
TAA manages the Council-owned allotment sites at:

Park Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 5NA
Wolsey Drive, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT2 5DP

We liaise with the Council, deal with issues of maintenance and oversee the leasing of plots. All plot holders are members of TAA and welcome to attend the AGM. A committee of plot holders meets several times a year to manage the sites and reports regularly to members.

You can find a copy of our constitution and our privacy policy here.

Kingston Horticultural Society (KHS)

Kingston Horticultural Society is a separate group which was founded over 75 years ago, to bring together local gardeners and allotment holders for mutual advice and support. It  offers:

  • A thriving social community, with tea and coffee mornings at the allotments
  • Social events and outings
  • Seasonal plant sales
  • The annual show
  • There is a shop a Park Road providing a range of gardening and allotment supplies, including tools, seeds, pots, canes, and composts

Link to KHS website

Kingston Federation of Allotment Gardeners (KFAG)

TAA is a member of Kingston Federation of Allotment Gardeners which exists to:

  • Promote and encourage allotment gardening in the borough of Kingston upon Thames
  • Provide information, support and advice to sites considering voluntary management of their allotments
  • Build relationships within and between the allotment sites so that ideas and experience can be shared

Link to KFAG website

Plotholder Etiquette & Need to Know


The Tudor Allotment Association (TAA) manages two allotment sites in North Kingston.  The sites at Park Road and Wolsey Drive are leased from the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames to whom we pay rent each year.

The TAA is run by a committee of plot holders (the Committee) and usually consists of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and site supervisors.

The TAA Annual General Meeting is usually held in April and all plot holders are welcome to attend.

The TAA is a member of the Kingston Federation of Allotment Gardeners.

Kingston Horticultural Society (KHS) is a separate organisation and runs shops on both sites

Committee Members
Chairperson: Paul Hay   
Secretary: Peter Brown            
Treasurer: Lynn Boyd        

Site Supervisors 
Park Road: Jim Turner and Jonny Hoare        
Wolsey Drive:    Julia Cork, Richard Post, Paul Hay & Chris Ridout    

Co-opted members       
Nathalie Ashbee


Under the terms of our RBK lease and TAA constitution:
  • You may use your plot for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers but these cannot be for commercial use.
  • You cannot keep livestock or bees on the site.
  • Prior agreement with the site supervisor must first be obtained before any structure is put on the plot. This includes temporary structures (small greenhouses, tunnels, fruit cages, tool chests and sheds etc.).
Each January you will receive a renewal letter for your plot/shed rent.  

Rents must be paid promptly. 

Plot holders at the Park Road site are responsible for the maintenance of sheds that they rent from TAA. Materials and tools for such maintenance will be provided by the site supervisors.

TAA is not responsible for private property brought on to the site by plot holders. 

Only members of the Committee can make representations to RBK Council on behalf of the TAA. 

A copy of the full TAA constitution is available on this website.

If you find you are unable to cope with your plot, please talk to the site supervisor. Likewise, if you decide to give up your plot, please tell the site supervisor as soon as possible so that the plot can be re-let; you do not have to wait until the end of the year.    
Plots cannot be transferred or sublet without the agreement of the Committee.

You are responsible for your own safety and that of others on either site.

The supply of water is at the discretion of the Committee. The supply is normally turned off during the winter months.

The Committee reserves the right to revise the conditions pertaining to the letting of plots, including re-measuring.


Please keep dogs on a lead at all times and do not let them foul paths or other plots.  Dogs that are not kept under control, or that act aggressively, will not be allowed on site.

Bonfires are not allowed between 1st April and 1st November. Please ensure that smoke will not affect other plot holders or neighbouring houses.
Between 1st November and 31st March, should you have a bonfire, please ensure that smoke will not affect other plot holders or neighbouring houses.  

Bonfires should only be lit on your plot, not on paths. They must always be extinguished before you leave the site.  
The preferred method of plant rubbish disposal is composting.  All other rubbish should be taken off site.

Please do not walk on other plots or borrow/take anything without the plot holders' prior approval.

Please make sure that children are supervised at all times and do not walk, run or play on other plots.

Please ensure that weeds do not go to seed and spread from your plot to other plots.  Horsetail is a perennial problem; do remove it as soon as possible after it appears.

Please cut back plants, bushes and trees that in any way impede the easy movement of plot holders and wheelbarrows along paths. Please do not otherwise block or obstruct paths or encroach upon them. 

Please keep paths clear of soil, cuttings, stones, etc. originating from your plot and do keep paths free from weeds.

Please take care when using sprays, weed killers, etc. that you do not spray other plots, some of which are organic.

Please take care not to shade other plots or neighbouring gardens with bushes, trees, bean sticks etc. NOTE; Permission needed for all structures.

Only fruit trees of a dwarf variety may be planted. All established trees must be regularly pruned.  Trees that excessively shade other plots or neighbouring gardens must be heavily pruned.

Please do not fix or grow anything up the boundary fences. Please keep all fences clear of earth and compost heaps.

Please make sure you close and lock gates whenever you enter and leave the site.
Plot Cultivation
Members agree to cultivate their allotment plot in such a manner as shall preserve its fertility, keep it tidy and free from weeds and rubbish and maintain it in a state of cultivation to the satisfaction of the association.

Allotments are offered provisionally for a three month trial period. During this time we monitor progress at the end of each month. If good progress is not made during these three months we may, at any time, end your trial period.

Neglected plots

1. If a plot is neglected weeds can quickly take hold and seed to other allotments. If the plot remains neglected for a long period of time it will require a great deal of effort to bring it back into cultivation with the removal of perennial weeds, couch grass etc.

2. There is a long waiting list for plots and neglected/uncultivated plots should be passed to others who wish to have an allotment.

3. If the plot is left uncultivated this may lead to a termination of tenancy in the following manner:

a) The Association will write or email the tenant giving them 28 days warning notice to improve their plot or risk losing their tenancy. They are invited to offer reasons for the condition of their plot.

b) The tenant may offer an explanation or appeal the warning within 14 days of the issuing of the warning notice to the site supervisor. In exceptional circumstances the Association may extend the period allowed for the plot to be brought into cultivation. Exceptional circumstances may be prolonged illness etc.

c) At the end of the notice period if it is the view of the Association committee that the plot is not up to reasonable standard, the tenancy will be terminated and allotment holders will be given a period of 14 days to remove their tools and other items from the plot.

There are certain circumstances when the Committee may ask you to leave TAA and vacate your plot. For example;
  • Your plot rent is not paid in full when it is due.
  • The Committee receives complaints from other plot holders regarding removal of their tools, produce etc.
  • There is deliberate interference with or damage to the water supply, boundary fences etc.
  • Your plot is neglected.
  • You dump waste/rubbish from your plot elsewhere on the site.
  • There is any conduct inimical to the best interests of other plot holders.
TAA normally operates a multi-stage warning and termination procedure except within the 3 month probationary period or when there have been previous warnings. 

Unless otherwise notified, you will have four weeks from the date of the termination letter to remove any produce, tools, temporary structures etc. that you wish to keep, from the plot. Anything left after that date will be disposed of by the Committee as they think fit.

When you leave TAA, for whatever reason, you must return your gate key. Your key deposit will be refunded.