
Planning applications for Waverley Fields

1. Planning application, June 2022
2. Planning Appeal, January 2023
3. SOFRA AGM, 7th November 2023


1.    Planning application, June 2022

In June 2022, an outline planning application was submitted by Wates for the building of up to 146 houses on the fields in Waverley Lane.  This is now the fifth attempt by Wates to develop this site, all previous applications having been refused.  The decision on this proposal was delayed until November because the planning officer required more up-to-date information on the ecology aspect.  The case went before Waverley’s planning committee of councillors on the 9th November 2022, and the application was refused unanimously. 

There were three reasons given.    Apart from two technical reasons regarding lack of legal agreements for the provision of Suitable Alternative Green Space (SANG) and details on Affordable Housing, the main objection concerned the impact on the area.  To quote from the decision notice : “The proposal would involve a significant amount of housing on a location outside of the Built-Up Area Boundary and within an Area of High Landscape Value and Sensitivity, in conflict with the Spatial Strategy.  Due to the quantum of development proposed on a greenfield site, and the urbanising impact of development, the proposal would fail to enhance the landscape value or protect the intrinsic character and beauty of the Countryside.  Furthermore, the proposal would lead to the erosion of the landscape character. It has not been demonstrated that the proposal would enhance the landscape character”.   Policies that would be infringed included several from Waverley’s Local Plan, from the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan, from National Policy and from the Farnham Design Statement.     

Wates have six months from the date of refusal to lodge any appeal they wish to make. 


 2.    Planning Appeal January 2023

On 3rd January 2023, we were notified that Wates will appeal the Outline Refusal by Waverley Borough Council, as follows:



Proposed Development: Outline application for the erection of up to 146 dwellings (with all matters reserved except for access) together with the provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and other open space, parking, infrastructure and landscaping.

Waverley Reference: WA/2022/01621

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/R3650/W/22/3311941

Planning Inspectorate Case Officer Details: Alison Bell, PLANNING INSPECTORATE, TEMPLE QUAY HOUSE, 2 THE SQUARE, BRISTOL BS1 6PN.

Telephone: 0303 444 5279


Appellants Name: Asher Ross, Wates Development Ltd

An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against Waverley Borough Council.

WA/2022/01621 was OUTLINE REFUSAL on 11/11/2022.

An Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State under Paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 6 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to determine the above appeal.

The appeal will be determined on the basis of an Inquiry. This will be held on: 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st April 2023.

The Inquiry will be held at 10:00 AM at Waverley Borough Council Offices, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR and is expected to last 4 day(s).


 3. SOFRA AGM 7th November 2023


The South Farnham Residents’ Association held its Annual General Meeting on the 7th November, attended by over 150 local residents, several councillors and representatives of other residents’ associations in Farnham.    The two main topics on the agenda were the recent appeal decision to allow outline permission for the development of up to 146 houses on the fields in Waverley Lane, and Surrey County Council’s proposal for Walking and Cycling provision throughout Farnham.

 The Inspector’s decision on Waverley Lane came as a surprise to many, for a variety of reasons.  Whilst it is not possible to challenge the opinion of an Inspector once a decision has been given, it is possible to challenge the process whereby that decision has been made.    Farnham and Waverley Councils have requested leave to challenge the Waverley Lane decision in the High Court.  This request was lodged on the 14th August and  the response from the court is still awaited.

Proposals to improve the facilities for  Cycling and Walking within Farnham have reached the stage where projects have been put into priority order and the feasibility of each will now be assessed.  A full public consultation will be carried out once the results of this process are known.