Join SOFRA: South Farnham Residents' Association
Membership costs £5.00 per annum per household running from October to the following September. To join SOFRA, please provide us with your details.
Name(s) and address
E-mail address Telephone number
Do you have any special expertise which could be useful to SOFRA?
Please choose how you will pay your membership fee. You may pay by cheque/cash or you may pay by Faster Pay directly into SOFRA's bank account.
Membership Secretary Over Compton House Waverley Lane Farnham GU9 8BW
Cheques should be made payable to 'South Farnham Residents' Association' and endorsed on the rear with your name and address.
Lloyds Bank Sort Code 30-93-20 Account number 02311678
In the reference field please put your house number and postal code.
Select payment method Cheque/cash Faster Pay
If you wish, you may e-mail your completed form confirming you have paid by Faster Pay.