Membership Application Form

Join SOFRA: South Farnham Residents' Association




Membership costs £5.00 per annum per household running from October to the following September. To join SOFRA, please provide us with your details.


Name(s) and address

E-mail address

Telephone number

Do you have any special expertise which could be useful to SOFRA?

Please choose how you will pay your membership fee. You may pay by cheque/cash or you may pay by Faster Pay directly into SOFRA's bank account.

  • If paying by cheque or cash, please complete and print this Application for Membership form and deliver it with cheque/cash to:

    Membership Secretary
    Over Compton House
    Waverley Lane
    Farnham GU9 8BW

    Cheques should be made payable to 'South Farnham Residents' Association' and endorsed on the rear with your name and address.

  • If paying by Faster Pay, SOFRA's bank details are:

    Lloyds Bank
    Sort Code 30-93-20
    Account number 02311678

    In the reference field please put your house number and postal code.


Select payment method

If you wish, you may e-mail your completed form confirming you have paid by Faster Pay.

Press E-mail Form to send application by e-mail, press Print Form for a printed copy or press Clear Form to blank out the fields.

Thank you for contacting us. We will confirm your membership by e-mail.