News - Update on Planning Application for Waverley Fields


South Farnham Residents' Association (SOFRA) represents the views of local residents on public issues of common concern in order to preserve the unique character of the area.

South Farnham (Waverley) is a pleasant residential community of character family homes set in a semi rural location. The roads are lined with grass verges, mature trees and hedges creating a distinctive low density environment.

Areas of ancient woodland (listed on the Surrey Ancient Woodland Inventory) and hedgerows provide an important green lung for the town of Farnham and create a natural link between the town and countryside.

An integral part of our community are the three excellent schools as well as a highly regarded hospice and care home for the elderly.

Close by are the ancient ruins of Waverley Abbey, The North Downs Way, the river Wey and the Surrey Hills.

Matters and issues that the SOFRA Committee deal with on behalf of the membership include:

  • responding to significant planning applications;
  • reviewing and monitoring Parking policies and issue;
  • liaising with Councillors at Borough and County level;
  • conducting traffic surveys in order to study congestion and monitor air quality;
  • responding to government consultations at local, borough, county and national level.

SOFRA is a member of the National Organisation of Residents Associations, of which The Chairman is currently on the Main Committee. This provides the opportunity to meet Government Ministers and the Department of Communities and Local Government.