return by bus or train. BS pointed out that it was stated that further details would be available on the next programme.

Any Other Business.

AW advised that we have 2k in the bank which gains no interest.  She suggested that the coach prices for 2019 remain at £10/£15.  This was unaminously accepted.

AW also proposed increasing the groups donation towards members Christman meals to £12 each. A total £186 extra.  This was unaminously accepted.

After some discussion it was decided that the nominated charities for the year would be Yorkshire Air Ambulance, and following a suggestion ny RC, Haven Breast Cancer Care.  This was accepted by the majority of members.  It was also advised thatmwalk leaders should advertise the charities.


MD declared the meeting over at 12.43








26 October 2018










MD welcomed everyone to the meeting.


AW reported on the finances and the balance was £91.68 less than this time last year.  Following the September and October coach trips we had a slight profit of £15 confirming it was the correct decision not to put up prices.


BS pointed out that WEST LEEDS WALKING GROUP EST 2004 is now an independent, stand alone walking group which is no longer affiliated to any other organisation or group.  Because we are now an independent walking group we can now make our own rules.  BS proposed that new walk leaders should not have to attend a walk leaders course but instead suggested that anyone who had led two walks under the supervision of an experienced walk leader and shown that they are competent to lead should become an official walk leader.  Walk leaders who have taken over in the new regime have already qualified and this would apply to any new people who wish to become a walk leader.  BS believes that for insurance purposes the old regime was limited to 3 mile walks.   However the current insurance company has no interest in the length of walks but because we advertise walks at 3 and 5 miles the programme will state the length of any walk longer than 3 miles.

BS asked for a vote on the proposal for walk leaders and the proposal was unanimously agreed. BS and CS had worked on an achievement certificate for walk leaders and these were handed out to all new walk leaders.

BS confirmed that the Christmas Cracker was going ahead on 14 December.  Regarding Napoleons Christmas Lunch, BS pointed out that there were still some payments outstanding and he would be grateful for settlement as soon as possible.


AW had now compared coach prices following our disappointment with Tetleys when we were let down last minute because the 52 seater was not available. However Tetleys were quoting much cheaper than their competitors e.g. Chester Tetleys £480, Fourways £625, Star £500. We now get 10% discount with Tetleys. Also on our last two trips we have had many good comments regarding the driver.  In view of the above a vote was taken and it was unaminously agreed to stick with Tetleys.

 AW proposed changing the pick-up point for coach trips to the layby at Armley Leisure Centre. There is a limited waiting time on Armley Town Street which is a very busy road.  JC also pointed out that there are toilet facilities at the Leisure Centre.  It was unaminously agreed that this was a good idea and MD requested that Farsley walkers been informed.  It will be noted on the programme.

BS asked if everyone was happy to remain on the committee.  MM and SA, who were present at the meeting, said they would like to step down.  It was pointed out that MW DT and IR, who were not at the meeting, no longer went on any walks and maybe it was time for them to leave the committee.  This will be confirmed at the AGM on 26 April

MD asked if there were any ideas for the 15th Anniversary.  JC suggested we go on a short walk from Armley Park followed by refreshments at Denison Hall.  JE suggested a picnic- but this would be reliant on weather conditions.  DJ suggested a proper party with a DJ at Denison Hall but in the end it was felt that background music would be preferable.  A vote was taken and the idea of a local walk followed by Denison Hall on 10 April 2019 would suit best.   People that did not want to walk could go straight to the Hall.   MD asked HH and BT to let their groups know. JM will sort the music ; DJ assisted by SB, will provide the food; BS to book the room for 12pm to 3pm that day.

The lady at Denison Hall said if there were enough attending the party it would be possible to open the bar in the concert room.

AW suggested BS provide free tickets so we have an idea of numbers. AW also suggested further publicity on the website and the programme.

JE proposed an orange sash quoting "15 years and still going". This would be an advert for our group.  She would also look into the idea of the media taking a photo. AW said that printing could be expensive.  A vote was taken which was not unaminous but in the majority. AW requested a floating fund for the publicity sash and this was agreed at £150.  JE and AB will look into the price for 200 meters of ribbon.


Everyone felt that Chester and Ogden Water had been successful. TK had not seen the photos on the website.  MD said he was looking to use Facebook "Friends of West Leeds Walking Group" which would make viewing of photos easier.

The Group is still looking for ideas for coach trips. JC pointed out that while we always tried to accommodate suggestions not everthing was viable because of the distance and cost, also the Morecambe trip in February 2019 will go ahead provided the Northern Rail offer is on as usual. 


MD and JC had secured six new bags for walk leaders at £17 each (originally £50) together with printed covers at £5 each.  These were distributed to BT RG HH DC BS and JC.

MD had a telephone call from Tony Mullen who is Coordinator for Healthy Living Park, who some Friday walkers had met while on a walk in Gotts Park. Having been told we were an independent group Tony suggested an amalgamation. MD declined the idea but said that we would welcome people who wanted to join us.  MD has sent Tony some leaflets.

Everything is in place for the Christmas Cracker. DJ will do food and quizzes etc will be as usual.

MD asked if we could mke sure everyone is informed of coach trips.


MD thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 1pm.



A.G.M. 26TH APRIL 2019 






Denison Hall Social Club

Friday 27th July 2018










MD, Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting. 



BS mentioned that new membership forms due to the new data protection act had been distributed and JC said she was waiting for the return of completed forms from Farnley.   RG said he had them for her.



AW reported that the balance was very healthy and similar to Summer 2017. 

Charity collection which included the coach trip raffle and one weeks raffle money from all the groups was £105. 

AW asked for a decision on the amount to be donated to the two charities. A unanimous vote was taken to award £200 to both charities, YAA and Carers Leeds. 

Coach trips made a loss of £65 (less than 2017). This includes two times £25 for the driver. A decision to continue with the same charges for coach trips was unaminously agreed. Expediture from club funds for the train to Whitby and entrance fee to Burnby Hall was -Train 44 x £2.80 = £123.20. Burnby Hall 47 x £4.10= £192.70.

JC said that the charity collections weren't "pushed" during the week.  BS advised that it was up to the individual committe members to inform the group



BS announced that there would be a Red Cross First Aid course after the meeting. He also said that the Napoleons Christmas dinner had been booked for 10th December 2018 at 12.30pm.

He reminded the group that names would be required for the October meeting if amyone does not wish to carry on as a committee member or management and that the names are also required if anyone wishes to take on any of the available roles.



JC asked if everyone waa happy to continue with the Morecambe trip and all agreed to continue going their as long as the Northern Rail offer/tokens were available.

No negative feedback was received for any of the wanders and everyone had enjoyed them all.

It was decided that walkers would only be able to receive a refund if they had to cancel a trip if the seat was sold to someone else. JC said there was a waiting list for the Whitby trip and everyone got on as there had been cancellations.

HH said that the Whitby trip was sold out before the Farnly group knew about it. JC pointed out that HH and RG knew about the trip from the last meeting and that 11 walkers from Farnley/Wortley had attended.

AW pointed out that at each meeting BS produced a list of the following programme's wanders so that all walk leaders and committee members had advance notice of them.

JC said that two people had already enquired about the Chester trip but that won't be organised until after the Selby trip.

MD suggested that on the normal Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday walks it would be a good idea to vary the walks by having "away days"  BT said this already happens on Farsley walks when the usual coffee stop is unavilable.

The wanders for the next programme are:

October - Ogden Water - Two walks

November - Hemsworth Water Park



Tetley's coaches for wanders. AW said Tetley's were becoming unreliable.  The 52 seater was "offroad" at the last minute so Angela organised a 51 seater with toilet.  She was then informed that only a 49 seater with toilet was avaliable. As this was short notice Tetley's offered to allow one person to sit on the "flying" seat at the front. AW felt this was unacceptable and not a proper seat.  AW asked if we should make enquires with an alternative coach company.   It was decided to obtain quotes for the September and October wanders so that these can be compared with the prices already obtained from Tetley's.   A decision will be made at the next meeting based on these prices.

MD asked if any had suggestions for future wanders. AB suggested the seaside and JC and BS said they already have a walk for Scarborough.

JC suggested that a small committee meet up again to discuss this as it was successful last year and this was agreed.

CS asked how we could celebrate the 15th aniversary of the walking group. AW asked if printed Tshirts would be welcome again to celebrate the anniversary but this was rejected and a party after the meeting was suggested. What to do to be decided at the next weeting.

RG said he had booked the Cornmill for Wednesday 19th December for up to 60.  Details are required in advance for vegetarian, vegan or salmon.

RG also asked if his worn backpack could be replaced by the club or if he should cover the cost himself. AW said that the walk leaders should not have to pay and MD had agreed to source the orange backpacks similar to the ones already in use.

HH has details of a company in Bramley who personalise these items

HH asked how much the subsidy would be to go towards the Christmas meals and AW said she saw no reason why the usual £10 would decrease.  A vote was taken and it was decided to continue with the £10 subsidy.

MD reminded the group that he had copies of the photo album and could people collect them asap.

MD thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 12.45.



Date of next meeting 

Friday 26th October 2018