We are a registered charity (no 1109962).  We started the club in 2004.

The club  is run by a small group of people on a committee who take care of the day to day tasks. We have regular meetings to make decisions about the club.

Committee details
Chair - Suzy Foster 07976 245996   Suzy is the chair of the club and is the voice of the club.

Secretary, Welfare Officer and GDPR Officer

Sarah Jane Davies 07810867309

Sarah Jane organises our meetings, writes up the notes, and deals with any safeguarding issues.


Susan Perrin 07814 135565

Susan is the treasurer and looks after the money, collecting fees and paying invoices.  A monthly accounts statement is issued, and the accounts are independently examined once a year in line with the Charity Commission guidance.

Coach and venue bookings

Irene Small 02380 554351

Irene books the coaches and the sports halls so our activities can take place. 

IT developers

Mitchell Popiolek,  Matthew Jones

 Matthew Mitchell and Matthew look after our IT and social media accounts, adding to facebook, instagram and tiktok pages.  They have been working on updating our web site.


Sandra Atkins, Dave Atkins

  Sandra and Dave help out with events, cooking, creating quizzes.  Dave organises the review and updating of our policies. 
Club representatives: James Perrin, Luke Jones, Kevin Small   James, Luke and Kevin represent the members and the committee takes their views into account when deciding on events, sports and social activities.