Bowls Club - 01621 783091/07799883801
Womans Institute - 01621 772697 - Trish Taylor
Womans Bright Hour - 01621 772406 - Biddy Flack
Tennis Club - 01621 772764/772785
Operatic & Choral Society - 01621 784288
Dengie Hundred Flower Club - 01621 772266 - Jane or 01621 772355 - Mary
Founded to enable anyone with a love of flowers and plant material to learn how to create beautiful arrangements.At many of our meetings, we have a demonstrator who shows us how to design and make several different arrangements. At the end of the evening these arrangements are raffled off. We have an annual supper with entertainment to follow, and each year we choose a charity to receive a proportion of profits made from social activities. We are a jolly group, and you can be assured you will have a very entertaining and enjoyable evening. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, except January and August, in Steeple Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Fitsteps Health Walks - 07960 168859
Southminster St Leonards Football Club - 01621 853076 - Gordon Harvey